Improving Bass on ER6 + Sony MZN10 + Airhead Amp
Aug 13, 2003 at 9:40 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 30, 2001

I got a pair of ER6, a Sony MZN10 portable MD and a Airhead amp, a couple of monts ago.

It sounds ok, but i find the treble a bit too bright and a lack of bass. The treble issue is partially overcome by adjusting EQ levels on the MD depending on the recording, but the Bass is not.

I use the silicon buds that came with the ER6, which I thing seal pretty well in my ears, but then again these are the only canal earphones I ever used.

What would be the path to follow in order to acheive a fuller bass?

- A new amp? maybe a porta corda? (I'm in the London,UK, so the porta corda would be easier to get than shipping from the US I think)

- Custom shaped buds for the ER6? Problem is, I don't where to get this done arroud here.

Aug 13, 2003 at 9:44 AM Post #2 of 12
i love the bass on the er-6s but i seem to be the minority in this regard. i think you'd probably be better served upgrading your headphones. i haven't tried any other canal phones so i'm not sure i can help you there.

but i do love them portapros. (don't know how available they are in your neck of the woods though)
Aug 13, 2003 at 10:04 AM Post #3 of 12
Thing is I just got the ER6's and really need the noise insulation, so I'm not considering Sporta pro's etc (already have a pair of beyer dt250)

Also I particularly like the definition of the ER6.

Plus I'm not sure there are canal earphones with more bass than the er6 for the same money.
Aug 13, 2003 at 10:11 AM Post #4 of 12
try the foamies yet?
Aug 13, 2003 at 10:23 PM Post #6 of 12
Okay, if the silicone tips provided better bass, it could be that airhead. Most likely though your Ety's may need more break in time. I've had the ER-6 for over a year and the bass always seemed a bit shy. It did get a little better after a long while, but it got much better after I switched to the Mint Meta amp from the total airhead. After changing amps I noticed that I no longer needed the EQ adjustments I had been running on my SlimX.

The bass is never going to be that of a full size headphone, but it can be good.
Aug 14, 2003 at 1:49 AM Post #7 of 12
With my Sharp DR-7, NO external amp and my ER-6 earphones, the bass is ALL there - even at flat EQ. If I add bass boost on level 1/3 its even more bass- nice and crisp. Any higher and I have too much bass, frankly.

But if I can get bass on the ER-6, with an un-amped DR-7 and no bass boost, then the earphones are not the problem.

One possibility - you're using a Sony Minidisc as your source. I've had them before and they are always a bit lame where bass in concerened. Clear sound, no doubt, but the bass was always not quite there.

Second possibility - your recording method. In my experience, analog dubs are hard to get good, tight bass with. In contrast I get very good bass on MD that I copy optically from CD. If you're copying analong material (eg old cassette tapes), you may just have to live with the lack of bass. But if you're copying digital material (eg CD's) you should be able tog get very crisp bass when you do optical dubs.

Also, one final thing. Supposedly Ety themselves say that the custom molds do distort your sound a bit. They fit more comfortably, but obviously each custom mold is different and the sound path unique. But yet the earphones are designed to provide their stated frequency response with specific standard tip.
So there may be something lost in there too.
Also, BTW, I use foam tips only on the ER-6. The plastic ones ithced like hell and they always felt like there was too much pressure. if the fit isn't right, I don't see how the seal or the sound would be right either.
Aug 15, 2003 at 8:01 AM Post #8 of 12
It could also be that the shape of your ear canals provide a better seal than mine hence providing better bass. Seal quality will be probably the most important factor for a good bass performance.

I too record digitally from cd or MP3 transfer via PC.

Has anyone tried the porta corda in this sort of setup?
How does it compare with the Airhead?

Aug 15, 2003 at 8:04 AM Post #9 of 12
Filipe, i see you live in London.... so is your n10 UK verson? because the UK verson has very limited headphone-output. unless your using your amp wit line out, im not sure if the line-out is limited or not
Aug 15, 2003 at 9:27 AM Post #10 of 12

Originally posted by ProFingerSk8er
Filipe, i see you live in London.... so is your n10 UK verson? because the UK verson has very limited headphone-output. unless your using your amp wit line out, im not sure if the line-out is limited or not

the fact the the n10's amp is limited is reduntant as i'm using another amp.
there is no line out in the n10, hence its connected from the headphones socket.
Aug 15, 2003 at 10:51 AM Post #11 of 12
acutally there is line-out on the n10,
go to Menu > useful > audio out > line out
Aug 15, 2003 at 4:12 PM Post #12 of 12

Originally posted by ProFingerSk8er
acutally there is line-out on the n10,
go to Menu > useful > audio out > line out

Thanks, that did help a bit, downside is that i lost the ability to use the remote control...

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