IEM for metal music and hard rock - ultimate solution

Jan 19, 2025 at 4:30 PM Post #2,176 of 2,193
Is Maven2 suitable for heavy, fast music?
I've tested the Maven 2 with hard rock and wasn't a huge fan. It lacked bass quantity for me - it has excellent quality bass, but it's a bit shy for my preference. The Alter Ego, although a bit more $ was superior in nearly every way.
Jan 19, 2025 at 5:03 PM Post #2,178 of 2,193
Best I’ve heard is the lcdi4. If you’d call it an item. It’s uber fast
Jan 19, 2025 at 5:07 PM Post #2,179 of 2,193
Guys who like technical death metal, metal core, death metal, trash metal... what's your favorite iem?
Origin all the way, 2nd place, Prismatica.
Jan 20, 2025 at 2:35 AM Post #2,181 of 2,193
Guys who like technical death metal, metal core, death metal, trash metal... what's your favorite iem?
My favorite IEM is the AuR Audio Aehta. It is really good for rock, progressive, and all metal.
Jan 20, 2025 at 6:23 AM Post #2,183 of 2,193
Guys who like technical death metal, metal core, death metal, trash metal... what's your favorite iem?
The OG Mangird Tea, I still remember it as a beast for very technical death like First Fragment. Instrument separation was clinical.
Jan 20, 2025 at 10:22 AM Post #2,185 of 2,193
Anybody tried Rn6, Clara, Mest3, Xe6, Perpetua for this progressive rock and metal.
I've listened to the Xe6 for metal - Monuments, Veil of Maya, Periphery, Angle Vivaldi, Plini, etc...first and foremost, they'll shake your fillings loose with authoritative bass. The bass is pretty amazing but I can see that it may be too much for some. The mids don't get lost in the bass though, the vocals come through well, the guitars are presented with full detail, treble is nice, clean, and incisive. I'm looking forward to spending some more time with them at CJ NYC. I'm very curious about the Claras too.
Jan 20, 2025 at 10:51 AM Post #2,186 of 2,193
My favs are rn6 > ie900> fh9 at the moment
I've listened to the Xe6 for metal - Monuments, Veil of Maya, Periphery, Angle Vivaldi, Plini, etc...first and foremost, they'll shake your fillings loose with authoritative bass. The bass is pretty amazing but I can see that it may be too much for some. The mids don't get lost in the bass though, the vocals come through well, the guitars are presented with full detail, treble is nice, clean, and incisive. I'm looking forward to spending some more time with them at CJ NYC. I'm very curious about the Claras too.
Need try xenon6 and kr5
Jan 20, 2025 at 11:26 AM Post #2,189 of 2,193
I wrote it already...up .. read

I use xe6 ciem for many genres

given a very analogue sound and a not-so-wide soundstage , and a 'textured solid brick' like bass.., for my ears tech metal or prog really isn't their fav choice

They fare well for 80, 90, eletronic, edm, jazz, atmospheric, world rap classical solos analogue/acoustic like music...etc..
Not in particular for metal IMO

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