Import duty in the US on headphones?
Jun 18, 2003 at 10:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


President treasurer secretary and sole member of the Cayman Islands Head-Fi Club.
Nov 29, 2002
Is there an import duty on headphones shipped from Japan to the US?
Koji at EIFL reports that my R10's are in hand and ready to be shipped!
Is Uncle Sam going to hit me with a 10% import duty?
Jun 19, 2003 at 6:18 PM Post #2 of 16

Has anyone been charged US import duty on items shipped from Audio Cubes, EIFL, or Meier Audio?

Jun 19, 2003 at 6:47 PM Post #4 of 16
Like Dark Clouds said, he charges for the fees upfront, and therefore they should arrive at your door without any additional charges. Mine are sitting in CA right now and no one had to pay anything when they arrived from EIFL. Now if I can just get them to me here........
Jun 19, 2003 at 6:55 PM Post #6 of 16

Originally posted by darkclouds
Hey Doug,

I wouldn't mind holding on to your Omega II for you til you can have them picked up.


I already got like three offers to "try out" my KGSS if it gets done with enough time to have someone listen to it before it gets packed to come down here.

Let me see if I can work out sending it to you. It is at my in-laws right now, and I am not sure how long I have before it gets sent down. There are two groups coming down, the first one is much larger and might be the only option. That would mean the 1st or 2nd of July, so we'd be cutting it kind of close.

Would you be willing to overnight it back to CA IF this works out?
Jun 20, 2003 at 4:58 PM Post #8 of 16
I used to be a customs broker back in the days... I don't remember much, but I do remember how to look up duty rates! The good news is that you won't get hit with a 10% duty, but the bad news is that you'll be hit with a 4.9% duty for headphones- the harmonized tariff code is 8518.30.2000. You'll need this if you have to fill out the customs paperwork!
Jun 20, 2003 at 6:09 PM Post #9 of 16
Thanks Drewski! I didn't have to pay anything when I got my Omega II's from Koji or my RKV from Jan Meier. Perhaps this one will slip past the radar detection too?
Jun 20, 2003 at 11:25 PM Post #11 of 16
Hi Peter, this general subject has come up recently in several threads. I believe the consensus among head-fi mods is that members should not carry on public discussions concening Koji's pricing strategies (or those of any other vendor for that matter) which would reveal information that would not otherwise be of public knowledge.

Having said that, I can also say that I've dealt with Koji on two occasions now and am a very satisfied customer - both in terms of his pricing and his communication/service. He is very straight-forward and honest in his dealings as you will see if you look at his feedback under the buy/sell sub-forum. Feel free to PM me for any further impressions.

Oh, the other thing! My R-10's are new and per Koji, the delay was supposed to be about 2 months (as I understand it, Sony makes them on an order by order basis), but the whole process has taken less than 1 month! The money was sent on May 27th, the R-10s were in Koji's hands on June 17th, and will be on my head some time next week!
Jun 21, 2003 at 5:02 AM Post #13 of 16
Here you go:

EIFL Corporation (ask for Koji)

The email address is towards the bottom of the page. Koji can find most Japanese electronic products for you and will negotiate a reasonable price. The Sony R-10's, for example, are not shown on the website but he has sold them to several head-fi members.
Jun 21, 2003 at 6:00 AM Post #14 of 16

Originally posted by Wmcmanus

Has anyone been charged US import duty on items shipped from Audio Cubes, EIFL, or Meier Audio?


When I received my Meier amp, the USPS had to collect $17.00 from me, per order of the U.S. Customs Service. I did not know that I would have to pay this, and I do not blame Meier Audio. I assumed it was for tax purposes
Jun 21, 2003 at 6:24 AM Post #15 of 16
audiocubes mark their packages as gift items to avoide tax

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