I'm looking to pick up a new set of headphones in Perth Australia(preferably some Byerdynamics) while the ship I am stationed too is pulled into Freemantle. Would any of you happen to know of either a chain of stores that might be in Perth that might carry them or a specialty shop in Perth area that I could go to?
My DT770's suffered a bit of damage while we where underway and although I have my Ety's to get me by I don't like wearing them all the time as I have ear plugs in my ears nearly half the day just doing my job and its nice not to have something stuck in them all the time.
My DT770's suffered a bit of damage while we where underway and although I have my Ety's to get me by I don't like wearing them all the time as I have ear plugs in my ears nearly half the day just doing my job and its nice not to have something stuck in them all the time.