Jan 1, 2025 at 2:27 PM Post #2,161 of 2,206
it is hard to believe I am going to say this but here goes...the unveiled is an underrated HP,yes it is too expensive and yes it isnt a revolutionary change from the OG but to me is tuned better...has a better soundstage...is more detailed and yes has the astounding vocals...it is to my ears simply better than the OG..how much better relative to cost is up to everyone individually but to me it is serious upgrade
Jan 1, 2025 at 3:28 PM Post #2,162 of 2,206
it is hard to believe I am going to say this but here goes...the unveiled is an underrated HP,yes it is too expensive and yes it isnt a revolutionary change from the OG but to me is tuned better...has a better soundstage...is more detailed and yes has the astounding vocals...it is to my ears simply better than the OG..how much better relative to cost is up to everyone individually but to me it is serious upgrade
Agreed, i also think it is underrated, at least somewhat. Sadly the bass is a bit too weak, and, more importantly, the price is just too high.
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Jan 1, 2025 at 5:44 PM Post #2,163 of 2,206
Has anyone heard both the Sus Unveiled and the HE1000 Unveiled and can give a few differences on the sound?
I have a Sus OG and have had time to demo the HE1000 Unveiled to know those sound profiles.
Is the Sus Unv that much different/better than HE1000 Unv for just wanting more prominent vocals?

I'm looking for a headphone that promotes vocals a bit more compare to the Sus OG but still retain the overall naturalness of the Sus OG.
To give another reference, I still listen to my 20 year old HD600 from time to time because of how well it can do vocals but want something in a planar version of sorts. The unveiled may be it....
Jan 1, 2025 at 6:32 PM Post #2,164 of 2,206
Sus UV is exactly what you’re looking for. World class mids that even surpasses the HE-1 in this regard for me
Jan 1, 2025 at 8:51 PM Post #2,165 of 2,206
it is hard to believe I am going to say this but here goes...the unveiled is an underrated HP,yes it is too expensive and yes it isnt a revolutionary change from the OG but to me is tuned better...has a better soundstage...is more detailed and yes has the astounding vocals...it is to my ears simply better than the OG..how much better relative to cost is up to everyone individually but to me it is serious upgrade

I agree! I’ve said as much in my early impressions of them. They are an upgrade across the board to my ears. Just not worth the retail asking cost. As things have calmed down, the prices that I’ve seen for used are much more reasonable and worth the upgrade.
Jan 2, 2025 at 2:26 AM Post #2,166 of 2,206
I may have a chance to audition next week. Can recommend some good matching end game amplifiers ?
Jan 2, 2025 at 2:17 PM Post #2,167 of 2,206
If any of you lucky Susvara owners are looking for a reference dac to upgrade to..... there is a new listing for Cen.Grand DSDAC Deluxe 1.0 up for grabs in the Classified.
Jan 2, 2025 at 3:36 PM Post #2,168 of 2,206
The SusUn paired with the Envy is my end game. I don't feel the bass is any less impressive than the OG when listening with tubes. On the OOR it can be a bit bass light and mid-forward but on the Envy it's in a class of its own.
Jan 2, 2025 at 3:37 PM Post #2,169 of 2,206
agreed, fantastic combo
Jan 11, 2025 at 12:41 AM Post #2,170 of 2,206
So far I am very much enjoying the Unveiled. Having the OG and being able to a/b side by side has been fun to compare. The OG does sound veiled after listening to the veil removed version hah. I know some folks are not EQ fans, I don't mind a little bit of adjustment to a headphone I already enjoy to push it over the edge. Adding a bass shelf and pulling down a slightly troublesome peak in between 4-5k has made the unveiled for my tastes sublime (eq may not even be required off a thicker tube setup). To my ears the only thing the OG has a marginal edge over, would be the very slightly more weight it has down low, (an increase in body and presence). The unveiled's increased clarity, speed, and detail retreival are quite noticable over the original.
Jan 11, 2025 at 1:45 AM Post #2,171 of 2,206
So far I am very much enjoying the Unveiled. Having the OG and being able to a/b side by side has been fun to compare. The OG does sound veiled after listening to the veil removed version hah. I know some folks are not EQ fans, I don't mind a little bit of adjustment to a headphone I already enjoy to push it over the edge. Adding a bass shelf and pulling down a slightly troublesome peak in between 4-5k has made the unveiled for my tastes sublime (eq may not even be required off a thicker tube setup). To my ears the only thing the OG has a marginal edge over, would be the very slightly more weight it has down low, (an increase in body and presence). The unveiled's increased clarity, speed, and detail retreival are quite noticable over the original.
I am very happy with OR and hifiman house SQ. Would have got unveiled, if not for open design. 8k hp and venerable, scared to push the button
Jan 11, 2025 at 3:59 PM Post #2,172 of 2,206
the open design is a bit of a hassle having to always remember to put the covers on etc but that said I havent found it all that much of a problem and the unveiled is great
Jan 15, 2025 at 10:36 PM Post #2,173 of 2,206
tonight I finallly decided to give the unveiled a shot with the takatsuki 300b's after listening with the ER300 and WE300 up until now...I must say I am surprised,I must say I am overwhelmed how good they sound...the soundstage is hige...the detail simply fantastic and better than I ever heard this HP...many times certain components just pair well,well in this case I am thrilled how good the unveiled sounds..FWIIW I am using the sylvania W 6sn7's with them as well
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Jan 19, 2025 at 10:32 PM Post #2,175 of 2,206
Hi everyone, just been to Canjam HK yesterday and heard the Sus Unveiled there. Really lives up to its name. (Now interested in buying one)
I heard that it is easier to drive than the OG Sus, but will my Chord Hugo TT2 suffice? I do plan to add a dedicated headamp later on but I would like to purchase the headphones first so that's why I'm asking.

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