Dec 3, 2024 at 7:17 AM Post #196 of 856
I received mine over the weekend, to be used as a closed back alternative to my HD800S. I agree that they were a bit harsh out of the box. However, I left them playing overnight and they are mellowing out nicely. I suspect that after about 200 hours they will sound even better (my experience with most equipment - especially headphones).

I disagree about them not holding a candle to the HD800S though. While still not as smooth as the HD800S, the Noire X is already very spacious and layered, with excellent separation.

Don't miss your return window if the total package isn't to your liking. But have patience for them to bur

Thought magnetic planar magnetics didn't have parts that loose or settle? How would you feel it changed?

btw, got my noire x yesterday! Hmmm, compared to the bokehs atleast, this pushes clarity over musicality. Soundstage to me is bigger on certain tracks, but I do miss the warmness at times, to me noire x is also more comfortable and the ear pads are just the right size no constant adjustments in comparison to bokehs, will go more in depth later as how both sound profiles compare, for now, bokeh’s make me dance, noire x makes me attentive to details with excellent imaging, yet a bit less organic compared to the bokehs. Ive been coupling it with a couple of sources. Cayin ha 2a for tubes, it def pushes a bit of musicality into the noire x, bass gets tighter, midrange lushier and overall a bit more musical, through the neo idsd 2, very neutral, maybe a tad romantic, just a bit. Woth my portable setup, which includes an astell&kern SE300 in conjunction to an astell&kern PA10, settings on high current, sounds authorative, less than a desktop amp, but it still sounds pretty full and with authority, class a also warms it up a bit.
Dec 3, 2024 at 12:20 PM Post #198 of 856
I think that's exactly why EQ is such a useful tool, whatever cans you're using.
It's useful for sure, but it also can't solve all problems. For example, while you can reduce a peak from constructive standing waves PEQ can't do much of anything about holes from destructive resonances. Standing waves are more of an issue for closed headphones, as well.
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@funCANS MrSpeakers
Dec 3, 2024 at 12:24 PM Post #199 of 856
It's useful for sure, but it also can't solve all problems. For example, while you can reduce a peak from constructive standing waves PEQ can't do much of anything about holes from destructive resonances. Standing waves are more of an issue for closed headphones, as well.
I’m not technically qualified in that area, however what I do know is the music through my headphones sounds better if I use it and that’s all I’m looking for at the end of the day.
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Dec 3, 2024 at 7:24 PM Post #200 of 856
Awesome headphones. I don’t know how to put value in a dollar for performance as I find a lot of audio gear a bit overpriced. With that said if I were to compare the noire x to the e3 -> stealth I don’t understand the cost difference. I know the e3 and stealth each have technically less distortion, but as far as clarity and detail that a person can hear the noire easily matches them. Just great clarity, clean bass and dynamics. I want an open back version of this.

Then in terms of build the noire x is way better than the e3. Stealth and expanse are definitely top tier. Noire x has slightly smaller cups but even with my big ears the general fit is the same. The other benefit of this size is it no longer puts pressure in a weird spot on my jaw. Continue with this design trend. The e3 look cheap in comparison. I know headphones are about sound but if you are spending 1k+ on something it should look and feel premium.

Some side notes to transition from the talk of premium price. These are not deal killers but small things that irk me:

1. The protective insert is now just a piece of foam. Not like the nicely fitted ones in the e3 and up.

2. I’ll die on this hill but any 1k headphone should come with the top tier cable. I really like the vivo cables and IMHO on a kilobuck headphone it should be included. The included one maybe isn’t hifiman / focal bad but I don’t think the cable matches the quality of the headphone build itself.

the above is just because it starts to feel like things are being nickel and dimed on an expensive pair of headphones.

On hand the only comparisons I have to make are the e3(sounds almost identical if not better because of the more consistent fit), mdr-Z1r and dt 1990 mk2. Those last 2 are just totally different headphones which makes comparisons hard and need more time.
Dec 3, 2024 at 11:13 PM Post #201 of 856
Not sure if this is cool to post this here or not, but I received the noire x a few days ago, and it’s not really my preferred sound signature, so I have one for sale, will be making an ad tonight. Otherwise send me message if at all interested.
Dec 3, 2024 at 11:40 PM Post #202 of 856
Not sure if this is cool to post this here or not, but I received the noire x a few days ago, and it’s not really my preferred sound signature, so I have one for sale, will be making an ad tonight. Otherwise send me message if at all interested.

Yes, it’s cool to post this here. It’s not like you’re posting it as a for sale ad. You’re just letting people that are interested in this headphone know that you’ve got one for sale.

You should create a classified ad for it for sure.
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Dec 4, 2024 at 1:48 AM Post #203 of 856
Yes, it’s cool to post this here. It’s not like you’re posting it as a for sale ad. You’re just letting people that are interested in this headphone know that you’ve got one for sale.

You should create a classified ad for it for sure.
Ok cool thank you, some places are diff or will get kinda pissy when people do that an post in the wrong area, so just wanted to make sure!
Dec 4, 2024 at 3:13 AM Post #204 of 856
Honestly, it seems like DCA basically sorted out my issues with the original Noire's, fixing the pad deformation with new design and increasing their dynamics. I found the sound pretty much perfect for my tastes otherwise...and any increase in apparent soundstage is an even bigger plus!

I don't know the technical possibilities, but I imagine if they can work to make their planars more sensitive and easier to drive, thats the last pin to really knock down.

Trying to find a reason to not get these :thinking:
Dec 4, 2024 at 4:21 AM Post #205 of 856
Yes, the dynamics have increased a lot more and the low end is much tighter now....compared to Stealth and E3
Finally a model that can really attack in the low end and doesn't sound so softened in the low end
The Noire X has a kind of hardness in the bass now that I always missed with the two others
A real improvement in my opinion👍👍

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Dec 4, 2024 at 4:40 AM Post #207 of 856
Seeing all the disappointments and returns here’s a piece of advice for anyone else looking at this thread.

Don’t fall for all the nice words from people who got the headphones for free - review or otherwise. You can easily make out who this is when you see the same person praise the headphones over and over on every page of this thread. Wait for real user opinions before spending hard-earned money.

I wish there was a policy on this forum that enforced all reviewers/people who get free/discounted products to have clear disclaimers also in the forum threads. Otherwise it could be misleading for others who are looking.
Dec 4, 2024 at 5:03 AM Post #208 of 856
Seeing all the disappointments and returns here’s a piece of advice for anyone else looking at this thread.

Don’t fall for all the nice words from people who got the headphones for free - review or otherwise. You can easily make out who this is when you see the same person praise the headphones over and over on every page of this thread. Wait for real user opinions before spending hard-earned money.

I wish there was a policy on this forum that enforced all reviewers/people who get free/discounted products to have clear disclaimers also in the forum threads. Otherwise it could be misleading for others who are looking.

Unfortunately I also still have to wait until my dealer gets it so that I can buy my personal model there 👍





(The sample unit has to be sent back again)


PS.I don't need any gifts 😉
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Dec 4, 2024 at 5:06 AM Post #209 of 856
How is the Noire X doing in soundstage departament? Are the hights a bit sharp, like in Arya Organic?

It's not the biggest, but as with Stealth & E3 the localization and speration between the voices and instruments is actually ahead of all others 👍
(How Dan Clark always manages to do that with a closed back is a real mystery to me)


PS.Bright yes but not shrill/harsh like the Arya Organic😎
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Dec 4, 2024 at 5:28 AM Post #210 of 856
Seeing all the disappointments and returns here’s a piece of advice for anyone else looking at this thread.

Don’t fall for all the nice words from people who got the headphones for free - review or otherwise. You can easily make out who this is when you see the same person praise the headphones over and over on every page of this thread. Wait for real user opinions before spending hard-earned money.

I wish there was a policy on this forum that enforced all reviewers/people who get free/discounted products to have clear disclaimers also in the forum threads. Otherwise it could be misleading for others who are looking.
That goes for all headphones tbh. I don’t trust reviewers unless they provide objective data like a proper frequency response and thoughtful notions on build quality. Otherwise it’s the wild west in this hobby.
I know many on here think of frequency response as either some kind of nonsensical hokus pokus or a thing that diminishes the magic of the headphone, but once you wrap your head around how they work and how different frequencies sound when either boosted or lowered, you end up with a far better batting average.
Out of all the guys I know that came into the hobby at around the same time I did, something like 95% now can decipher a frequency response. It’s not that we go for the same sound signatures - no no no, there are Grado, ZMF, Sennheiser and Hifiman fans amongst us - but we now know what to look for when we see a proper chart of X headphone. The result being that we don’t buy headphones in the dark anymore and we don’t send them back unless there is something genuinely funky going on with the comfort or build. Those last 5% still go about their business as the rest of us did when we started out; watching and reading reviews upon reviews with no real information other than hyperboles and people swooning about things they can’t really explain or prove. Most of them have a tendency to hype up products by the price and looks - meaning the more expensive and luxurious looking the headphone is, the better it must be…which is a load of nonsense.
The best way of ensuring you a proper footing in this hobby is to learn about a) your own preferences sound wise and b) how these look over a proper frequency response. Fairly simple.
I see way too many members of the hobby buying headphones that go completely against their own tastes…yet try telling them that on the basis of objective data..and they throw a fit. A couple of weeks later though when the honeymoon has died down, the headphone suddenly appears in the classifieds ninja-style.

I bought the Noire X based on 2 observations: I have already owned a couple of Aeons before and the comfort and build quality is immaculate. Secondly, the frequency response shows a very smooth and controlled headphone that honestly more resembles something you’d find over an open design, and luckily so also seems to match my sound preference perfectly.

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