I need headphone suggestion
Jan 31, 2010 at 6:23 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


New Head-Fier
Jan 29, 2010
I'm looking for a new pair of headphone
that are not in-ear or ear-buds to go whit my mp3 player. Sony NWZ-A720

i need headphone mainly for my bus/metro ride and... between/in school classes, and to listen movies on my computer.

i don't need them to be ultra portable because, i take care of my stuff, i just don't want HUGE headphone that are big anof that makes them hard to carry, (like the sennheiser 280)

i need headphones that isolate sound pretty well and that does not leak to much ( i don't listen to my music loud ) so i do need something that does not leak TO much

the music I listen is mainly alternatif and classical and... instrumental, some rock and pop no metal, no hard rock, no hard punk ( so i'm not looking for insane bass)

and I'm looking to pay around 50-120$ on ebay/amazon

i'm not looking forward to carry a portable amp around
I kinda have big ears

people refered me seenheiser hd238 Sennheiser HD 448 are there better options ???

Ps: THANK YOU SOO Much to anyone that can help me
Jan 31, 2010 at 7:40 AM Post #2 of 15
Might I suggest the PX200-II? Isolates more than both of those cans from my experience(especially when the music is on, I mean the cups are so small XD), leaks next to nothing, feels veryy durable, looks nice, sounds great unamped and can fit in your pocket with it's awesome folding mechanism, and is very comfortable for me.

Oh and it sounds great too =P Although they work great for all genres in my experience, their neutral tone color makes the genre's you mentioned especially sweet. They have nice tight bass and good extension on both ends. Not super incredibly detailed, which gives them a smoother sound without ever being too harsh or agressive, but agressive enough for rock, I find. That might depend on your tastes, but I definitely enjoy it with rock and alternative. Classical sounds amazingly sweet.

The HD448 Is only somewhat marginally smaller than the HD280, from when I've seen them. and quite frankly I didn't think they had the best build quality. Not bad, but not as sturdy as other cans in that price range. Very comfortable though.

The HD238 is a good deal smaller as it is on-ear rather than around, but it leaks a good deal of sound, being an open ended phone. They definitely sound nice and have a big soundstage, but I found the bass to be somewhat bloated. These also felt like they could have snapped any second, but seeing as they were laying strewn on a best buy counter and hadn't broken yet, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt =P

From my short impression with those two cans, I would say the PX200-II is a better option, especially given the needs you described. It's right in your price range too. The volume control is mighty convenient as well.
Jan 31, 2010 at 8:06 AM Post #3 of 15
thx alot for your sugestion !! thats why i made this post in the first place..

i looked up alot of post but .. god .. most post are about finding crazy bass for metal and hard rock ( i don't listen to that )

i did see the px200-II being recommended alot, i'm just a bit scare about their comfort and .. mostly about isolation ..

they certainly don't leek because of their closed design, but .. do they really block outdoor bus/metro sound by a decent amount ??
Jan 31, 2010 at 9:19 AM Post #5 of 15

Originally Posted by the search never ends /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Seeing that the akg k81dj's are going for 60 dollars at amazon and they are closed back, you may want to consider them as well.

I agreee, they're brillaint. if you can stretch to it, look at the Sennheiser HD25sp's as well.
Jan 31, 2010 at 11:14 AM Post #9 of 15

Originally Posted by R-Oak /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thx alot for your sugestion !! thats why i made this post in the first place..

i looked up alot of post but .. god .. most post are about finding crazy bass for metal and hard rock ( i don't listen to that )

i did see the px200-II being recommended alot, i'm just a bit scare about their comfort and .. mostly about isolation ..

they certainly don't leek because of their closed design, but .. do they really block outdoor bus/metro sound by a decent amount ??

The PX200-II Are verrryyy comfortable for me. Joker has said they aren't as comfortable as other cans for prolonged use, but they are by no means uncomfortable, I think. Also, they do get notably better with time, or you can leave them over something wider than your head for a while to loosen them up.

Isolation is quite good, I find. Not IEM leve, but I wear them on the NYC subway, if that's an indicator of anything =P Also, once the music starts playing, it's just hard to hear anything else, I'm assuming because the sound fills such a small space.


Originally Posted by the search never ends /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Seeing that the akg k81dj's are going for 60 dollars at amazon and they are closed back, you may want to consider them as well.

I haven't heard them myself, but the reports are that they are on the bassier side of things. Furthermore, they can be really uncomfortable for some people I hear. Isolation is great though, apparently.


Originally Posted by Young Spade /img/forum/go_quote.gif
check out the ultimate ears super fi 3s. great for their price and they isolate wonders.

The OP said no IEMs =P
Jan 31, 2010 at 12:38 PM Post #10 of 15
Sony MDR V6? The telephone cord is long but that's it really. For full size foldables the bang for your buck ratio is pretty good. Oh, something else, they're classic!

If I had two one would be used as a portable.
Jan 31, 2010 at 2:02 PM Post #11 of 15
If you're looking for a fairly flat sound, then the 'studio based' Sony V6 might be good, but the Shure SRH headphone range might be worth looking at.

The AKG's are heavy in the bass, but for what they are, they a unknown bargain. Headphones such as the Sennheiser PX's just can't compete, and although they're not as open as the higher end portable, (Sennheiser HD238'S, Jays C-jays, AKG K450 Ultrasone HFI-15G) they offer real good value for money. If you want less bass, go for somthing like the Sennheiser HD212's.
Jan 31, 2010 at 3:42 PM Post #12 of 15

Originally Posted by captian73 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you're looking for a fairly flat sound, then the 'studio based' Sony V6 might be good, but the Shure SRH headphone range might be worth looking at.

The AKG's are heavy in the bass, but for what they are, they a unknown bargain. Headphones such as the Sennheiser PX's just can't compete, and although they're not as open as the higher end portable, (Sennheiser HD238'S, Jays C-jays, AKG K450 Ultrasone HFI-15G) they offer real good value for money. If you want less bass, go for somthing like the Sennheiser HD212's.

Not to sound rude, but have you heard the PX200-IIs? The second version seems to be a great improvement over the original, and I've read at least a couple of people saying they can compete with or outdo the AKGs. This is all FWIR in regards to the AKG, but he said he's not looking for crazy bass and I think a more neutral sound color would suit his preferences of lighter rock/acoustic and classical.
Jan 31, 2010 at 4:23 PM Post #13 of 15
thx alot at least i can narrow down my research now,
i will try to go try some of these model in some canadian shop i know

and like i said, its not that i dont like bass
its just .. really not a main thing for me because i don't listen to metal/punk/rock that much
Feb 1, 2010 at 4:58 AM Post #15 of 15
Yea Bass is definitely important. In gives alot of "body" to the music, regardless of the genre.

Good luck! I honestly don't think you can go wrong with either the K81dj or PX200II.

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