Introducing Lotoo PAW Gold
Apr 15, 2016 at 3:11 AM Post #2,087 of 4,770
Apr 16, 2016 at 6:22 AM Post #2,090 of 4,770
Stupid question..I'm just little concerned the gold parts of the player might fade after some time as it is plating only....has anyone noticed or experienced wearing off the gold color?
I haven't seen anyone complaining as I know the quality of the player is top notch however just concerned that's all.
Apr 16, 2016 at 10:47 AM Post #2,092 of 4,770
  One factual question: I seem to recall LPG did not originally have gapless playback. Has this been addressed with a firmware update?

It really was a problem when I first bought the LPG but they greatly fixed it. It is "pretty darn good" now, if not quite iPod perfect.
I can say this. In my nostalgic moments, I can be a bit of a progrock dinosaur, i.e. I listen to classic concept albums where the songs flow into each other. The LPG is fine. The miniscule stutter does not diminish the experience for me.
Apr 16, 2016 at 11:45 AM Post #2,093 of 4,770
It really was a problem when I first bought the LPG but they greatly fixed it. It is "pretty darn good" now, if not quite iPod perfect.
I can say this. In my nostalgic moments, I can be a bit of a progrock dinosaur, i.e. I listen to classic concept albums where the songs flow into each other. The LPG is fine. The miniscule stutter does not diminish the experience for me.

Ok, thanks for clarifying that.
Apr 16, 2016 at 12:08 PM Post #2,094 of 4,770

Stupid question..I'm just little concerned the gold parts of the player might fade after some time as it is plating only....has anyone noticed or experienced wearing off the gold color?

I haven't seen anyone complaining as I know the quality of the player is top notch however just concerned that's all.


I don't think the 24K gold plating will fade away.
Not on this player.The plating looks professional done to me.
Apr 16, 2016 at 12:38 PM Post #2,097 of 4,770
thanks musicday can you clarify the following:
which has the better soundstage
clarity of instrument separtion
vocal clarity male and female
can both work well with all headphones and iems
i know tera only takes wav is this a minus
amp wise which is the more powerful
many thanks spitfire.
Apr 16, 2016 at 1:02 PM Post #2,098 of 4,770
Hi Spitfire, to try to answer your questions as best as i can:
I found the soundstage on the Tera Player to be wider and more realistic because the sound is organic, and has a very black background. Lotoo is no far behind in terms of the stage but i find the sound digital compared to Tera Player.
Again vocal and clarity is better on the Tera due to the natural sound reproduction, so is like vinyl vs cd.
The Tera Player does not work well with all the headphones or iems because of the high 10 and 20 ohm output, nor Lotoo is just finding the best pair who offer maximum synergy.
Lotoo Paw Gold is one of the most powerful music player out with 500 mW @32 ohm.
So Tera Player will be weak in this comparison.
Keep in mind that the sound,achieved in my above description is with own modified Korta Pro headphones.
People say Ref1 and Plus5 work even better with the Tera but i have never tried.
So this package is truly pocketable only 80 gr and 15+ hours battery life.

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