Dec 16, 2024 at 6:10 AM Post #2,146 of 2,206
The og Susvara "you wake up in the hospital"- cable outmatched for me many cables in sub 500 eu category. Something like Forza Noir sounded considerably less dynamic and defined on my chain.
Dec 16, 2024 at 1:59 PM Post #2,147 of 2,206
The Unveiled cable is ergonomically better than the
"you wake up in the hospital"
OG Sus cable, but it still is 3m long and not great, only acceptable (somewhat, for me it isn't).
Dec 16, 2024 at 2:31 PM Post #2,148 of 2,206
The og Susvara "you wake up in the hospital"- cable outmatched for me many cables in sub 500 eu category. Something like Forza Noir sounded considerably less dynamic and defined on my chain.

Exactly! I don't even know if the new black cable retained the same wires from the catheter cable of the OG. I'd stick with that medical tube cable though unless I'm dropping 5K for a DanaCable Voila that will for sure outperform the medical hose in every aspect of sound to my preferences
Dec 17, 2024 at 12:20 AM Post #2,149 of 2,206
Exactly! I don't even know if the new black cable retained the same wires from the catheter cable of the OG. I'd stick with that medical tube cable though unless I'm dropping 5K for a DanaCable Voila that will for sure outperform the medical hose in every aspect of sound to my preferences
The new black cable is like 1% better in quality. Its like they took the normal catheter cable and added like a black spray felt over it. Pretty awful to deal with, but 1% better. We are always chasing that final 1% in this hobby, so some people are going to love it.
Dec 18, 2024 at 3:30 PM Post #2,150 of 2,206
Am in the market for a new headphone, having enjoyed the OG for a couple of years and also enjoying a demo of the Unveiled, I am tempted to got for a set now that used prices are sub 5K (ish) GBP equivalent. The happiest I have been on this long journey was the OG and Envy, but since then the Envy has gone and in its place is a SAEQ Armageddon and I am not keen on going down the tube route again for the time being. Looked at the HE1000 Unveiled which by all accounts is a great headphone, but I know that in the back of my mind I would always want a Susvara. If I do go for a set, I hope it plays nicely with the Armageddon.
Dec 24, 2024 at 8:26 AM Post #2,151 of 2,206
Seasons greetings to all fellow Head-Fi members and to your families. Wishing all a very Merry Christmas filled with joy, laughter and happy memories. Santa is on his way wearing his Focal Bathys... I hope he brings everyone what they wished for..... Happy holidays everyone....


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Dec 31, 2024 at 1:54 PM Post #2,152 of 2,206
I think I've experienced the SusUV enough. If anybody is interested in getting it for half off, plus shipping, hit me up. I'll put it on the classified in a few days if nobody is interested. Just PM if you are curious. I always give good deals.
Dec 31, 2024 at 6:48 PM Post #2,153 of 2,206
Happy New Year to all fellow Audiophiles on Head-Fi! May music bring peace, prosperity and many happy listening hours to you all. Happy 2025! 🎧 🎶


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Dec 31, 2024 at 11:29 PM Post #2,155 of 2,206
I’m curious if the Ss UNV so much better than Sus OG. Why so many coming up for sale so quickly. Makes me think I made the right choice keeping the Sus OG.

Immanis and mids from the OG isn't that far behind either while you sacrifice top end air and voluminous bass of the OG
Jan 1, 2025 at 6:47 AM Post #2,157 of 2,206
I’m curious if the Ss UNV so much better than Sus OG. Why so many coming up for sale so quickly.
Because it's too expensive when Magna / Immanis offer better technicalities, people are scared of the open driver, margins of all Hifiman headphones are rather high, and finally it is not a clear 100% upgrade from the OG one, especially as an allrounder if one only wants to own a single headphone.
Immanis and mids from the OG isn't that far behind either
I think every headphone (except Valkyria) is a fair step behind the Unveileds mids.
So my thoughts of Immanis with the Sus OG is the correct combo.
Disagree, the Unveiled does the one thing best in the hobby which the Immanis has its biggest weakness in - close up, intimate and emotional vocals.
OG Susvara is better as a companion for the 1266, that was the old "supercombo".
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Jan 1, 2025 at 9:20 AM Post #2,159 of 2,206
buy a lot will sell a lot, that's it, nothing special. Just like Iphone or Samsung, the used market is always much more than xiaomi vivo, does it make 16prm or s24u bad? No, just because people buy a lot. Sell 100 and have 10 people not like it is better than sell 10 and have 1 person not like it. I own Susvara OG + Unveiled +Immanis + 1266 Phi TC + Utopia + LCD4. For me Susvara Unveiled makes Susvara OG sound Veild, I don't want to go back to SusOG anymore. And Immanis + Susvara Unveiled are the 2 top headphones right now, nothing can compare. Oh and people usually buy Susvara Unveiled for much cheaper than Msrp so they usually don't lose much when reselling, Immanis takes too long to wait and is too rare so few people sell it
Jan 1, 2025 at 11:26 AM Post #2,160 of 2,206
Disagree, the Unveiled does the one thing best in the hobby which the Immanis has its biggest weakness in - close up, intimate and emotional vocals.
OG Susvara is better as a companion for the 1266, that was the old "supercombo".
I currently have this combo. I’m waiting for my home demo of RAAL 1995 headphones.

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