May 25, 2014 at 12:59 PM Post #5,296 of 9,989
You got the off boards?  I think I know who your talking about...

Yes. Well, yes. But that makes two people. That little poosy and then a certain commercial dude who makes pretty good Schiit.
May 25, 2014 at 3:21 PM Post #5,297 of 9,989
I think the BHSE is an incredible amp in almost every way, what stops it from being perfect to me is I'd never leave it on while being out, it would probably be safe to do that, but I'd never take the risk.
This is why I'm wondering whether Justin might eventually start building a SS stats amp, because it wouldn't bother me about leaving a SS stats amp on while being out, after all I've done it with my GS-Xmk2 several times. ( this was when I was using that amp a lot more than I am now ).

Assuming Justin was to eventually do a SS stats amp, then I see no reason why it couldn't look similar to the BHSE's amp section.
May 25, 2014 at 7:54 PM Post #5,299 of 9,989
Paddy,  I think Peter moved from a KGSS to a KGSSHV.  Not the BHSE - He will confirm.  


May 26, 2014 at 3:05 AM Post #5,300 of 9,989
  The psvane's have a much thicker sound, there's less transparency but more warmth and meat. I think that's why it fits nicely with the 009s on the BHSE. Funny thing is they don't sound like the metal base XF1s at all, much like their cloned WE 300b.
The mullards have smoother (albeit brighter) highs and sweeter mids compared to the el34ph, which is why I think these fit the 007s better.

It's not clear what exactly the PHs are being compared to here? The original post mentioned NOS xf2/xf4. Here is mentioned xf1.
May 26, 2014 at 4:31 AM Post #5,301 of 9,989
Those NOS xf2 / xf4 and xf1's will all probably sound very good, but not only are they very hard to get hold of, I wouldn't mind betting they won't be cheap. Anyway I'm very happy with the PH's ( which is why I bought another quad ) so I'm sticking with them.
May 26, 2014 at 6:23 AM Post #5,302 of 9,989
It's not clear what exactly the PHs are being compared to here? The original post mentioned NOS xf2/xf4. Here is mentioned xf1.

Why is it not clear? Purk posted that he will be comparing the NOS XF2's vs a quad of EL34ph. I then quoted a post where David said it will be interested to see the results, and then wrote my experience on the matter.

I mentioned the metal base XF1 because that is what Psvane wanted to clone when making the EL34ph.

May 26, 2014 at 10:23 AM Post #5,303 of 9,989
The lack of clarity was that I had interpreted Purk's comment "Will report back against my XF2/4 quad" to mean that he has both XF2 and XF4s to compare against. The same statement could also have meant that he had 4 quads of XF2s, but seems unlikely ;o). And you throwing in a comment about XF1s was interesting because I'd like to hear views on all these models.
However, having got my brain in gear, the only model under comparison looks like the XF2.    
May 26, 2014 at 3:49 PM Post #5,304 of 9,989
My 2 cents worth-
I listened and compared a Spritzer built KGSShv and Headamp BHSE for a week.      
Believe it or not- I thought the BHSE with stock tubes and KGSShv sounded VERY similar, too similar.
I remember expecting much more from the BHSE- it sounded more like a ss amp than a tube amp. I was a bit disappointed, Grrrrr all the hype!  The BHSE sounded and looked great but for the price difference (and the insane wait time), you would think you would get ALOT more for the $$$ right?
But it all started to change once I tried different tubes sets-
Not in any order-
NOS Mullard FX2's-
NOS Amperex-
Psvane T-series black bottles- 
Shuguang 50 year Treasures-
Psvane EL34PH's-
Now finally, the sound was getting better and could be slightly tailored.
After a long week of tube listening, the Psvane EL34PH's ended up sounding best.  Second best- the 50 year treasures.
Im now happy with the BHSE- even though realistically, the cost and wait time may not be worth it over a well built KGSShv.  
FYI- Spritzer builds a good one! 

Another important factor-
The BHSE is commercially built from a well known and respected company.  The KGSShv is a DIY amp and if you buy used- like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!
May 26, 2014 at 8:25 PM Post #5,307 of 9,989
Sorry guys- didn't mean to ramble on.
The tubes were not listed in any particular order. 
The Mullards sounded good and I too expected them to sound best, but the Chinese tubes were surprisingly better.
I find them to be a perfect match for the BHSE.  YMMV.
May 27, 2014 at 4:18 AM Post #5,309 of 9,989
  Sorry guys- didn't mean to ramble on.

My comment was meant to be a complement
. That was the most comprehensive list of tubes reviewed so far on this thread, apart from maybe Elphas right at the beginning. Keep it up.
I'd say the Psvane PH tubes are very good with the BHSE while using 009's, but I'm not sure about the 007's.

All my positive comments about the PHs have been using BHSE/007 mk1, so I for one don't think that particular combination is an issue.
May 27, 2014 at 4:38 AM Post #5,310 of 9,989
All my positive comments about the PHs have been using BHSE/007 mk1, so I for one don't think that particular combination is an issue.

Hi Richard,

I've not heard the 007mk1's with my BHSE while using PH tubes, it was with the 007mk2's, and with the mk2's they sounded veiled, just like the 007mk1 / SRM-007t used to when I had them.

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