Dec 3, 2024 at 6:26 PM Post #2,116 of 2,206
Ha! I can trump that!

"All source gear sounds the same anyway!":


Susvara Unveiled and Immanis are my top two heaphones currently, they both sound amazing...
The winner depends on the mood, music and the chain.
Amazing. Having to use the interface from the controllers one ups me massively. I approve :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :smile: :)
Dec 4, 2024 at 10:17 AM Post #2,118 of 2,206
As always, an over the top positive, hyped review. Like with 99% of written reviews. Honestly i can't stand it anymore.
If you want serious advice, don't read reviews, check out this forum and (painfully) search for rather critical posts...
This goes for every TOTL, be it Unveiled, Immanis, LCD4, Utopia...

Headfonia writes:
"The bass reproduction is powerful"
"Bass, mids and treble all sound weighty, exciting and engaging."
"Bass is both present in quality as in quantity."
"Yes, the new Susvara has more body, weight and it overall sounds fuller, punchier, tighter."
"Now you have more bass weight."

Sorry, but this is objectively as false as it can get. End of story. At least when you compare it to the OG Susvara on a powerful amp (which everyone should) and not a JDS Atom.
Seriously, this has nothing to do with subjectivity anymore, it's just false. People read it, are hyped for a bassier Susvara, buy it, and then will be extremely dissappointed.
Sorry for the rant, but i'm angry that these people are working in the industry and (as always) can't publish a review of a very expensive headphone without mentioning even one sonic (clear) disadvantage. How many reviewers are mentioning something like the 1.2kHz Honk of the Audeze line, the super aggressive nature of the OG Utopia, the (somewhat) lack of intimacy of the Immanis, etc...
Very, very few. Wavetheory does for example. Why are most reviewers always so disconnected from the normal experience a user in this hobby has...
Let's see if this post gets deleted by mods.
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Dec 4, 2024 at 10:29 AM Post #2,119 of 2,206
As always, an over the top positive, hyped review. Like with 99% of written reviews. Honestly i can't stand it anymore.
If you want serious advice, don't read reviews, check out this forum and (painfully) search for rather critical posts...
This goes for every TOTL, be it Unveiled, Immanis, LCD4, Utopia...

Headfonia writes:
"The bass reproduction is powerful"
"Bass, mids and treble all sound weighty, exciting and engaging."
"Bass is both present in quality as in quantity."
"Yes, the new Susvara has more body, weight and it overall sounds fuller, punchier, tighter."
"Now you have more bass weight."

Sorry, but this is objectively as false as it can get. End of story. At least when you compare it to the OG Susvara on a powerful amp (which everyone should) and not a JDS Atom.
Seriously, this has nothing to do anymore with subjectivity, it's just false. People read it, are hyped for a bassier Susvara, buy it, and then will be extremely dissappointed.
Sorry for the rant, but i'm angry that these people are working in the industry and (as always) can't publish a review of a very expensive headphone without mentioning even one sonic (clear) disadvantage. How many reviewers mentioning something like the 1.2kHz Honk of the old Audeze line, the super aggressive nature of the OG Utopia, the (somewhat) lack of intimacy of the Immanis, etc...
Very, very few. Wavetheory does for example. Why are most reviewers always so disconnected from the normal experience a user in this hobby has...
Let's see if this post gets deleted by mods.

They need to make Unveiled (in stock form) superior to Original in every way in order to keep their sponsors happy unfortunately. Wavetheory relies on Patreon subscribers instead rather than pure manufacturer sponsorship hence more in line with what everyone would hear when he reviews gears
Dec 4, 2024 at 10:35 AM Post #2,120 of 2,206
They need to make Unveiled (in stock form) superior to Original in every way in order to keep their sponsors happy unfortunately
The review states in the very first paragraph:
"Disclaimer: Hifiman directly sent us the Susvara Unveiled for this review in exchange for our honest opinion."

Oh, ok, nice, now you lied to your audience, the most important thing that exists for you. Reviewers serve the people, not the manufacturers.

And i know that Hifiman is totally ok with non-overly positive reviews. Wavetheory absolutely demolished the Audivina, so did Goldensound. Wavetheory still got sent the new Arya. Hifiman is very friendly and honest to those that publish a really honest review. Cudos to them, 100%. A lot of manufacturers don't act like this after a negative review, or even a neutral one with negative points.
The Unveiled is an incredible headphone that has the very best midrange and vocal reproduction that exists, just focus on that. And yes, you have to mention the lack in the bass, especially compared to the OG Susvara, but you can still focus on the good parts, being midrange and treble.

I suspect that in the long-term those so called "review websites" will cease to exist, and i can't wait for this day.
Every single article reads like it's from a buyer that searches validation for his purchase.
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Dec 4, 2024 at 10:38 AM Post #2,121 of 2,206
If someone gave me an $8k piece of gear for free, guess what I would say about it?

Nothing bad, but perhaps I would have to wash my hands after.

Dec 4, 2024 at 10:42 AM Post #2,122 of 2,206
If someone gave me an $8k piece of gear for free, guess what I would say about it?
...the problem is that normal people have to actually pay for it. And they don't factor that in.
Dec 4, 2024 at 11:27 AM Post #2,123 of 2,206
I think the bass is different than the OG, but I don’t think it’s any less good than it. OG is thicker, I think the transient and articulation capabilities of the Unveiled, specifically in the bass, make it feel less than.

Personally, I feel like I lean more towards the presentation of the Unveiled more, but I can understand where people would prefer the OG.

No review is uncolored or unbiased. That’s true even for myself. When I’ve written reviews, I generally do so for products that I’ve purchased myself, which puts biases on it too, possibly like confirmation bias. Additionally, I am not going to spend an extensive amount of time on a review, even of a purchase of my own, if it weren’t worth my while. That being said, I still try to list negatives, or possible objections to the product to stay objective for all that might read them.
Dec 4, 2024 at 11:54 AM Post #2,124 of 2,206
I think the bass is different than the OG, but I don’t think it’s any less good than it. OG is thicker, I think the transient and articulation capabilities of the Unveiled, specifically in the bass, make it feel less than.
Sure, i agree. The quality is better, but the quantity and dynamics are just worse.

Sadly the review states both bass quality and quantity, aswell as it explicitly mentions how awesome the dynamics, punch & slam are. Like, are you kidding me? Imagine if you are searching for an extremely dynamic headphone with a lot of bass and read this review.
You're sending the Unveiled back on the very next day.
Dec 4, 2024 at 12:09 PM Post #2,125 of 2,206
Yeah the Unveiled doesn’t hit like a freight train like the OG does
Dec 4, 2024 at 12:11 PM Post #2,126 of 2,206
Sure, i agree. The quality is better, but the quantity and dynamics are just worse.

Sadly the review states both bass quality and quantity, aswell as it explicitly mentions how awesome the dynamics, punch & slam are. Like, are you kidding me? Imagine if you are searching for an extremely dynamic headphone with a lot of bass and read this review.
You're sending the Unveiled back on the very next day.

That’s fair. I think the strengths of the Unveiled over OG lie elsewhere, like midrange tonality, detail retrieval, and spatial presentation.
Dec 4, 2024 at 12:13 PM Post #2,127 of 2,206
Sure, i agree. The quality is better, but the quantity and dynamics are just worse.

Sadly the review states both bass quality and quantity, aswell as it explicitly mentions how awesome the dynamics, punch & slam are. Like, are you kidding me? Imagine if you are searching for an extremely dynamic headphone with a lot of bass and read this review.
You're sending the Unveiled back on the very next day.
Susvara OG has more sub bass more rumble I had them both and compared on powerful Niimbus amp don't know what they use for Susvara OG...

Unveiled is cleaner has better instrument separation but also the highs are worser for me vs Susvara OG. I would never change OG for Unveiled.
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Dec 4, 2024 at 6:11 PM Post #2,128 of 2,206
The review states in the very first paragraph:
"Disclaimer: Hifiman directly sent us the Susvara Unveiled for this review in exchange for our honest opinion."

Oh, ok, nice, now you lied to your audience, the most important thing that exists for you. Reviewers serve the people, not the manufacturers.

And i know that Hifiman is totally ok with non-overly positive reviews. Wavetheory absolutely demolished the Audivina, so did Goldensound. Wavetheory still got sent the new Arya. Hifiman is very friendly and honest to those that publish a really honest review. Cudos to them, 100%. A lot of manufacturers don't act like this after a negative review, or even a neutral one with negative points.
The Unveiled is an incredible headphone that has the very best midrange and vocal reproduction that exists, just focus on that. And yes, you have to mention the lack in the bass, especially compared to the OG Susvara, but you can still focus on the good parts, being midrange and treble.

I suspect that in the long-term those so called "review websites" will cease to exist, and i can't wait for this day.
Every single article reads like it's from a buyer that searches validation for his purchase.
Agree, there's no reason for hyperbole or false claims of "more bass" to excite the average Joe. The average Joe doesn't know Susvara exists. On the other hand, any audiophile who spends $8K based on a Headfonia (or any other single 'publication') without sifting through the pages and pages of public commentary here and on other similar forums almost kinda deserves to be disappointed. But I get your point - Sus-U certainly has its advantages over the OG, but popular consensus is that "more bass weight" is not one of them.
Dec 5, 2024 at 2:51 AM Post #2,129 of 2,206
Yeah, the Immanis shook the TOTL headphone market really up, even the Magna is still clearly one level above the Unveiled when it comes to pure technicalities (and bass, of course).
I think people are being (quite rightly) hesitant to buy the Unveiled from the used market because of its open driver.
Isn’t the warranty transferable and doesn’t it only cost ~300$ to replace the drivers outside warranty? At least with the older one, due to simpler build this shouldn’t be that much more expensive. I’m not a big fan of the sus, but i think I would prefer it over immanis which sounds a bit lifeless and incoherent, I do prefer the older free field concept that was clear and consistent with its approach to sound. I guess that classifies as a big hot take currently, yet to try magna
Dec 5, 2024 at 3:01 PM Post #2,130 of 2,206
immanis sounds lifeless and, talk about a tough person to please lol

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