Horror Movies : I'm a wuss with a capital W

Oct 22, 2004 at 3:05 AM Post #16 of 82
The ring is a positively scary movie viewed under the right circumstances (for example, I saw it in the theater, that was pretty scary, in a dark room by yourself with the volume cranked would be another scary way to see it).

It's odd how different types of movies affect others differently. For example during The Ring I was scared to death, but my GF was fine. We saw Red Dragon not too long after and she could hardly sleep that night but I never gave it a second thought. I think it's simply how easily you can identify with the characters/situations.

Other semi-scary movies best watched alone in the dark: Donnie Darko & 28 Days Later. Neither are terribly scary, but both are good films that take on a completely different experience when viewed alone in the dark

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to post the quintessential "The Ring" link (comic):


Oct 22, 2004 at 3:14 AM Post #17 of 82
Yes, you are a wuss.

I guess you are not going to see this at the movies.

BTW the only movie that really freaked me out was The Exorcist.
Actually it still does, although I can sit through it.
Oct 22, 2004 at 3:56 AM Post #18 of 82
Eh, The Ring is pretty tame. It only gave me a mild reaction in the last 10 minutes. Only The Exorcist and Exorcist 2 freaked me out for months when I was younger. Today, they have little to no effect on me, which pretty much kills the joy of horror films for me. I still love them, though.

The only modern horror/psychological film that I found very creepy was Session 9. Very slow moving film, but the sense of dread is overbearing, and there are several truly chilling moments. Stay away from this one, gsferrari
Oct 22, 2004 at 4:06 AM Post #19 of 82

Originally Posted by bootman
Yes, you are a wuss.

I guess you are not going to see this at the movies.

BTW the only movie that really freaked me out was The Exorcist.
Actually it still does, although I can sit through it.

I love that movie, even as a kid, I remember me and my cousin trying to do the pea soup spit take.. boy did that pissed off my aunt, and we had to clean it up.

I love horror films, and I have quite a nice collection
Oct 22, 2004 at 4:16 AM Post #20 of 82
I once got messed up for a week by the scene in Hellraiser where the guy walks backward accidently into the elevator where that deer thing transforms him on the descent to hell. It was the sound of him gargling/screaming as the deer thing pierced his side and gave him mouth to mouth replacing his fluids.
Oct 22, 2004 at 4:26 AM Post #21 of 82

Originally Posted by gsferrari
I'll watch it tomorrow in the car on the way to miami

I just did a round of the house, checked all doors and windows and all the corners...I have a baseball bat in my hand

People who think I am kidding - I am not - I am seriously freaked out right now - this was a bad idea and I am glad I did not try to implant oversized cojones just to prove to myself that I am what I am NOT

I am going to watch this movie either in the car or tomorrow/saturday at the HeadFi meet with a LOT of people around me...


And that was just after watching Bean-the movie.......
Oct 22, 2004 at 4:38 AM Post #23 of 82
Yes I have watched 6th sense and 28 days later...not too bad either one of em...mebbe because I was not alone

The problem is - I was forced to watch "Silver Bullet" which is an old werewolf horror movie...I saw it a few years back and it was crap...but the first time - I was 8 years old...

Scarred for life...for the next 15 years I have checked under my bed, in the closet, behind the curtains...

I am not scared of the dark per se...I am scared of the dark when I feel like I am NOT in control of the situation. If my mobility is restricted (with univeristy books, papers or a box) I feel twitchy...if I am along without anything...I feel twitchy...

its a strange emotion...fear...the same dark alleyway is just fine on some nights and a nightmare on other nights...

I am one persistently spooked individual...
Oct 22, 2004 at 4:43 AM Post #24 of 82

Originally Posted by Hyena
IMO it was more of an American remake than being based off of the orignal. Now there's "The Grudge" which is a remake off of the Japanese movie "Ju-On"

Well, yes, it is. But it was very well done, IMO. As for The Grudge being another rip-off, didn't know that. Looks good, though.


Originally Posted by rsaavedra
I disagree though, Pi is a movie I didn't like much. There is apoint that is plain annoying (telephone ringing), I was so not enjoying the movie, plus that ringing I wanted to turn the dvd player off. But there were friends watching it with me, so I had to endure till the end. That's a movie I wouldn't recommend much.

It's definitely not for everyone. I'd still say you ought to at least see it once. It's one of those that you'll either love or hate. It's much better at night, with no lights on, and watching it with headphones. I wouldn't really classify it as a suspense, but there definitely are some parts that will make you jump. (the brain in the subway scene comes to mind...)


Originally Posted by bootman
Yes, you are a wuss.
I guess you are not going to see this at the movies.

Dude, Saw looks awesome. I've been waiting for that to come out. I expect to be fully freaked out for days to come
Oct 22, 2004 at 5:05 AM Post #25 of 82

Originally Posted by Stephonovich
Well, yes, it is. But it was very well done, IMO. As for The Grudge being another rip-off, didn't know that. Looks good, though.

Well, The Ring remake I can understand. Ringu came out in 1998, with The Ring coming out in 2002. Enough time for a remake I suppose. This is a year between movies. It's silly IMO. While some say it's not a direct remake, if you just look at the two trailers, there are scenes which are exactly alike. Not to mention that both movies are directed by the same director, Takashi Shimizu.

Really IMO it's just absurd remaking a film just a year after it was released.
Oct 22, 2004 at 5:54 AM Post #26 of 82
Well Sam Raimi (Evil Dead series, Darkman, Spiderman movies, and more) is really the man behind this idea of remaking Ju-On. I read a half-review of it half-interview with him, and he said the idea was to have the original director refilm the movie with a larger budget, and change some aspects of it so that more westerners can watch it without too much culture shock.

I think it looks crazy, these kinds of movies always bother me for months afterward, but I always watch them for some reason!
Oct 22, 2004 at 6:15 AM Post #27 of 82

Originally Posted by dabblerblue
Well Sam Raimi (Evil Dead series, Darkman, Spiderman movies, and more) is really the man behind this idea of remaking Ju-On. I read a half-review of it half-interview with him, and he said the idea was to have the original director refilm the movie with a larger budget, and change some aspects of it so that more westerners can watch it without too much culture shock.

Interesting. I hope to see Raimi's Oldsmobile in it then.
Oct 22, 2004 at 6:44 AM Post #28 of 82
damn...lucky you, it's boring to watch "horror movies" when you never get scared
Oct 22, 2004 at 7:04 AM Post #29 of 82
I love horror movies and most of the time I watch them alone, basically because my wife hates those things. Anyway, I haven't been scared by one in sometime, perhaps since while watching "Mimic" on the movie theater, and my earbuds fell on my lap when I moved in my seat, freaking me out when I became too absorved by the movie. I think I'll pick "Ringu" this weekend, just to see what I am missing.

Anywa, you know what really freaks me out and scares me on the deepest level? UFO documentaries. I really have to be with someone to watch one, otherwise I get really scared.
Oct 22, 2004 at 10:57 AM Post #30 of 82
there's one aspect to "the ring" that is often overseen, no, overHEARD - the sound. try this experiment: shut off the lights, leave the tv, sit in the next room.

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