Headphone advice
Jan 8, 2003 at 1:52 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Jan 8, 2003
I Currently own a Grado SR-60 and love them for listening at home, but on buses and area with a lot of people, they seem to loud to have on. Are there any Closed headphones that wouldn't be so loud to people around me and yet still sound as good as the SR-60's? Thanks in advance =)
Jan 8, 2003 at 1:57 AM Post #2 of 2

If you don't mind being stared at
The Sennheiser HD280 Pro is a better phone, period, than the SR60. It's also got the most noise sealing on the market I believe. So you can hear the music fully, and people areound you don't hear anything. I think it's cheaper in the US as well. It's much more robust than the SR60 and folds too.

The MDR-7506/V6 is a bit more portable and once again sonds pretty good. At the top/mid end, it's an SR60 soundalike but it's easier driven by most portables and once again on most portables it's got more low end kick. It's pretty well closed and folds into a compact package.

Others exist but it depends on your budget. Have a listen to these two first though.

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