Help choosing an MP3 Player
Jan 5, 2010 at 1:20 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Jan 5, 2010
I need some help choosing an MP3 player. This is basically what I'm looking for:

**Excellent sound quality**
Preferably - EQ with at least 7 bands
Expandable via memory card
FM Radio
Preferably - Support for FLAC
Standard USB port (regular, mini, micro all okay - but no proprietary cables)
Decent UI

Now, most important is the sound quality. Now, I have done some searching before posting, so let me stop many of you now before you start saying that sound quality is entirely subjective, because that is not true. The subjective areas that have to do with sound quality largely have to do with how sensitive a person's ear is (if they have a lousy ear, a poor player will sound just fine to them), and what they prefer in their sound signatures.

If you run tests with a large sample of genuine audiophiles, you can find common thresholds for bass magnitude, clarity and crispness (across all bands), etc... that will satisfy at least 90% of the people tested. (For example, you wouldn't say that the question of whether to support a frequency range of 10 hz - 300 khz is subjective. It is a fact that most humans are incapable of hearing this range and you can use the range that *most* people can hear to make objective determinations.)

With that as a baseline, you can make general objective judgements on a player's capabilities and quality of sound. Having addressed what a player is *capable* of, what you're left with is how well the player can be customized insofar as individual preferences for sound signature. Again, this can be largely objectively determined.

In that light, it's fair to say that a 5 band EQ is little more than a child's toy. If you've got a 5 band EQ, you better hope your player sounds fantastic with levels flat, because if not, you don't have enough control to do much about it.

That being said, can anyone recommend a player that fits the above criteria? It would be nice if it were under $200, but I understand that you can't always get quality without monetary pain.
Jan 6, 2010 at 4:38 AM Post #2 of 3
The Cowon D2+ is the only player I can think of that will fit most of your criteria, right now:

- SDHC slot
- FLAC support
- FM Radio
- standard mini-USB port

The UI is not great, but it can be themed to improve it somewhat.

As for the big question of SQ, it gets good marks here at head-fi (including me, as I used to own one), but not the highest marks. It has a 5 band EQ but also Cowon's JetEffects which are pretty good. But, others here will tell you that you'll get better overall SQ from the Cowon S9 (which I have and would agree with), the Sony X-Series or the AMP3. But those don't match your other requirements, tmk. The S9, for example, has no memory slot and it uses a proprietary cable.

If you really want the most extensive control over your EQ settings, I would recommend Rockbox (Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware). But the problem is finding a player that supports it and also fits your other criteria. The D2/D2+ has an unstable Rockbox port, as well as the Sansa Fuze v1. But, those ports are not quite ready for prime-time, yet.
Jan 6, 2010 at 7:14 AM Post #3 of 3

Originally Posted by roebeet /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The Cowon D2+ is the only player I can think of that will fit most of your criteria, right now:

- SDHC slot
- FLAC support
- FM Radio
- standard mini-USB port

The UI is not great, but it can be themed to improve it somewhat.

As for the big question of SQ, it gets good marks here at head-fi (including me, as I used to own one), but not the highest marks. It has a 5 band EQ but also Cowon's JetEffects which are pretty good. But, others here will tell you that you'll get better overall SQ from the Cowon S9 (which I have and would agree with), the Sony X-Series or the AMP3. But those don't match your other requirements, tmk. The S9, for example, has no memory slot and it uses a proprietary cable.

If you really want the most extensive control over your EQ settings, I would recommend Rockbox (Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware). But the problem is finding a player that supports it and also fits your other criteria. The D2/D2+ has an unstable Rockbox port, as well as the Sansa Fuze v1. But, those ports are not quite ready for prime-time, yet.

The current decent DAPs in the market are Sony X, HIFIMAN and AMP3. It seems AMP3 is out of your criteria because it has no EQ!!

To me, the important thing of a DAP is the controlling capability of the spectrums. So EQs or not is not necessary standard to me. By the way, I don't like the artificial colored sound.

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