I Hate 600, 650, 701, Yet Need One!
Jul 17, 2007 at 11:32 AM Post #16 of 45

Originally Posted by greggf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've tried lots of headphones over the years. My favorites are the Sennheiser HD600, the Sennheiser HD650, and the AKG K701.

My problem is that I hate the Sennheiser HD600, the Sennheiser HD650, and the AKG K701.

When listening to any one of these, I miss something that I like about one of the other two. Head-Fier daltonlanny just said something to me that was close to this sentiment, so I suspect a lot of us feel this way, although perhaps in different words.

I'd like to settle on one headphone. Help. Any advice?

I guess what I'm asking is, what is your gut reaction to the question, "Which will cause the least regret over the long term (given my associated gear and music), the HD600, the HD650, or the K701?"

Have you considered the Ergo 2? Or would that cause a stroke?
Jul 17, 2007 at 12:28 PM Post #17 of 45
At the risk of causing a stroke or slashed tires, I'm afraid I couldn't imagine getting along without my complementary set of HD600 and MS2i. Ain't nothing one of these two can't play! They pretty much cover all the bases.

If I did have to live with just one, *shudder* my music would have to get together and take a vote, and the majority on the classical side to the middle ground would win the election by sheer force of numbers.
Jul 17, 2007 at 12:37 PM Post #18 of 45

Originally Posted by F107plus5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
At the risk of causing a stroke or slashed tires, I'm afraid I couldn't imagine getting along without my complementary set of HD600 and MS2i. Ain't nothing one of these two can't play! They pretty much cover all the bases.

If I did have to live with just one, *shudder* my music would have to get together and take a vote, and the majority on the classical side to the middle ground would win the election by sheer force of numbers.

Let's see how quickly that opinion changes once you have heard the rest of the big boys.
Jul 17, 2007 at 12:38 PM Post #19 of 45
HD650 if your system is bright and detailed (like mine), HD600 if not and you're worried about getting over-emphasized bass.

I've owned all three of the headphones and that's the conclusion I came to at least

There are a few things I loved about my K701; it's strange ability to be extremely detailed and light with no sibilance to my ears, and how incredibly deep the bass can get...but I'd go nuts if that was my only can.

So yeah. I love my HD650
Jul 17, 2007 at 12:59 PM Post #20 of 45
The 701 has driven me to drink. It has deep bass but lacks mid bass fullness and can sound shrill if your source is not rich.

HD650 is what I reach for more often.
Jul 17, 2007 at 2:13 PM Post #21 of 45
You hate your favourite headphones, are not willing to try anything new and are asking our opinion on which you should keep. Ummm... STROKE!
[there is no tube smiley, but you get the idea]
Jul 17, 2007 at 2:54 PM Post #22 of 45
Dont you think that this one really smiles

Shot at 2007-07-17

Have a fun


Originally Posted by philodox /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You hate your favourite headphones, are not willing to try anything new and are asking our opinion on which you should keep. Ummm... STROKE!
[there is no tube smiley, but you get the idea]

Jul 17, 2007 at 4:12 PM Post #24 of 45

Originally Posted by Elephas /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Stax Omega II + KGSS

Only one stroke out of three, and my tires are safe.

Not a bad idea - the OIIs haven't gotten a lot of attention here lately, but they easily can be a 1 headphone solution bettering the ones mentioned IMHO
Jul 18, 2007 at 3:51 AM Post #25 of 45
Well I vote for the 650s...no other headphone can touch the vocal poise of the 650s.
Jul 18, 2007 at 4:36 AM Post #26 of 45
You won't find what you're looking for greggf. I've looked. The problem is...hmmm....it's like asking for a race car with the best gas mileage out there. I think that the choices you're selecting between are wonderful phones, very grade-A, but they simply WILL NOT cut it for someone that listens to everything (country is nothing). I recommend sitting down in peace....and while listening to your cans...think about what you like about each can. What quality could you simply NOT do without? For me it's a super fast response and very translucent sound....which has brought me to an odd state consumer-wise. How old are you (don't really answer)? If you're 40+...no offense to anyone that is, but in MOST cases, you're 18khz+ is in the down-low....so the K701s probably wouldn't be glorified in a lot of ways because it's the "sparkling treble master" among those headphones. But, say you LOVE headstage/soundstage....and it's something that you find amazing...buy the K701s...they're the best at it in comparison to the other three. If you watch movies with your headphones, or bassy music...it's obvious that you'll want the HD650s.

If you do find that "perfect" phone for all music...let me know, and I'll be all over it

PS. Don't be offended about the 40+ thing...idk how old you are, I think it's something that a lot of the "older" crowd with higher-frequency db problems don't take in consideration when dropping a lot of money on "that perfect pair of cans". (wow, I can't say any of this without sounding like an a-hole). :-\ You get the idea though v_v....sorry.
Jul 18, 2007 at 5:45 AM Post #27 of 45

Originally Posted by tbonner1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The 701 has driven me to drink. It has deep bass but lacks mid bass fullness and can sound shrill if your source is not rich.

HD650 is what I reach for more often.

I reach for the HD650 as well. Mine has the SD v2 cables on them with the EC/SS driving them at the moment. I do like the synergy of the RS1s and the EC/SS. Good luck
Jul 18, 2007 at 6:57 AM Post #29 of 45
I'd keep the HD650. That way when your unrealiatic resolve to "be done with it" breaks down, all you'll have to do is get a balanced cable and balanced amp and you'll step into a much more satisfying world of audio.

I mean come on, this is Head-fi. Do you really expect to find simple or inexpensive answers to such pressing questions as, What one headphone will satisfy me for life? Get busy spending insane amounts of money like the rest of us. We've all got to do our part.

PS. You should have taken the 2 headphone option, it would have been a lot cheaper that the balanced amp option!
Jul 18, 2007 at 7:31 AM Post #30 of 45

Originally Posted by robm321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not a bad idea - the OIIs haven't gotten a lot of attention here lately, but they easily can be a 1 headphone solution bettering the ones mentioned IMHO

They sure can!
Sadly electrostatic headphones are mostly forgotten when someone look for an all in one solution. Probably because most people think they are bass shy...

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