= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

May 23, 2014 at 4:58 PM Post #2,776 of 21,190
If the 560's come close enough to the HE-6 in SQ with improved comfort and ergonomics, I'm probably going to make the switch. Might need another ticket aboard the hype train...
May 23, 2014 at 5:41 PM Post #2,778 of 21,190
  For me this just makes me want to order the 560s at some point.  Kinda like Blizzard or Valve in a way when it comes to quality 

Ah yes, the infamous "SoonTM" phenomenon.
May 23, 2014 at 6:20 PM Post #2,779 of 21,190
Soon is quickly becoming a word with an entirely different meaning :D
Like anything but or we dunno and maybe... ;)
May 23, 2014 at 7:08 PM Post #2,780 of 21,190
And here is the post

We never intend to use anybody as a beta tester. Actually thousands of HE560 drivers, headband, packing box have been waiting for final assembling for weeks, and I wish to ship the product ASAP. I decide to delay and make some improvement after we got feedback from preorder customers and reviewers. HE560 headphones have to be the milestone product so that I will do my best to make the product perfect. That is the only reason we stopped preorder, and do trouble-shooting according the feedback from preorder customers/reviewers. We will confirm the shipping date on next week, but I promise we will not let you guys wait for a long time. After we fixed issues, we will ship the final headphones to all preorder customers before you ship the preorder headphone back. I will also provide $100 head-direct gift card for preorder customers to appreciate your feedback, support, and help.

Hope this is true...

Thanks. I guess I missed this post somehow. That's great! Let's see how it goes then.
May 23, 2014 at 7:35 PM Post #2,781 of 21,190
  They only offered pre-orders because head-fi members whined for it.  They're doing revisions because head-fi members whined for them.  People, you do realize that everything Hifiman is doing is a direct response to the community?  There aren't too many manufacturers out there that are so open and responsive to the community as Hifiman.  They're doing a perfectly fine job.

May 23, 2014 at 7:46 PM Post #2,782 of 21,190
I'd opt for HE-560 over HE-6 despite not getting that last bit of sound quality, mostly for the lesser amp requirenments and better comfort. Can I please still be an audiophile?? 

I doubt I'm gonna buy anything until Jade2 and HE-6 successor is out, it's very hard not to 
 Especially considering that HE-6 successor might not be out beofre, say.. 2016 it seems considering all the delays 

May 23, 2014 at 8:09 PM Post #2,783 of 21,190
I had a dream 2 nights ago where I bought a pair of modded Sennheiser Orpheuses (and some mystery electrostatic amp) off a shady guy for just $400, tested it against HE560 and HD800 and the Orpheus was so much better. I then proceeded to unmod it (there was some weird felt material glued to the drivers).
Then I woke up and was all sad.
May 23, 2014 at 8:21 PM Post #2,784 of 21,190
  I had a dream 2 nights ago where I bought a pair of modded Sennheiser Orpheuses (and some mystery electrostatic amp) off a shady guy for just $400, tested it against HE560 and HD800 and the Orpheus was so much better. I then proceeded to unmod it (there was some weird felt material glued to the drivers).
Then I woke up and was all sad.

That is strange and sad. . . very strange. Are you sure it was a dream? Maybe you modded them and the audio gods found out, took them while you slept and wiped your true memory. Hey, stranger things have happened. . I think. 
I have a friend who has the Orpheus, he says that nothing can touch them and he has most of everything. At least unlike the R10, the drivers don't appear to be breaking down. 
May 23, 2014 at 8:33 PM Post #2,785 of 21,190
  I had a dream 2 nights ago where I bought a pair of modded Sennheiser Orpheuses (and some mystery electrostatic amp) off a shady guy for just $400, tested it against HE560 and HD800 and the Orpheus was so much better. I then proceeded to unmod it (there was some weird felt material glued to the drivers).
Then I woke up and was all sad.

You dream about gear. Me...I dream about Jessica Alba. 

May 23, 2014 at 9:11 PM Post #2,787 of 21,190
  Once you have the end game hp, one builds the system around it, amp, dac, cables, etc...

Seeing how rapid planar magnetic technology is still being pushed right now, the acquisition of new "end game hp" might be an annual affair from now on for a lot of folks. Especially if other electronic / headphone giants pick up on development too.
May 23, 2014 at 9:16 PM Post #2,788 of 21,190
  Seeing how rapid planar magnetic technology is still being pushed right now, the acquisition of new "end game hp" might be an annual affair from now on for a lot of folks. Especially if other electronic / headphone giants pick up on development too.

Can't argue with that, materials engineering and manufacturing keeps improving on.
May 23, 2014 at 9:17 PM Post #2,789 of 21,190
  The dreaded "engineers disease" of getting things 100% perfect... If this was golf, the HE-560 would have been already 1ft away from the hole, your customers are willing to offer you a gimme, just get get down to the next tee so we can play ball (start listening to music)! Hifiman should refrain from offering pre-orders if development is going to happen like this, it is doing more harm than good if you can't stick to a schedule..

May 23, 2014 at 9:25 PM Post #2,790 of 21,190
  They only offered pre-orders because head-fi members whined for it.  They're doing revisions because head-fi members whined for them.  People, you do realize that everything Hifiman is doing is a direct response to the community?  There aren't too many manufacturers out there that are so open and responsive to the community as Hifiman.  They're doing a perfectly fine job.

i guess we can't have it both ways?

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