People need to stop comparing imods to anything other than daps. Of all daps, I think it is the best because it has ipod functionality ( alac+tunes) with almost the best sound quality out there for a dap, OR it could be a power user's toy (rockbox +flac +eq), and sound good.
may be other daps that no one knows about but sounds better than an imod, but then again it's probably hard to use.
Buy and imod if you like a hdd dap for what it is and can afford to pay that much to max it out.
If you are like me and can stand carrying cd's or don't need a thousand songs, buying a pcdp would cost much less, sound much much better (even the low end ones like sonys d33 and d35 etc...)
Granted there
are dumb home cd players that somehow manage to stray from good design enough to be bested by an imod, but then if you put it into perspective... It probably would be bested by anything other than an imod too...
-Some people want the best sound quality no matter what. A good pcdp is the answer.
-Some people want the best sound quality and good capacity, and or ease of use. iMod is the answer
-Some people think the imod is up there with the regas etc. These people are not yet finished with their imod honeymoon and/or have some kind of love affair with red wine audio and feel the need to exaggerate the merits of their player just to boost their ego, and or stave off upgradites for a bit longer even if they honestly realized the imod is still just an ipod.
I owned an imod, loved it, then after the honeymoon was over I sold it because I realized the truth. I don't go hypnotizing myself and others into thinking it is stellar because my 18 dollar shipped D35 destroys it.
Why am I kind of irritated? Because there are so many chances for people to invest in fine portable or home sources but are instead swayed into thinking an ipod is the answer for them because it sounds better than whatever they would have bought otherwise. Then they feel part of the community and feel the need to further the hype.
Pyramid scheme anyone?