markl, how would you characterize the sound of the Sonys and the ATs? My reference points are the HD600s, the SR-225s (I recently listened to the RS-2s) and the ER-4S.
grinch, thanks. I tried to do a lot of research before I posted because there is no point if the thread becomes too nebulous. It is hard since I'm seeking opinions (and logical arguments in support) but I'd like to make the effort.
My sonic priorities are: immediacy (not to be confused with forward), low-level detail, tonality and rhythm. The best systems are the ones where you can pick out any instrument, follow it without a problem, hear extremely good detail but be able to listen to everything as a whole without instruments vying for attention. I find tubes generally do this better but well-executed solid state comes very close.
I didn't find the Stax or Sugden/HD600 to be musically involving. I want to be on the verge of tears if I'm listening to something sad. My home system can do that and I can't see why a headphone system can't.
I've been doing audio for a very long time. My dad weened me on a LP12 and Quad tube gear, nowhere near a neutral setup, but it spoiled me. When I was old enough, he and I custom built tube gear (pre-amp, phono stage, monoblock amps).
My current system is a shadow of past systems. Back when I wouldn't think twice about spending $2000 on a set of interconnects. (They didn't make $2000 power cords then.) It is the "I'm fed up with all of this crap, I just want to listen to music" system.
I've heard some of the best out there. I recently listened to the highly touted Halcro dm58 monoblocks and dm10 pre-amp and it was really nice but certainly not worth the $35,000 price. I much prefer the Nagra VPA tube monoblocks and PL-L tube pre-amp at half the price. I've listened to the SME 30/2 turntable. That's a $25,000 table. I haven't hear the Rockport and some of the higher end European tables but I would like to. I was set to buy the Simon Yorke before I got news we were losing our jobs (company acquisition).
I guess that I'm terminally jaded.
I haven't listened to the Omega IIs. A long time ago, I listened to the Orpheus and feel that electrostats aren't suitable for all kinds of music. I listen to everything and I mean EVERYTHING. So my thinking is that a dynamic setup will buy me the most coverage and using different headphones will allow me to tailor my listening experience. Some day I'll get the Omega IIs but this isn't the time.
I have to say that the Gilmore and Emmeline have the inside track at the moment. I don't need a pre-amp because I'm shooting for a Hovland HP-100 or the Nagra PL-L within a year or two. I will see if HeadAmp will make me a V2-SE without all of the extra inputs and source selector to simplify the circuit topology. I will see if I can get the Emmeline with a stepped attenuator.
The wildcard is the Grace because there is a local dealer in Seattle so I can at least listen to it before a purchase.
What would be the cost on a Gilmore electrostatic amp? Going Omega II earspeakers and that amp might be a viable option.