Horror Movies : I'm a wuss with a capital W

Oct 22, 2004 at 11:56 AM Post #31 of 82

Originally Posted by Onix
I love horror movies and most of the time I watch them alone, basically because my wife hates those things. Anyway, I haven't been scared by one in sometime, perhaps since while watching "Mimic" on the movie theater, and my earbuds fell on my lap when I moved in my seat, freaking me out when I became too absorved by the movie. I think I'll pick "Ringu" this weekend, just to see what I am missing.

Anywa, you know what really freaks me out and scares me on the deepest level? UFO documentaries. I really have to be with someone to watch one, otherwise I get really scared.

LOL...that is funny!
you're exactly like me...never get scared by ANY horror movies, but watching UFO/alien filmes freaks me out
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:00 PM Post #33 of 82
The Ring certainly seems to have had an impact.


Originally Posted by Onix
I think I'll pick "Ringu" this weekend, just to see what I am missing.

I thought Ringu was vastly superior to The Ring. I saw Ringu 1st so the element of suspense was there,and greater impact may be colouring my memory. But that's not all.

I want movies to be as convincing and believable as possible and the Japanese original had actors and location shooting that was believable and realistic. The actors looked like real people. The Ring had typical hollywood, impossibly attractive actors and highly stylized locations/interiors. I kept being distracted by questions like how can these people afford million dollar condos? I guess today's kids don't bother noticing these glaring details!

And the Japanese version doesn't make the colossal blunder of cutting away to a car racing to the scene during the climax. What.

The only time where the two movies are equal is the creativity of the cursed videotape itself. Both different but good.

My 0.02
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:25 PM Post #34 of 82

Dude, Saw looks awesome. I've been waiting for that to come out. I expect to be fully freaked out for days to come

Yes. I saw the previews for it at the theatre last week. Great premise. Only chance for survival is to remove a strong metal ankle bracelet. The saw they have won't cut through metal. Leaves them only one option.

On second thought, I think I'll pass.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:28 PM Post #35 of 82
I must be completely immune to horror movies cause all I can do all the way through them is laugh... eyes popping out of the head, heads being sawn off etc. etc. just make me laugh....... Years ago I went to see the Texas Chain saw massacre and was nearly ejected from the cinema for laughing.... everytime the guy revved the chainsaw up I burst out laughing
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:33 PM Post #36 of 82

Originally Posted by mbriant
Yes. I saw the previews for it at the theatre last week. Great premise. Only chance for survival is to remove a strong metal ankle bracelet. The saw they have won't cut through metal. Leaves them only one option.

On second thought, I think I'll pass.

I've not seen anything about this.
You go to the movies too damn much mbriant (envy elicited $tatement).

Seems like a cinematic hardcore 'Fear Factor' extreme.
Can the contestant do IT.
Oct 22, 2004 at 4:23 PM Post #37 of 82

Originally Posted by eyeteeth
I've not seen anything about this.
You go to the movies too damn much mbriant (envy elicited $tatement).

Seems like a cinematic hardcore 'Fear Factor' extreme.
Can the contestant do IT.

Check out Saw's official site, which has a trailer. It's more of an pyschopath's game to let people kill themselves off. Quite good.

As for Ringu, it seems I need to rent it, if it's as good as you all say. The only thing that turns me off is that I don't know Japanese
I saw Das Boot, so I guess I can put up with subtitles...
Oct 22, 2004 at 4:33 PM Post #38 of 82

You go to the movies too damn much mbriant

Not really. I mostly rent DVD's.

Can the contestant do IT.

There was a farmer in the news a couple of years ago who mangled and jammed his arm in a piece of machinery and to get free, had to cut it off with a pocket knife then drive himself to the hospital. Sometimes reality is more horrible than the movies.
Oct 22, 2004 at 10:01 PM Post #39 of 82

you're exactly like me...never get scared by ANY horror movies, but watching UFO/alien filmes freaks me out

Me too! That and stuff about Bigfoot.

The two scariest movies I've ever seen though are Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing.
Oct 22, 2004 at 10:39 PM Post #40 of 82

Originally Posted by eyeteeth
I once got messed up for a week by the scene in Hellraiser where the guy walks backward accidently into the elevator where that deer thing transforms him on the descent to hell. It was the sound of him gargling/screaming as the deer thing pierced his side and gave him mouth to mouth replacing his fluids.

Sounds gross enough already. I hate gross-type stuff like that.

I've honestly never seen a horror movie, nor do I wish to.
Oct 22, 2004 at 11:01 PM Post #41 of 82

Originally Posted by MD1032
Sounds gross enough already. I hate gross-type stuff like that.

I've honestly never seen a horror movie, nor do I wish to.

I haven't really seen a horror movie either, come to think of it. I dunno if I'd like it or not. I have no problem with war movies grossing me out, (Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down, and The Patriot... top three, IMO) so I doubt the gore would effect me much.

Anyhoo, I'm getting a, um, pre-release of Saw from sources
It's the original one that was shown at the Film Festival, i.e. non-cut to reach an R rating. Will report on my stomach's findings later tonight.
Oct 23, 2004 at 2:47 AM Post #42 of 82
Don't feel alone gsferrari (no pun intended).

I can't watch horror movies alone either.. It's always the sound that gets me, I tend to get very involved in movies. If you think that's bad, I didn't make it through the trailer of The Grudge without turning it off
Oct 23, 2004 at 5:15 AM Post #45 of 82

Originally Posted by Edwood
Haha, have you watched the Sixth Sense yet? Or 28 Days Later?

Ooooo. There's suspense thrillers too like Se7en. That's a good one.


I enjoyed Se7en a lot but didn't find it to be too scary, I'm not sure if it's because they didn't show any deaths or the situations were more unrealistic, or what (could also be that I was older and more desensitized at that point). It was fairly disturbing, though. Sixth Sense was kind of along the same lines - they both had me tense during the movie but afterwards I wasn't jumpy or anything (and I was able to sleep that night). However, The Exorcist scared the crap out of me and Red Dragon had me jumping for a few days as well (working up the nerve to watch Silence of the Lambs right now).

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