How much $$$ did you spent on Portable audio to date.
Jan 23, 2010 at 5:56 PM Post #2 of 28
Portable, £280 ish

Home, £5000 ish
Jan 23, 2010 at 6:06 PM Post #5 of 28
I would think that I have spent waaay more on CDs and LPs than on hardware over the years.
Jan 23, 2010 at 6:13 PM Post #7 of 28
Taking into account the equipment I've had that would make around $1000

Starting from the very beginning:

1. Portable casette player 'no name' 1988
2. Better portable casette player ' no name' 1990
3. Panasonic portable casette player 1993
4. Portable CD/ MP3 player 2000
5. Rio Carbon 2004
6. Zen Vision: M 2006
7. Sony A818 2007
8. Sony X1060 2009

Lots of cheap headphones
Jan 23, 2010 at 7:02 PM Post #9 of 28
1 x Sony Walkman
2 x Sony FM radios
1 x Panasonic discman
1 x Sony walkman
1 x Sharp md
1 x Creative lighter shape mp3
1 x Creative Zen Vision
1 x Zen stone
1 x Ipod 80g 5.5g
1 x Ipod Touch 1g
1 x Iphone3G

Other costly stuff:
XRCDs(US$25 per disc anyone?)

sony E484
Sony over the ear ****
Philips gummy
Koss porta pro
Couple of MDR888
Couple of MX500
Sony NC-5
Grado SR80
Jan 23, 2010 at 7:22 PM Post #10 of 28
2nd hand 5.5gen 80gb ipod- $200 sgd Modded myself to diymod, so free.
2nd hand yuin pk2 - $100 sgd
first hand sansa clip+ 8gb - $115 sgd
first hand sonicaps(caps only, for diy purpose lol)- $130 sgd
2nd hand predator with 2nd hand alo sxc lod - $600 sgd
2nd hand sleek audio sa6- $200 sgd
2nd hand sansa fuze 8gb- $120 - sold at around same price though
Total around - $960 usd @_@
But going to sell the rest of the stuff and keep just the clip+, sleek sa6 and pk2 only haha.
But acs T1/T2(~1.2k sgd, ~900 sgd) and iphone coming in haha

Home rig
first hand AudioTrak imAmp- $170 sgd
akg k702 w moon audio black dragon cable- $600 sgd
diy mini to rca canare quad cable-... <$20 sgd ?
x-mini max II - $74 sgd
total around ~ $617 usd
But soon to come.. dacmagic- $590 sgd, Onkyo ND-S1- $250-$300 sgd, a cdp, a floorstand or bookshelf + sub ? haha
Jan 23, 2010 at 7:52 PM Post #11 of 28
$387 to be precise, which is what my portable kit listed below, using the PX200s as the main headphones used, cost.
Jan 23, 2010 at 9:39 PM Post #13 of 28
not a clue but definitely under 500ish. i sell most of what i dont use so it's not too bad compared to other members here.

on a side note..i figure my wallet is happy that im not home often enough to have a home system anytime soon :]
Jan 23, 2010 at 9:55 PM Post #14 of 28
On MP3 players about $550 on 4 total over 6-7 years, maybe.

On headphones not too much, maybe $100-110, a bunch of them in the $10-20 also over a period of 6-7 years.

Then going further back $70-80 on one cassette player ($40) and one CD player ($30-40).
Jan 23, 2010 at 10:09 PM Post #15 of 28
I could not list all of it here, as I have forgotten some of my purchases, just to give you an idea, the biggest purchase was my iRiver H340 years ago when it first came out, i remember spending $700,00 on it, total waste of money.

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