= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

May 22, 2014 at 5:33 AM Post #2,686 of 21,190
I find it rather strange publishing an "official" review at this stage with the ongoing changes/activities. there's no official review from Jude or Tyll or Lieven, ... yet and I'm sure they will wait till they get the final sample.
Just my idea though
May 22, 2014 at 5:38 AM Post #2,687 of 21,190
  Wow feels like the first review in years. Adding it to first post's list.
Really? They think HE400 is single-ended too? "A single-sided magnet array for a set of orthodynamic headphones is nothing new. We saw the array on the HE-4 and HE-400 headphones" Must be a typo because they mention HE400 as dual-ended in the next page.

Was a mistake after altering the intro too many times, sorry about the confusion. 
May 22, 2014 at 9:59 AM Post #2,688 of 21,190
Hi everyone,
We are really sorry about the delay on HE-560. Some of the small changes we were trying to make (mostly cometic changes) had a snowball effect which means we had to make more changes than we anticipated. The production version has been finalized, and is currently in the final stage of testing. It looks a lot different than the ones you have seen. Personally i really like the new look. It has a more contemporary and modern feel.
If you are planning to attend the upcoming Newport show, we will have them at our booth. Please stop by to take a look and more importantly listen!
I really wish that we would have started at the very beginning with this version, and there would be no more changes. I guess we have learned a lesson. 
Thanks everyone for bearing with us.
Hifiman Team
HiFiMAN Innovating the art of listening. Stay updated on HiFiMAN at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 22, 2014 at 10:02 AM Post #2,690 of 21,190
  Hi everyone,
We are really sorry about the delay on HE-560. Some of the small changes we were trying to make (mostly cometic changes) had a snowball effect which means we had to make more changes than we anticipated. The production version has been finalized, and is currently in the final stage of testing. It looks a lot different than the ones you have seen. Personally i really like the new look. It has a more contemporary and modern feel.
If you are planning to attend the upcoming Newport show, we will have them at our booth. Please stop by to take a look and more importantly listen!
I really wish that we would have started at the very beginning with this version, and there would be no more changes. I guess we have learned a lesson. 
Thanks everyone for bearing with us.
Hifiman Team

And regardless of people whining about delays, thanks for listening to your dedicated customer base and taking their concerns seriously, not to mention being very open and honest about the process.
May 22, 2014 at 10:05 AM Post #2,691 of 21,190
  Hi everyone,
We are really sorry about the delay on HE-560. Some of the small changes we were trying to make (mostly cometic changes) had a snowball effect which means we had to make more changes than we anticipated. The production version has been finalized, and is currently in the final stage of testing. It looks a lot different than the ones you have seen. Personally i really like the new look. It has a more contemporary and modern feel.
If you are planning to attend the upcoming Newport show, we will have them at our booth. Please stop by to take a look and more importantly listen!
I really wish that we would have started at the very beginning with this version, and there would be no more changes. I guess we have learned a lesson. 
Thanks everyone for bearing with us.
Hifiman Team

Thanx for this exciting news !
Any idea of the release date ? 

May 22, 2014 at 10:23 AM Post #2,692 of 21,190
Ooh that sounds exciting :) Hopefully the new bigger pads are included :)
I hope there won't be any other issues need fixing.
+1 on the availability.
Any idea when we can expect them to start shipping from dealers or directly?
Thank you
May 22, 2014 at 10:25 AM Post #2,693 of 21,190
My dumb phone posted this without my knowledge lol.

Pic pics pics!!
May 22, 2014 at 10:25 AM Post #2,694 of 21,190
I wonder what those small changes were.  The only main issue brought up in the thread was that the yokes would slightly wear on the finish of the wooden cups during the first few days.  The only thing needed to fix that was just using slightly thicker spacers.
May 22, 2014 at 10:45 AM Post #2,695 of 21,190
I bet we have a totally different looking yoke and metal!!
Just a guess sorry for presumptions
May 22, 2014 at 11:29 AM Post #2,698 of 21,190
I bet we have a totally different looking yoke and metal!!
Just a guess sorry for presumptions

I hope you are right and we get nicely designed metal yokes, preferably aluminium so it ain't too heavy.
Plastic is still okay, though.

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