IMR RAH - Discussion / Impressions Thread

Jan 26, 2020 at 6:08 PM Post #1,891 of 3,340
I believe Bob wrote in an email that the quantity of the special builds has been reduced to 100 units each, since that is more realistic. So Semper could only be 75 or 50 units, since it was planned to be less than the other R3 models from the beginning.
Yeh was just thinking about it. As ,from what i understand from chat with Bob, it should be upgrade from Rah and Halcyon. How many will be interested paying that much. Apart from me of course haha.
Jan 26, 2020 at 6:15 PM Post #1,892 of 3,340
These cables :grinning:
double helix cables clone silver
The craftsmanship is amazing.


@kdphan how much does it cost this clone?
Jan 26, 2020 at 6:24 PM Post #1,893 of 3,340
Yeh was just thinking about it. As ,from what i understand from chat with Bob, it should be upgrade from Rah and Halcyon. How many will be interested paying that much. Apart from me of course haha.
Well, I'm definitely interested in giving Bob more money for a straight upgrade from the Rah :ksc75smile:
But i have to save up for it, need to hold back with buying more gear until then...

What do you think about the R3 Phase? Can that one be different or better enough to buy it?
Jan 27, 2020 at 2:34 AM Post #1,895 of 3,340
Well, I'm definitely interested in giving Bob more money for a straight upgrade from the Rah :ksc75smile:
But i have to save up for it, need to hold back with buying more gear until then...

What do you think about the R3 Phase? Can that one be different or better enough to buy it?
Bob said it will be a different beast to Rah. It will be more like Aten. With better clarity and should extend lower.
Just read Bobs Q/A about Phase in R3 thread.
Jan 27, 2020 at 3:17 AM Post #1,896 of 3,340
Yeah, a planar should have better mids. It is not the same tech. I highly doubt it can be considered an upgrade.
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Jan 27, 2020 at 2:43 PM Post #1,898 of 3,340
Got my ticket for CanJam !
Jan 27, 2020 at 3:02 PM Post #1,899 of 3,340
Bollocks! Was about to buy tickets to Canjam London. And just realised the date is only a week apart from when my baby daughter is coming out to see the world.

Why cant i ever have 2 good things at once..!
There will be another CanJam, there will be the next TOTL IEM
But there will NEVER be another daughter beautifully, wonderfully and uniquely created like the one that is coming! Congrats!
Jan 27, 2020 at 5:28 PM Post #1,900 of 3,340
@holsen thanks. I was not serious of course.

BTW rocking Advanced Purist Rom from Fidelizer. and it is unbelievable! not regreting spending $100 not even for a second. it is just amazing. Fidelizer did such a good job i actually went and upgraded from Signature to Ultimate Mod for my amp8 lol. if he can do this with software. i trust my money to sort hardware too.
Jan 27, 2020 at 6:08 PM Post #1,901 of 3,340
@holsen thanks. I was not serious of course.

BTW rocking Advanced Purist Rom from Fidelizer. and it is unbelievable! not regreting spending $100 not even for a second. it is just amazing. Fidelizer did such a good job i actually went and upgraded from Signature to Ultimate Mod for my amp8 lol. if he can do this with software. i trust my money to sort hardware too.

I put the Advanced ROM on my DX160 today, but only had a brief listen. Definitely sounds better, I feel no need to use EQ anymore. Much cleaner, balanced sound.
Jan 27, 2020 at 6:11 PM Post #1,902 of 3,340
Jan 27, 2020 at 6:13 PM Post #1,903 of 3,340
Yeh just dont make mistake like me listening on mango os lol. Did that for free version as mango os sounded better then stock android. Then in ibasso thread i noticed that people say purist rom only properly works in android and was impressed when switched to android. It was so much better. Then i got advanced rom and the improvement was better the from stock to free rom. Amazing
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Jan 27, 2020 at 8:29 PM Post #1,905 of 3,340
Since my RAH's are gone for a bit, I'm listening mainly to the R2 again... it's interesting how balanced the RAH's sound in comparison, with ~150 hours on them.
And I have to admit, that I'm loving the stupendous amounts of bass once again. The RAH, I feel like, is the better IEM regarding stage, detail and seperation, vocals, sibilance, ect...
but with the Blue/Gold Filter on the Atens - let's say it fully satisfies a bass-heads needs.
Can't wait for the Phase, it's pretty exciting to think about 2 of those 15mm beasts in one chassis.

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