Nov 21, 2024 at 1:45 PM Post #226 of 345
Something I wish more reviews would have focused on (on the 2 and the GT) is the clamp adjustment, that's a very unique feature on these that I wish more headphones have as someone with a huge head
I feel like almost everyone has spoken about it though, it's one of the standout features in the HEDDphone TWO (and GT). I've certainly mentioned it in my review:, and will do so again in the upcoming HEDDphone TWO GT article now that I have one incoming too.
Nov 21, 2024 at 2:06 PM Post #227 of 345
I feel like almost everyone has spoken about it though, it's one of the standout features in the HEDDphone TWO (and GT). I've certainly mentioned it in my review:, and will do so again in the upcoming HEDDphone TWO GT article now that I have one incoming too.
I guess I just felt most reviews brushed off the system for its weird looks, when it genuinely helps the headphones fit many more heads than more conventional designs
Nov 21, 2024 at 4:52 PM Post #229 of 345
This is from memory since I no longer have the lcd-5 or susvara, but these have:

- much better bass quantity, impact, and tonality than either lcd-5 or susvara. maybe not quite as textured but still good, and the timbre of bass guitars is so much more lifelike
- better midrange texture than either of them
- better balanced upper mids than lcd-5 which is too shouty, and susvara which has a hole at 2k (nice for the spaciousness effect but negatively affects vocal timbre)
- better balanced upper treble than either (lcd-5 doesn’t have enough and susvara has too much, which gives it that airy quality but makes it too harsh with some tracks)

detail in the mids is on par with both if not better, bass is slightly worse (though much better tonally), and I’d say equally detailed in the treble. the fact that any of these things are true is incredible, let alone the fact that they did it at a fraction of the price with much better tuning and comfort (than lcd-5 at least)
So the H2 GT can compete with lcd-5 and Susvara? Wow
Nov 23, 2024 at 5:12 PM Post #239 of 345
As much as I appreciate the GTC cable from Hedd Audio I decided to go a different direction with my cable. The fact of the matter is my main headphone amp, the Cayin HA-300B MK2 sounds considerably better to my ears using the 4-pin XLR connector. Hedd did provide a 4-pin XLR to 4.4mm pig tail that I was using with the GTC cable. But I prefer a cleaner cable solution and have upgraded.

This is a Arctic Cables-Sonoro- copper-silver cable. It has Furutech connectors on both ends. I'll share some thoughts on the cable upgrade later.


Nov 24, 2024 at 12:34 PM Post #240 of 345
Let me put it mildly/gently😎
Yes, the GT2 is better in its sonic presentation and tonal performance than the HEDD V2 10 Months ago



PS.But we are still a long way from a headphone design/construct 🙈🙈
(The best approach does not help and is useless if it fails to implement it in a construct)
I am too strict/harsh about this?'ll have to decide for yourselves👍
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