How much $$$ did you spent on Portable audio to date.

Jan 23, 2010 at 10:29 PM Post #16 of 28
I said <$1500 but realize that it's actually less since several of my puchases have been full size home audio and I have also flipped most stuff as I decide it's not right for me. I would have to say:
Portable <$500 (my Ipod touch was gift that started the avalanche so have not added it to the cost, other it would be <$1000
Home/Fullsize <$500
Jan 24, 2010 at 6:52 AM Post #20 of 28
On audio altogether about $1000, portable let's see... $200 for iPod touch 8gb, $120 for ER4P, $60 for Sansa Fuze 8gb, I'm going to spend next $50 on a microSDHC card, and I'm planning on spending about $90-120 on a portable amp soon.

So, right now, ~$380 on portable, and will be spending an additional $150 soon, for a grand total of about $530. Isn't having no college fund grand
Jan 24, 2010 at 3:36 PM Post #23 of 28

Originally Posted by brotherlen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
sony mini disk
jvc mini disk
ipod mini
ipod video 60 gb
ipod nano 2nd gen
xm4 amp
xm5 amp
senn hd 580
shure se 210
alo cotton dock
iphone? (does it count?)
what next?

Jan 24, 2010 at 11:05 PM Post #24 of 28
Interesting question...

I spent around 150 on an 80gb ipod, sold it for 220, then spent 250 on a 160gb ipod and sold it for 250 so I guess about $-10 for that. Spent $60 to get a new 30gb video ipod and $53 on an 8gb Sansa Clip.

Total for portable players: $70 USD

$365 for Pico USB DAC/amp and a few adapters.

$10 on SkullCandy INK'd. Can't even remember what I did with those. $80 on RE2 and $15 for FiiO e3. Sold those for $90 so $-5. $115 for Etymotic ER4P and $20 for S adapter.

$150 total for portable earphones.

$430 for Grado HF2.

= $1015 total since fall semester 2008.
Jan 25, 2010 at 11:41 AM Post #25 of 28
This is a sobering thread...

Probably around $2,000 maybe a bit more:

iPod 5.5G 30GB
iPod 5.5G 80GB
Apple iPod Sync Dock
Shure e2c
LOD Cryo Ag + Cu
Shure SE530
RWA iMod 5.5G 80GB
Steve Kelby PVCAP dock with Oil + Teflon caps (incredible)
Steve Kelby Interconnects
Qusp Lo-Profile SCSCAg with Blackgates (superb)
iPod Nano 4G 16GB
iPod Shuffle 3G
Etymotic ER-4P (x2)
Etymotic P to S Cable

Ok now that I've listed it all it's definitely over $2,000, probably $2,500+...and there's probably stuff that I've forgotten to put on here.

Now looking at Apuresound ER-4P and maybe Lisa III as well as Pico Slim, man this is crazy.
Jan 25, 2010 at 1:50 PM Post #26 of 28
several thousand probably, but most have been bought and sold.


Supermacro 111V6
Supermacro IV
Supermacro IVLE

Klipsch X10
TripleFi 10

Beyer 880
Beyer 990 Manufaktur
Grado RS1

iPod Nano
iPod iMod
iPod Touch
iPod Classsic 80gig

Currently own
iPod Nano
iPod Touch
iPod Classic
Minibox E+
Jan 25, 2010 at 2:17 PM Post #27 of 28
Anyway, I think all of us forgot to factor in the cost of our CD/Vinyl Collection LOL !!!
Jan 25, 2010 at 8:32 PM Post #28 of 28
Oh, man, I didn't know I spent that much--nearly $2K. And that's just current phones and sources. No amps (I rarely use them), and none of the lost, the destroyed, and the sold.

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