Hello guys.
Maybe someone has experimented something similar to me. I own the he1000se (bought a year ago) and at the beginning had some difficulties with its bright side (of course mainly on bad records but also in general). Even today it is not always easy to manage these high frequencies and it can sound a bit harsh sometimes (with some songs).
Last weeks I did a mistake and switched between two music apps without paying attention to a gain difference. Result : volume was at 24 instead of 5 and the music was VERY lound during maybe 5 or 10 seconds.
And then something happened : since this, I am not longer ennoyed by the bright side of the HeKSE (even if very bad recordings remains bad recordings

Some possibilities :
1- it destroyed my ears so now we are good forever

(but honestly I don’t think, no changes here in my normal life)
2- it destroyed the headphones (I don’t think either)
3- it speeded up the burn-in (if it really exists)
4- something else, I listen to you guys
By experience I really dont trust ears so maybe it is my imagination but I would say it is an obvious change to me

Anyone experienced something like this?