Help, my baby won't eat "real food"
Nov 13, 2002 at 6:02 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 30


Papá de Iñaki
Aug 19, 2001
I have a problem of sorts with my boy. He´s one year old already and supossedly he should be eating the types of food we have in my household, but he doesn't want to. Don't get me wrong, he has a healthy appetite, eats a lot of fruit (bananas, guava, apple, prunes and things that probably don't have a name in English), like bread a lot, drinks at least 3 bottles of milk, loves beans and eats lots and lots of Gerber products. But as far as turkey, chichen and other foods my wife makes, he doesn't want to even try them. Sometimes he takes the spoon from my hand and waves it at my face in order to keep me away (my boy after all). If someone has an idea about what to do, please help. He won't even touch his favourite food (Gerber's beef) if it has portions of our food mixed in it.

Please help
Nov 13, 2002 at 6:06 PM Post #2 of 30
Mom had the same trouble with me. She finally just decided that I wasn't going to starve, so she quit trying. After awhile I started wanting to eat big peoples food.

Of course it helped when they let me out of the basement were I was locked up.
Nov 13, 2002 at 7:25 PM Post #3 of 30
Onix, our son who just turned two does the exact same thing.
Our daughter also did the same thing when she was a toddler.
Judging by the foods you listed that he does eat, I'd say that he is doing fine.
He has a balanced diet now which is the most important thing.
I know it can be frustrating when he doesn't want to eat "your" food but all kids at that age go through the same thing.
Think of them like really, really old people. (como los ancianos)
They don't like change and they really don't like to be forced to change.
(actually I don't like change! I must be getting old!

I wouldn't worry about it as long as he continues with the good diet he has now and continues to gain weight.
The "big people" food will come in time.
Nov 13, 2002 at 7:32 PM Post #4 of 30
Thanks Bootman. That analogy with the ancianos actually puts everything in perspective. After all, the guy has had the same diet all over his life, why would he allow us to change it? Muchas gracias Boot. BTW, I allmost forgot you speak Spanish. Viva Borinquen.
Nov 13, 2002 at 7:42 PM Post #5 of 30
Hey Onix !!!

Do you really think turkey & chicken as "real food"???

He wants some EDIT "Ceviche" or some wakamole man... Give him a real men meat beef !!!... Just kidding.

As far as I can see, he is doing fine. My kids are 27 and 30 Y. old and had the same "problems" in the past... Don't worry !!

Best from


Nov 13, 2002 at 8:24 PM Post #6 of 30

Originally posted by Ari
He wants some seviche

Mmmh! Ceviche. He'll probably like it. Obrigado Ari (and thanks for the Marina Person's picture you posted
Nov 13, 2002 at 8:47 PM Post #7 of 30
what did your wife crave when she was pregnant with this child?

as to his eating - be thankful. maybe he doesn't want to be a meat eater yet? the fact that he won't touch fried/baked food may be saying that he doesn't like grease. try boiled foods instead (no chicken skin).

how many people listen to their bodies? do you ever crave strawberries or tomatoes? why? why do you crave certain foods? is it only because you have made a pychological bond with 'love'?
from the foods you listed, i would think that it is very healthy.

enjoy it while you can. don't over indulge him with candy as he grows up. or before you know it he'll only be eating MacDonalds hamburgers. ugh.

the one thing my father told me after his heart bypass surgery was - don't eat red meat. i have since cut down to 1 portion every week. every 3 months i'll enjoy a steak. but that's it. btw, tomatoes supposedly cut the chance of prostrate cancer. and i can't have grapes because they cause me intestinal problems. and i wish i could enjoy milk like i used to when i was young. i'm now lactose intolerant.

and when i was in the womb my mother craved pork cracklings - grease. guess i wanted the grease to grease my arthritic joints. or perhaps i have arthritis because my mom craved grease - the grease gave a false sense of muscle mass balance.

just a thought.
Nov 13, 2002 at 9:17 PM Post #8 of 30

Originally posted by wallijonn
what did your wife crave when she was pregnant with this child?

as to his eating - be thankful. maybe he doesn't want to be a meat eater yet? the fact that he won't touch fried/baked food may be saying that he doesn't like grease. try boiled foods instead (no chicken skin).

how many people listen to their bodies? do you ever crave strawberries or tomatoes? why? why do you crave certain foods? is it only because you have made a pychological bond with 'love'?
from the foods you listed, i would think that it is very healthy.

enjoy it while you can. don't over indulge him with candy as he grows up. or before you know it he'll only be eating MacDonalds hamburgers. ugh.

the one thing my father told me after his heart bypass surgery was - don't eat red meat. i have since cut down to 1 portion every week. every 3 months i'll enjoy a steak. but that's it. btw, tomatoes supposedly cut the chance of prostrate cancer. and i can't have grapes because they cause me intestinal problems. and i wish i could enjoy milk like i used to when i was young. i'm now lactose intolerant.

and when i was in the womb my mother craved pork cracklings - grease. guess i wanted the grease to grease my arthritic joints. or perhaps i have arthritis because my mom craved grease - the grease gave a false sense of muscle mass balance.

just a thought.

Okay, but according to his doctor, babies should eat everything. We don´'t ussually cook with oil or fat anyway. Your observations actually make a lot of sense, my wife ate tacos and Mexican food while pregnant, and the kid likes tacos (the non-fattening variety) for sure. Gracias.
Nov 13, 2002 at 9:26 PM Post #9 of 30
"the one thing my father told me after his heart bypass surgery was - don't eat red meat."

Red Meat isnt that bad for you. Its not that bad. It is that bad... just kidding.
Nov 14, 2002 at 3:34 AM Post #11 of 30
I'm a Lobster and Lamb guy myself

Onix, your doctor actually said he should be eating everything? isn't that why baby teeth fall out - evolution gets us ready for "grown up" food?

it's amazing how we are shaped while in the womb. think about what the mother eats and how it affects the individual in the womb, or the stress put upon the mother and how the individual reacts to stress in his adult life. violence. loud noises. rtc.

my sister is allergic to seafood. she ate it ONCE. never touched it again. she had an asthma attack. doctor figures mom ate mercury contaminated fish while my sister was in the womb. and with my other sister, mom craved ice cubes. this sister is the only one that sucks ice cubes to this day.

and in Red River, NJ, everyone was shocked to see so many babies dying. everyone (city/state/federal governments) was doing all sorts of studies. i just said, "it must be the water." it WAS the water.

supposedly there's been no fallout (sorry for the pun) from 3 mile island's radiation leak on the people or newborns.
Nov 14, 2002 at 4:20 AM Post #12 of 30
Hola onix. The kid sounds healthy and normal. You will look back on this and shake your head when he hits those teen years and turns into an eating machine!

My wife has a nephew who won't touch anything but vegatables. Just preference.

That hatchling theory about shaping food preferences sure explains things. My mom reportedly craved and consumed tons of cracked ice before I was born. I do the same now, except that I add scotch!


Nov 14, 2002 at 5:42 PM Post #13 of 30
Similar issues here with my 3.5 year old... he also happens to be on the 90 percentile in height and 75 percentile in weight. He's growing and developing well, so I don't worry about it... much.
My wife obsesses about his diet, yet SHE doesn't eat much variety!

Interesting, my wife is a terribly picky eater, I eat just about everything and love a wide variety of foods. Which means that I frequently get to make three different meals for dinner! Ah, well, things will change. Remeber what you were like as a teen?

BTW: Greg wrote:

My mom reportedly craved and consumed tons of cracked ice before I was born. I do the same now, except that I add scotch!

LOVEIT! Now I know where those cravings come from...

Nov 14, 2002 at 5:44 PM Post #14 of 30
Sounds like the lil Chorrito is eating a pretty healthy diet and very similar to my diet but i don't know how good this is for a young child...Being that he eats beans and such this may be good enough for protein but i wonder if he gets enough of the Vitamin Bs without meats...

I really don't have any strategy to get him to eat meats particullarly if he resorts to armimg himself with a weapon (spoon) but i'm inclined to let him eat the diet he's eating...Many children in hawaii were raised eating essentially poi and they do fine, with much less digestive problems...
Nov 14, 2002 at 6:24 PM Post #15 of 30

Originally posted by Onix
Thanks Bootman. That analogy with the ancianos actually puts everything in perspective. After all, the guy has had the same diet all over his life, why would he allow us to change it? Muchas gracias Boot. BTW, I allmost forgot you speak Spanish. Viva Borinquen.


Given enough variety of healthy foods, I've come to realize that kids listen to their bodies and will eat what they really need. (of course if bad eating habits are introduced this will not be the case but usually they get corrupted when they are much other than one)

We as adults should really try to listen to our bodies and feed it what it wants.

(of course in my case my body wants arroz con gandules, chuletas y una cerveza fria.

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