Hi Peter, this general subject has come up recently in several threads. I believe the consensus among head-fi mods is that members should not carry on public discussions concening Koji's pricing strategies (or those of any other vendor for that matter) which would reveal information that would not otherwise be of public knowledge.
Having said that, I can also say that I've dealt with Koji on two occasions now and am a very satisfied customer - both in terms of his pricing and his communication/service. He is very straight-forward and honest in his dealings as you will see if you look at his feedback under the buy/sell sub-forum. Feel free to PM me for any further impressions.
Oh, the other thing! My R-10's are new and per Koji, the delay was supposed to be about 2 months (as I understand it, Sony makes them on an order by order basis), but the whole process has taken less than 1 month! The money was sent on May 27th, the R-10s were in Koji's hands on June 17th, and will be on my head some time next week!