Help choosing a good over-ear headphones with inline mic
Oct 31, 2016 at 6:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Oct 31, 2016
Hi guys!
First of all, since is my first post, let me thank you for the pure gold we have in this forum! You guys really rock! :

Since my really old Sennheiser headset (not sure the model) is breaking apart, I need a new to replace it.
Basically I spend almost my entire day in front of a computer, listening to FLACs of pure Death/Black/Trash Metal and occasionally some classic and something like Two Steps from Hell.
Also I will use it to do video conferences and some portable audio (with my smartphone)
I like bass, but still want to ear the "rest" of the music.
During my research I've found this models:
Sennheiser Momentum 2.0
Sony MDR-1AS
AKG K545
JBL Synchros Chrome Edition
Onkyo H500M
Sennheiser HD 569
Sennheiser HD 461
AKG K550 MKII£130
I've choose the over-ear models due the comfort and sound quality.
Must have features:
  • Inline mic
  • Compatibility with Android phone
Features I would like to have:
  • Foldable design
  • Detachable cable
  • Able to clean
Anyone can give me some hints to choose one? (or suggest another one)
Nov 2, 2016 at 12:08 PM Post #2 of 2
Even without replies, I've continue to digg down the hole... and the winner seems to be the Sony MDR-1AS.
I will try to buy it in a few days (would like to try it first) so if someone thinks I'm doing a mistake or could have selected a better alternative, please don't be shy!

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