IEM under $100 that spanks Monster Turbine?
Dec 11, 2009 at 9:39 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Headphoneus Supremus
May 2, 2009
I'm looking for an IEM under $100 that beats MTs in all aspects (e.g. isolation, bass, mid range, treble, price, sound stage, etc.). Is there anything out there that fits this bill? S4 or CKS70 perhaps?

I also own Nuforce NE-7Ms and Meelectronics AI-M9s and IMO, they do not.

Comments appreciated.
Dec 11, 2009 at 9:57 AM Post #2 of 6
you know what? you will probably get lots of gobbletygook in response, but unless you subscribe to the ideal that monster cannot make anything good, the options are mostly trade-offs. the only thing I cannot stand about the Turbine is the cable. Otherwise, it is a great-sounding, if bassy earphone. Despite being low-end heavy, it remains well balanced and smooth when in frequency changes. I have had a lot of sub 100$ earphones and I cannot recommend one against the MT for everything.
Dec 11, 2009 at 10:14 AM Post #3 of 6
Yes, either CKS70 or S4
Dec 11, 2009 at 10:17 AM Post #4 of 6
Maximo IM-590..totally spanks the turbine and even the turbine pro in my book.

edit: well atleast it beat the prototype turbine pro i compared them against. I must add the maximos were brand new while the turbines had been burned in .
Dec 11, 2009 at 2:03 PM Post #5 of 6
I owned the MTB and am now using the CKS70 which I find for my purposes much better. I started an appreciation thread for them with my impression of both IEM's plus DTKZ has a great multy IEM review called Bass ahoy that includes both IEM's. They can be bought from for under $100 shipped. I have actually sold off my Klipsch, MTB, and ES7 because I liked them enough I felt I didn't need those other IEM's anymore.
Dec 11, 2009 at 7:33 PM Post #6 of 6
Thanks for the replies. The CKS70s are really tempting me (I like the specs). Might give those a shot with some upcoming Christmas money.

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