i need recommendation
Dec 22, 2009 at 1:20 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 18, 2009
Hi, im new in this forum, i've got a Audio Technica Ad700 and i want upgrade, So ... i want a recommendation my next level head-phones, i listen Classic Music in Piano and Violin, Electronic music and is too for gaming. and ty to the recommend me. And srry if my english is bad xD cya
Dec 22, 2009 at 1:09 PM Post #4 of 12

Originally Posted by atistatic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i want buy another head phones better than ad700's

atistatic, maybe you could go to higher end models already like Sennheiser HD650/600 or AKG K701/702 or Denon D2000.
Think of it.
Dec 22, 2009 at 1:39 PM Post #5 of 12
Well IMO the ATH-AD700's can't be bettered for gaming. As VALIENTE recommended, the Sennheiser HD600/650 and AKG K701/702 are great for what you need them for. I would suggest the AKG's more for gaming over the Sennheiser's and I have a feeling they are also better for your genres of music, not too sure though. Also from what I have read, a Sennheiser is just another headphone, unless paired with a fantastic amplifier which costs several hundred dollars and up. This is where it outperforms a lot of headphones out there.
Dec 22, 2009 at 6:48 PM Post #6 of 12

Originally Posted by stang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well IMO the ATH-AD700's can't be bettered for gaming. As VALIENTE recommended, the Sennheiser HD600/650 and AKG K701/702 are great for what you need them for. I would suggest the AKG's more for gaming over the Sennheiser's and I have a feeling they are also better for your genres of music, not too sure though. Also from what I have read, a Sennheiser is just another headphone, unless paired with a fantastic amplifier which costs several hundred dollars and up. This is where it outperforms a lot of headphones out there.

and with the dt880 of beyerdynamic and ad900 of audio technica whats up ? are good ?
Dec 22, 2009 at 11:49 PM Post #8 of 12
AD900 is a rip off IMO. It's like twice the price of the AD700 with from what I've read, barely any increase in quality. The AD700 is your best bet, or the DT880. The DT880 is recommended more than the DT990 for gaming, I forgot why though. The DT880 has a smaller soundstage but is a bit more accurate, FWIR.
Dec 22, 2009 at 11:50 PM Post #9 of 12
You really need to keep the AD700 for gaming and start making a desktop rig. Gather a DAC, amplifier and another set of headphones like AKG K701. It's what I'vedone with my Grado's.
Dec 23, 2009 at 3:19 AM Post #10 of 12
mmmmm look i have of sound card a xonar Essence, what amplifier do u recommend me? and thank you for ur atention.
i seen ur amp but is very expensive for me, i live in argentina and 1 dolar is same 3.82 dolar and too i bring to argentina its the usa price + 30% too much i can pay 300 dollars
Dec 23, 2009 at 3:56 AM Post #12 of 12
Please do not consider either the DT880 or K701 if you do not have an amp. While some will argue with me, the K701 does not sound fan-flipping-tastic out of the STX. It was only until I got the Canamp [and my other amp] until I started to smile.

You can get great sound without having to fork out a lot of money on amplifiers. IMO keep what you have, save up for a while [the audio world doesn't progress too much] and then you can look at a nice efficient headphone.

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