Some things you need to know
1.) Headphone modification is overrated. Changing cables and everything from good modders may look tempting, but that is the last thing to do.
2.) You need to listen to the headphone to really evaluate the sound. If i compare two high end headphones, and say A is slightly better than B, then you will imaging one headphone playing the purest music you can imagine, and the other one somewhat distorted, while in reality, it is not true. When you will listen to both headphones, chances are that you wont be able to prefer one, but you will conclude them to be just different in their own way.
3.) When it comes to laid back music, this is what scares everyone away, lack of detail. Again, when someone compares "laid back vs in your face" by "on stage vs back row", your imagination messes you up. If in your face meant higher detail and laid back meant lower detail, all high end headphones would be in your face. Every now and then you hear people saying "laid back" and "very detailed" in the same line when describing a headphone, this would not be possible if laid back cans lacked detail. To be honest, i prefer laid back sound, so i might be talking from their side here.
4.) I dont have all the headphones in the world