How much have you spent on this hobby
Jul 22, 2003 at 7:56 PM Post #2 of 29
so far, the 200-500 range, but thats changing with every paycheck.
Jul 22, 2003 at 8:02 PM Post #4 of 29
Let's add this all up:

Beyerdynamic 931's - 170
Etys - 210
Melos - 550
NS500v - 180
Outlaw cables - 40
Bettercables coax - 40
Art Di/O - 100
Cardas neutral ref - 200
Various tubes - 200
(failed) Di/O mods - 70
Koss sporta pro's - 30
Custom ety tips - 100 (plus a nasty ear infection)
(as of today)
Creek OBH-8 - 135



Woah, that's more than i thought i had spent ( I voted 1000-1500) . And to think a MMF 5 will be ordered shortly. I'm one damn rich 17 year old
. I guess i could have bought a car after all...
Jul 22, 2003 at 8:08 PM Post #5 of 29
Yes there have been threads like this before, but the thing is, the numbers keep changing because all of our expenses keep going up

Last count I was at $400, now I'm over $700. When will the madness end?
Jul 22, 2003 at 8:20 PM Post #6 of 29
Probably just under 200. (But that will soon change.)

Let's see...

Panasonic SL-CT570 $80 cdn
Koss KSC-50 $30 cdn
Sony EX-70 $80 cdn
Sennheiser MX-400 $25 cdn

Converted to US dollars, that's $152. I'm proud of myself.
Jul 22, 2003 at 8:39 PM Post #7 of 29
I recommend you add


Because there are quite a few people >2500+. I think I'm about 5500+
Jul 22, 2003 at 8:57 PM Post #9 of 29

Originally posted by williamgoody
You might want to rework the poll, and keep track of something like "meals missed".

What about "Days spent homeless"
Jul 22, 2003 at 9:26 PM Post #11 of 29
Too much... thats how much i've spent

If i'd have saved up all the cash that i've spent on audio (not including CDs) and just made one investment, I think i'd have comfortably been able to buy a pair of MDR-R10s by now...

But hey, no fun in putting the finish line right next to the start line is it... where'd the hurdles go?
Jul 22, 2003 at 9:30 PM Post #12 of 29

Originally posted by Duncan
But hey, no fun in putting the finish line right next to the start line is it... where'd the hurdles go?

Hurdles? .. See those thin almost turtle-like things off in the distance.. those are the things you must make the leap over. Around these parts, they call them portable CD players...
Jul 22, 2003 at 9:33 PM Post #13 of 29
I've spent about a thousand dollars the last year... pretty scary!

(I was only getting those HD600s... then I heard about headphone amps, and now there are cables... and yet I need a new source and a new pair of cans, and...
Jul 22, 2003 at 9:54 PM Post #15 of 29

Originally posted by MERTON
what happened to hanson happened to me

Now I know that I'm not alone... it feels comforting in a way

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