iDAC2. Calling 5 Head-Fi'ers. A litte surprise. (page 37)

Mar 26, 2016 at 7:00 PM Post #692 of 781
  Have you upgraded to the 5.1 firmware? That will make it even more awesome!!

I have found some info on iFi website, I will study that, thanks a lot.
Are you coming from <5.1? What practical differences do you experience what makes it "even more awesome"? 
Any pointers as to how to update the firmware. Thanks in advance.
Here and here

Apr 1, 2016 at 9:06 AM Post #694 of 781
Have you also purchased a Mercury & Gemini cable? I found the Mercury cable in my setup to be a big step up from cheaper cables.

Ok you win :). Had a fair chunk of birthday money and went for the Gemini and yes it does make a significant difference. I really did not think there would be.

There is now no noise at all except the music. Just inky blackness around the notes. More clarity and timbre.

The texture of the notes is even more pronounced and separation exquisite.

Very very nice. I may try a Mercury from computer to iusb 3 but am more sold on the idea that the Gemini makes a difference did to separating out the power and data.

Overall though I am delighted with a full ifi set up and will now much back and enjoy listening to a lot of music...
Apr 11, 2016 at 10:36 AM Post #695 of 781
Hi everybody,
Just a quick question: on iDAC2 page, I can see "Class A on RCA", does that means that it operates also in class A directly from the 3.5mm headphone output jack ?
Thanks in advance for your answers
Apr 11, 2016 at 11:25 AM Post #696 of 781
Hi everybody,

Just a quick question: on iDAC2 page, I can see "Class A on RCA", does that means that it operates also in class A directly from the 3.5mm headphone output jack ?

Thanks in advance for your answers


Add one micro iCAN for the full high-end experience.
Apr 11, 2016 at 1:22 PM Post #697 of 781
Well...if it isn't operating in Class A on the Headphone Out, it's confusing to say the least (text/image from website below). I agree with Technobear, if you can spend the $$$, add the micro iCan SE. Great setup for the money. That said, looking at your profile, seems that you're IEM / Buds oriented Head-Fier (no full-size cans?). If so, the iCan SE (or iCan) are probably overkill.

Class A on RCA

AMR/iFi’s roots lie in single-ended valve amplification so it is no surprise that the iDAC2 operates in Class A.

The iDAC2’s analogue stage has two special audio grade, Elna Japan Silmic II (the highest available grade and likely the best audio grade electrolytic capacitor money can buy). These are the same ones used in the ‘uber’ AMR machines.

The Analogue stage also uses a discrete, Class A buffer that combines an N-Channel J-Fet and a PNP bi-polar transistor that allows this buffer to handle loads of even 600 Ohms. This was originally designed for the upcoming Pro range so its pedigree is beyond reproach.

Apr 11, 2016 at 1:32 PM Post #698 of 781
Well...if it isn't operating in Class A on the Headphone Out, it's confusing to say the least (text/image from website below). I agree with Technobear, if you can spend the $$$, add the micro iCan SE. Great setup for the money. That said, looking at your profile, seems that you're IEM / Buds oriented Head-Fier (no full-size cans?). If so, the iCan SE (or iCan) are probably overkill.

Class A on RCA

AMR/iFi’s roots lie in single-ended valve amplification so it is no surprise that the iDAC2 operates in Class A.

The iDAC2’s analogue stage has two special audio grade, Elna Japan Silmic II (the highest available grade and likely the best audio grade electrolytic capacitor money can buy). These are the same ones used in the ‘uber’ AMR machines.

The Analogue stage also uses a discrete, Class A buffer that combines an N-Channel J-Fet and a PNP bi-polar transistor that allows this buffer to handle loads of even 600 Ohms. This was originally designed for the upcoming Pro range so its pedigree is beyond reproach.

Thanks for your message.
Yeah, it seems a bit weird, then class A operates only on RCA ? or with headphone output? maybe that could be a question to ask to ifi. Seems interesting.
My avatar is a little old hehe, but yeah I'm currently using Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro (250 ohms) headphones, directly plugged from output headphone jack from my iDAC2, and all I can say is that it's perfectly driven. But as I want to update one day to the HD800, I think it will be necessary to buy an amplifier (currently thinking of the JDS Labs O2, will it be a good pair with the iDAC2?)
Apr 11, 2016 at 3:10 PM Post #699 of 781
iFi posted more about the output stage here but it still isn't clear whether it applies to the headphone output:

The micro iDSD definitely only runs in class A from the RCAs and only the first teensy bit from the headphone socket.

The latter will of course be true for the iDAC2. It will at least be an A/B design so the first little bit will certainly be class A.

Looks like we need some input from iFi Audio here.
Apr 11, 2016 at 5:30 PM Post #700 of 781
Love the 990s; fun cans! Just got some 'like new' HD800s and a Valhalla 2 to go with them. An OTL amp with the higher impedance Senns & Beyers is quite nice.

Haven't heard the O2 but really like my iFi stack even though it's just an iCan instead of an iCan SE
Apr 18, 2016 at 5:12 PM Post #701 of 781


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Apr 21, 2016 at 7:39 PM Post #702 of 781
Such an unbeatable and sick passion for audio perfection led my to upgrade the blue USB cable that came with my iFi iDAC2 to something more elaborate. Much more elaborate! I entrusted this task for a Latvian audiophile Konstantin who does a exceptional job at making custom high-quality pure silver cabling for almost any application. Customers love him because of unbeatable prices, lighting-fast communication and dispatchment. To be honest, this is now my go-to when I will be in need of high-end cabling for my future projects.
What I ordered exactly was dual headed (data + power) version of USB cable. This is pinnacle of USB audio geometry, very similar to iFi's very own Gemini cables. My order was quite custom (30 cm) and Konstantin was nice enough to even mark the power line with very subtle red dot. This will be useful for future integration with iUSB3.0, not so much for using in par with a laptop. Okay, mates, to say that cable looks good, decent is say nothing.. This piece of equipment is breathtaking!!1! Very simple yet so elegant design that I, as being minimalist, dig so so much. Nylon sleeving can also be ordered in a selection of colors but black looks best for in tandem with silver DAC unit, creating a refreshing contrast, in my humble opinion. I am informed that even plugs used are absolutely top-notch with golden plated solder side, not only body and pins as usual.
Using of dual-headed USB cable is very easy. After connection the power line first, all of the DAC lights turn on, but wait, player cannot see it as a audio device, logically requesting us to connect the data line afterwards. Artisan recommends burning in cable at least 100-150 hours but I wasn't so patient and started my critical listening much earlier. I believe my observations will be amplified as time flies.
Disclaimer: I want to point out that heard improvements objectively ranged from subtle to minor. This is probably being held on by HD598's which are not the most transparent and high-end choice, hence they were the first link in my chain. I feel drivers are performing at almost fully potential of theirs and there are nothing more to expect, however dramatic that sounds. I believe after more serious upgrade (HD700/800/800S - I am looking at you!) differences will be more obvious and I wouldn't hesitate to test that one more time. This is very enjoyable.
I have done several A/B tests with familiar to me high-quality audiophile records (Alexis Cole, Amber Rubarth, Jazz At The Pawnshop) and every time I would switch cables improvements were obvious and undeniable. First and foremost, the subjective flow of my music is now more smooth, analog and calm (that term wasn't clear for me until I experienced that by myself). Yes, there is indeed less harshness, there is much more enjoyment from blind, critical listening and the timing and pace is toe-tapping. The entire spectrum sounds much more natural and life-like, details are much more easier to find and follow. Such improvements are usually really weird to understand for most, but they are the most rewarding to experience. It's almost as different as when one has head-ache and feels irritated and when one feels absolutely healthy and peaceful. Sound stage has become slightly bigger and dynamic range is improved as well. E.g. some louder and impactful passages now are now really impactful, it's touching and even heart-shaking. And this leads to the improvements in the regions of bass. Now I can really tell that my precious and ever evolving HD598 rig can deliver really juicy, tight and unbelievable for these cans bass (obviously, most depending on source material).
To wrap things up I want say that I am very delighted returning customer and I recommend for every avid music (and beautiful design) lover to try these beauties for themselves. Even more, for a price of 2-3 hi-res albums this is absolute bargain for a one of the best pure silver USB cables on the marked. Beautiful, not-overpriced, terrific sounding, custom made investment for those purists, who wants to extract the last drop from their precious collection and gear. And I will return to wonders of this cable after some more revealing cans will be in my disposal, or maybe iUSB3.0 power conditioner (I will need to order one more cable then!).
Anyways, this was just a little step towards the Olympus of my audio nirvana. Important, beautiful upgrade in await of next one, iFi iPurifier 2.
And here are some eye-nirvana for you, thanks for the time and attention!
P.S. This review was not funded in absolutely any way, this is pure enjoyment of hobby and representation of impressions.

Apr 21, 2016 at 10:31 PM Post #703 of 781
  Such an unbeatable and sick passion for audio perfection led my to upgrade the blue USB cable that came with my iFi iDAC2 to something more elaborate. Much more elaborate! I entrusted this task for a Latvian audiophile Konstantin who does a exceptional job at making custom high-quality pure silver cabling for almost any application. Customers love him because of unbeatable prices, lighting-fast communication and dispatchment. To be honest, this is now my go-to when I will be in need of high-end cabling for my future projects.
What I ordered exactly was dual headed (data + power) version of USB cable. This is pinnacle of USB audio geometry, very similar to iFi's very own Gemini cables. My order was quite custom (30 cm) and Konstantin was nice enough to even mark the power line with very subtle red dot. This will be useful for future integration with iUSB3.0, not so much for using in par with a laptop. Okay, mates, to say that cable looks good, decent is say nothing.. This piece of equipment is breathtaking!!1! Very simple yet so elegant design that I, as being minimalist, dig so so much. Nylon sleeving can also be ordered in a selection of colors but black looks best for in tandem with silver DAC unit, creating a refreshing contrast, in my humble opinion. I am informed that even plugs used are absolutely top-notch with golden plated solder side, not only body and pins as usual.
Using of dual-headed USB cable is very easy. After connection the power line first, all of the DAC lights turn on, but wait, player cannot see it as a audio device, logically requesting us to connect the data line afterwards. Artisan recommends burning in cable at least 100-150 hours but I wasn't so patient and started my critical listening much earlier. I believe my observations will be amplified as time flies.
Disclaimer: I want to point out that heard improvements objectively ranged from subtle to minor. This is probably being held on by HD598's which are not the most transparent and high-end choice, hence they were the first link in my chain. I feel drivers are performing at almost fully potential of theirs and there are nothing more to expect, however dramatic that sounds. I believe after more serious upgrade (HD700/800/800S - I am looking at you!) differences will be more obvious and I wouldn't hesitate to test that one more time. This is very enjoyable.
I have done several A/B tests with familiar to me high-quality audiophile records (Alexis Cole, Amber Rubarth, Jazz At The Pawnshop) and every time I would switch cables improvements were obvious and undeniable. First and foremost, the subjective flow of my music is now more smooth, analog and calm (that term wasn't clear for me until I experienced that by myself). Yes, there is indeed less harshness, there is much more enjoyment from blind, critical listening and the timing and pace is toe-tapping. The entire spectrum sounds much more natural and life-like, details are much more easier to find and follow. Such improvements are usually really weird to understand for most, but they are the most rewarding to experience. It's almost as different as when one has head-ache and when feels absolutely healthy and. Sound stage has become slightly bigger and dynamic range is improved as well. E.g. some louder and impactful passages now are now really impactful, it's touching and even heart-shaking. And this leads to the improvements in the regions of bass. Now I can really tell that my precious and ever evolving HD598 rig can deliver really juicy, tight and unbelievable for these cans bass (obviously, most depending on source material).
To wrap things up I want say that I am very delighted returning customer and I recommend for every avid music (and beautiful design) lover to try these beauties for themselves. Even more, for a price of 2-3 hi-res albums this is absolute bargain for a one of the best pure silver USB cables on the marked. Beautiful, not-overpriced, terrific sounding, custom made investment for those purists, who wants to extract the last drop from their precious collection and gear. And I will return to wonders of this cable after some more revealing cans will be in my disposal, or maybe iUSB3.0 power conditioner (I will need to order one more cable then!).
Anyways, this was just a little step towards the Olympus of my audio nirvana. Important, beautiful upgrade in await of next one, iFi iPurifier 2.
And here are some eye-nirvana for you, thanks for the time and attention!
P.S. This review was not funded in absolutely any way, this is pure enjoyment of hobby and representation of impressions.

Thanks for the feedback and review.  Great to hear:)   Whats the website?

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