I agree with Ham Radio Nut! The 5001 is a fantastic cd player for the price! It gives my Marantz SA8001 a REAL run for its money, and may even best it in some areas! The SA8001 is warmer, slightly more dynamic, and has more body to the sound, but the 5001 has a more extended top-end, and seems a wee bit more detailed than the 8001.
The 5001 does drive all my Sennheisers [580/595/650] really, really well.
But, it just does NOT drive my AKG K701's well. It has some good volume with them, but the sound is thin, rather bright, and lacking any reasonable bass with them compared to an outboard headphone amp.
The headphone jack on my Marantz SA8001 drives the AKG's quite abit better, especially in the bass.