Headphone/Audio Pronunciation Guide
Jun 18, 2002 at 2:50 PM Post #16 of 45

Originally posted by MacDEF
In physics classes in college, and working at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Although it's funny, cuz you're right about Dictionary.com (and Merriam-Webster.com, as well) -- they list it as im-PEE-duhnz. Kind of weird that all the physicists I've been around in my life pronounced it wrong!

that's so silly. boy do i have stuff like that. tell me they're english or something, then they'll be off the hook. the english pronounce beta as "bee-ta" and vitamins are "vit-amins" and a whole bunch of other weird **** that i can't remember at the moment. i've been listening to douglas adams' hhgg audio books read by the author and boy does he pronounce stuff incorrectly.
Jun 18, 2002 at 6:35 PM Post #17 of 45
Gotta laugh...

The story of the physicists pronouncing IM-pedence reminds me of an interesting experience....

While doing clinical rotations at THE Hospital of Univeristy of Pennsylvania (one truly has to have one's nose in the air whist reading this), it was strange and fun to listen to the way the attendings would pronounce the word, centimeter.

I had always heard that word pronounced like, CENT-e-meter. So, apparently had all the first year medical students. But, they quickly changed their ways once they heard the attendings describe a lesion as being "about 3 SONT-e-meters in length". In fact, many of them afterward seemed to exaggerate the SONT, just to make sure.


But then again, this was in Philadelphia where they say, "wudher" instead of water and where you can do your food shopping at the Ak-eh-Me, not the Acme.

Thanks for the pronounciation tips!
Jun 18, 2002 at 6:57 PM Post #18 of 45

Originally posted by MacDEF

In physics classes in college, and working at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Although it's funny, cuz you're right about Dictionary.com (and Merriam-Webster.com, as well) -- they list it as im-PEE-duhnz. Kind of weird that all the physicists I've been around in my life pronounced it wrong!

It's listed as MOW-tic on their web site.

Were your physicists of North American origion? I always had a lot of fun figuring out terms by Asian and European professors:

American: A-lum-i-num UK: Al-u-min-E-um
Jun 18, 2002 at 7:35 PM Post #20 of 45
gray dough
so knee
sen high sir
alice sandro
s tax
bay r die nam ick
yeah ma haw
bangin' ol' f son
eh? kay gee
Jun 18, 2002 at 8:20 PM Post #21 of 45
<grin> Time for Headphony Python - How to pronounce different headphone manufacturers from a long way away. Number 1 - a Sennheiser (a zen-hizer) ...

Grinnings from Munich!

Manfred / lini

P.S.: An a in German (and in Italian) is usually a dark a like in father or dark. And our o is usually pronounced like in sock or hog. Our i is usually pronounced like in (to) live or pick, whereas your i usually is our ei/ai/ey/ay like in Meier, Mai, Beyerdynamic. And our e is usually pronounced like in felt or yell, hell, sell... And our u would be more like your oo in fool, cool, drool or shorter like your ou in should, would... Anyway, concluding from the above, I'd probably have difficulties buying any German, Italian, Spanish or French products in the U.S....
Jun 18, 2002 at 8:30 PM Post #22 of 45
Does the pronounciation really matter? There are so many different dialects and accents...

But here's how I pronounce some stuff:

Sennheiser: sen-hyzer (like budweiser)
Grado: gray-doe
Melos: mellow-s, DanG pronounces it me-loss
Beyerdynamic: buyer-dynamic
Etymotic: eti-mo-tick (like moth), Tyll pronounces it with a long o (like mow)
Classe - class-aye (like essay)

I probably say stuff wrong, but *shrug*
Jun 18, 2002 at 8:58 PM Post #23 of 45
>Does the pronounciation really matter?

Usually not that much - unless a) you totally screw things up or b) you have to deal with unfriendly, nationalistic folks. Some people really seem to have a lot of trouble with b) as tourists. But maybe it could happen with arrogant high-end sales personnel, too...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Jun 19, 2002 at 1:26 AM Post #24 of 45
Well, there's a reason things have names, and there's a reason there's one way to say those names -- so we can communicate with each other. In your time here at Head-Fi, some of you may have forgotten that in the real world, most communication is oral. I suppose you could go around pronouncing "headphones" as "pogostick," but it's not going to improve the situation. It really does help if you can pronounce things right, just so I can tell what the hell you're talking about.

Jun 19, 2002 at 2:39 AM Post #25 of 45

Originally posted by Beagle
gray dough
so knee
sen high sir
alice sandro
s tax
bay r die nam ick
yeah ma haw
bangin' ol' f son
eh? kay gee

Beagle, were some of these jokes to throw people off?
Jun 19, 2002 at 3:16 AM Post #26 of 45

Originally posted by MacDEF

jpelg, if you're speaking Italian, that's correct. However, like many non-English names (Aguirre is a common one in CA), Grado is now Americanized
If you call them on the phone, they pronounce it like Play-Doh

Damm Americans f'ing up other people's languages.

Oh wait, I do that too.
Jun 19, 2002 at 4:23 AM Post #27 of 45

Originally posted by MacDEF

Beagle, were some of these jokes to throw people off?

I was wunderin' the same thing. Kind uv reminded me of an old Arkansas spelling lesson:

O 'S A R
L I B!

Getting back to the subject and looking at some of my own stuff not already listed:

R. C. A.
pan a son ic
pie o near
add comm
aud E O kwest

and the latest:
go vid E O

Glad I got all the easy ones

(on second thought, no I'm not
Jun 19, 2002 at 4:38 AM Post #28 of 45
hehe, reminds me of an Eddie Izzard sketch on the American pronounciation of HERBS


The Americans say 'erbs and the British say Herbs.... coz there's a ****ing H in it!

Jun 19, 2002 at 10:24 AM Post #30 of 45
I like the way Beagle put it. Very clear.
Now how do you pronounce phidauex? Is it fido? That would go well with Beagle.
How about BDA_ABAT? I can't even start

I had been mis-pronouncing Beyerdynamic until I talked with one of the guys at Headroom. Then I learned it was buyer dy namic. I always wondered about Grado.
This is a good thread, I had a lot of fun reading it.

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