Hello, i know it's been a long time since you posted this, I'm interested in the Kinera BD005 and the Tennmak Pro, i like warm over-ear iem's with a slight emphasis on bass, very good low mids, decent treble and not recessed, decent soundstage and instrument separation, good isolation and comfort. Which one of these two do you think would fit me better? Or any other suggestions will be welcomed, 11/11 is almost here and i might be able to snag a more expensive IEM at a good price.
I have already ordered the KZ ZS3 but i like the two mentioned above because of the smaller size .
The BD005, that you're interested in, appears to be nearly the same as the BA05 that I've got.
I have 3 earphones that are all about the same size (the Kinera & Rose actually use the same housing) -
1.) Kinera BA05 (2016) - 1x Dynamic & 1x Balanced Armature, 12Ω, [$19.59].
2.) Tennmak Pro - 2x Dynamic, 16Ω, [$26.99] -
3.) Rose Aurora - 1x Dynamic, 18Ω, [$69.00, Received as Gift, with TY Hi-Z 650 & BHOBuds MAG-7 purchase] -
With them connected to the Balanced output of my Onkyo DP-X1 (all EQ off), playing FLAC rips of some CDs, my quick impressions are:
The Tennmak Pro has the most Bass & Mid-Bass, but this seems to cause the sound stage to be closer / more closed-in.
The Rose seems to be the most "balanced / natural" sounding, but has less Bass impact (it has low Bass, just not as much).
The Kinera has a more "V" shaped sound, with less Mid-Bass than the Tennmak, and more Treble than the Tennmak or Rose.
The Tennmak Pro fits my ears a bit better than the Kinera / Rose housing, and is more comfortable to wear while sleeping.
If you're also considering earphones that have a different shape, there are a couple of Ebony wood models that I have & like:
1.) NiceHCK W1 - 1x Dynamic, 16Ω, Ebony wood housing, [$47.60] -
2.) TingJie R4 (4in1) - 1x Dynamic & 1x Balanced Armature, 16Ω, Ebony wood housing, [$84.37] - Now called Fengru R4 -