Sep 23, 2014 at 5:32 PM Post #6,031 of 9,989
Ooops apologies…… Just re-read the email reply from Justin sent on 28th August 2014.  
Justin stated 6 months as the wait time status on 28 August 2014.    
My initial question to Justin was waiting time if order was placed in September 2014 ! 
Sep 23, 2014 at 5:43 PM Post #6,032 of 9,989
6 months is the estimate I got when I ordered, back in the fall 2012... Justin is probably getting faster on batch 4 but I'd also think these are best estimate assuming no issue in the whole chain of events...
If you're not ready to wait quite a bit longer than 6months, all you're signing up,for is frustration, I'd read this thread over to make my mind.
Sep 23, 2014 at 9:48 PM Post #6,034 of 9,989
6 months is the estimate I got when I ordered, back in the fall 2012... Justin is probably getting faster on batch 4 but I'd also think these are best estimate assuming no issue in the whole chain of events...
If you're not ready to wait quite a bit longer than 6months, all you're signing up,for is frustration, I'd read this thread over to make my mind.

Yeah, no way it's 6 months for this new batch.  If he's only testing 1 amp a week it'll be 6 months before all the ones in this third batch are even shipped.
Sep 24, 2014 at 2:50 PM Post #6,035 of 9,989
Thank you Ali.  Much appreciated.
Sep 25, 2014 at 10:05 PM Post #6,038 of 9,989
Surely some folks have gotten shipping notices by now? I know I'm not in the earliest part of the getting finished batch, but it's been a few weeks since testing, etc. started.
Sep 26, 2014 at 2:58 PM Post #6,041 of 9,989
  headamp is listed as exhibitor at the NYC Hifi show for the next 3 days (09/26-28) in Brooklyn.
I guess Justin is travelling.

nope. i havent been to probably the past 5 or 6 shows/meets. no time. Peter (Iron_Dreamer on here) is there representing HeadAmp
HeadAmp Stay updated on HeadAmp at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 27, 2014 at 2:38 AM Post #6,043 of 9,989
Just curious, are you going to be at RMAF or will Peter be representing you there as well?

I like going to RMAF and Denver, but these shows are tough. It's 5 days including travel. If I go, it may just be for 1 day, with Peter there for the entire show. and I'd like to have at least half of this batch of BHSEs shipped before then
HeadAmp Stay updated on HeadAmp at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 27, 2014 at 2:18 PM Post #6,045 of 9,989
I like going to RMAF and Denver, but these shows are tough. It's 5 days including travel. If I go, it may just be for 1 day, with Peter there for the entire show. and I'd like to have at least half of this batch of BHSEs shipped before then

Copy dat 
Guys of #4 batch, let's wait for end of october to start questions bombing again 


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