I received mine over the weekend, to be used as a closed back alternative to my HD800S. I agree that they were a bit harsh out of the box. However, I left them playing overnight and they are mellowing out nicely. I suspect that after about 200 hours they will sound even better (my experience with most equipment - especially headphones).
I disagree about them not holding a candle to the HD800S though. While still not as smooth as the HD800S, the Noire X is already very spacious and layered, with excellent separation.
Don't miss your return window if the total package isn't to your liking. But have patience for them to bur
Thought magnetic planar magnetics didn't have parts that loose or settle? How would you feel it changed?
btw, got my noire x yesterday! Hmmm, compared to the bokehs atleast, this pushes clarity over musicality. Soundstage to me is bigger on certain tracks, but I do miss the warmness at times, to me noire x is also more comfortable and the ear pads are just the right size no constant adjustments in comparison to bokehs, will go more in depth later as how both sound profiles compare, for now, bokeh’s make me dance, noire x makes me attentive to details with excellent imaging, yet a bit less organic compared to the bokehs. Ive been coupling it with a couple of sources. Cayin ha 2a for tubes, it def pushes a bit of musicality into the noire x, bass gets tighter, midrange lushier and overall a bit more musical, through the neo idsd 2, very neutral, maybe a tad romantic, just a bit. Woth my portable setup, which includes an astell&kern SE300 in conjunction to an astell&kern PA10, settings on high current, sounds authorative, less than a desktop amp, but it still sounds pretty full and with authority, class a also warms it up a bit.