HiFiMan ISVARNA Closed Back Hybrid

Dec 6, 2024 at 9:52 PM Post #92 of 112
Super fascinating looking headphone. The HE-9 has incredible bass, so I'd be curious to see what they can do with a dynamic driver that's just handling bass.

Obviously not in the market for another high-dollar headphone after grabbing the HE-R10P, but I'd be curious to know how these compare to them.
Dec 22, 2024 at 3:56 AM Post #95 of 112
It basically sounds like double the effect of turning up the second-from-the-left dial on a Lokius to max while listening with a pair of HiFiMan planar headphones. It's entertaining, and great for just enjoying, rather than just analysing the music, or where you just want A LOT of slam, but you also want a closed-back headphone with both a lot of slam and good resolution. The brightness suggested in the one measurement online really isn't there when music is playing.
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Jan 14, 2025 at 1:43 AM Post #98 of 112
Hifiman said they are "Semi" closed, which means they have no isolation, similar to the Audivina, R10/9, or r7dx.
R10P has much better isolation compared to Audivina which has no isolation at all. I have both.
I’m guessing Isvarna has either the same or better than R10P.

R10P lets some noise in, but zero noise out. Honestly I like it this way, it’s much more comfortable and does not create pressure in the ears like tight closed back ANC headphones do.
Jan 14, 2025 at 2:19 AM Post #99 of 112
R10P has much better isolation compared to Audivina which has no isolation at all. I have both.
I’m guessing Isvarna has either the same or better than R10P.

R10P lets some noise in, but zero noise out. Honestly I like it this way, it’s much more comfortable and does not create pressure in the ears like tight closed back ANC headphones do.
Its crazy there are STILL no reviews on it it seems they are not marketing there new headphone very well :triportsad:
Jan 14, 2025 at 2:17 PM Post #100 of 112
Its crazy there are STILL no reviews on it it seems they are not marketing there new headphone very well :triportsad:
Its still quite new and given Hifiman's practice of initially pricing everything double or more and then reducing the price drastically after a year means a lot of people also wait a year or more to buy them. Only very few early adopters will buy a Hifiman product on release and not all of them Head-fiers even.

I myself will wait until the Isvarna goes below half the price, might be a year or two.

Also Hifiman is not known to make good closed backs. Their strength lies in open back planars.
Jan 14, 2025 at 2:20 PM Post #101 of 112
Its still quite new and given Hifiman's practice of initially pricing everything double or more and then reducing the price drastically after a year means a lot of people also wait a year or more to buy them. Only very few early adopters will buy a Hifiman product on release and not all of them Head-fiers even.

I myself will wait until the Isvarna goes below half the price, might be a year or two.

Also Hifiman is not known to make good closed backs. Their strength lies in open back planars.

Agreed, but with the deal for open box right now of the HE-R10P Stealths. I would jump on those instead if you need a close back. They are an amazing closed back. I don’t see this new headphone beating the HE-R10P Stealths out.
Jan 15, 2025 at 12:51 AM Post #102 of 112
Agreed, but with the deal for open box right now of the HE-R10P Stealths. I would jump on those instead if you need a close back. They are an amazing closed back. I don’t see this new headphone beating the HE-R10P Stealths out.
Perhaps you haven’t been reading all my replies. I said above that I already have the HE-R10P and Audivina, bought both during the sale ;) HE-R10P is my daily driver now paired with a K11 R2R.
Jan 19, 2025 at 4:58 PM Post #103 of 112
I have them. Am not keeping them. Bass is too much. You get bass dynamics which is cool, but too much. You also get nice vocals and highs, and despite the bass pretty good detail, but the bottom end overpowers everytHing just a little too much. They have ports at 5 o’clock (around the lower rear earlobe when looking at the left housing) on the housings to let out some low end, but not quite enouGh. Those ports of course lemot sound and make the phones unusable when other people are around. That said, the phones do keep sound OUT pretty well. This won’t help you on a plane or subway, but good for ambient noise at home.

UPDATE: After some burn in, they are a fun listen for rock and jazz. Paper Kites live sound really good. They manage to give you a lot of detail with a smooth presentation. The bass can be a but much at times, but the thump is nice. Vocals really are liquid and lifelike and that's something.
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Jan 20, 2025 at 1:12 AM Post #104 of 112
I have them. Am not keeping them. Bass is too much. You get bass dynamics which is cool, but too much. You also get nice vocals and highs, and despite the bass pretty good detail, but the bottom end overpowers everytHing. They have ports at 5 o’clock (around the lower rear earlobe) on the housings to let out some low end, but not nearly enouGh. Those ports of course lemot sound and make the phones unusable when other people are around. That said, the phones do keep sound OUT pretty well. This won’t help you on a plane or subway, but good for ambient noise at home.
What source did you use to get this impression ?

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