I don't believe discussions about where to obtain mp3s of copyrighted material would be in jude's best interest - so basically I'm not gonna touch this with a 10ft pole
On the other hand, in the very unlikely even that you want LEGAL mp3s (usually small artists trying to popularize their music) - then I'm sure there are many here who can help you.
USENET's alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.* is a great way to sample music so you can determine what's worth buying. Usually, the MP3 quality is tons better than the Napster clones'.
Headphone Hussy (will wear anything if it sounds good)
Jun 26, 2001
Thread closed, offending posts deleted. I guess the warnings above about not discussing ways to illegally download copyrighted music, so as not to put Head-Fi at risk, weren't clear enough.
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