Head-Fi Essay
Jan 27, 2010 at 6:44 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16

Alc Jr

100+ Head-Fier
Jun 1, 2009
I just wanted to share an essay I did for my speech class on hi-fi audio equipment. I know there won't be any converts here, but I just thought I did a good enough job to share. If you have anything to add that would be great.

Music: The dictionary defines it as “an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner”, but most everyone in this room can agree that music is a “rhythmic expression of emotion”. With this as the case, why are we not feeling it then?

Look into people’s ears the next time you wander the halls. No, not to check for the liberal application of Q-tips, but rather for what is in their ears. Presumably, those little white dangers that we call earbuds.

My quest for hi-fi audio began after I had just gotten my first Ipod, and was blasting my low bitrate* tracks through my iBuds on the treadmill. Not able to block out ambient noise, I, someone sensitive to sound, had to turn up my Ipod’s volume halfway to hear the sound being dispersed from them. Needless to say, the next day my ears were in serious pain, and I had to stop using any type of headphone for the next week until the pain subsided.

Not wanting to end up half deaf at 16 like some of my less fortunate colleagues (you know, the one that offers you a ride home with music so loud that you swear he’s trying to break his windshield. No thanks, I’ll walk), I searched for a pair of IEMs, or “In Ear Monitors”, as compact as earbuds, except inserted in your ear to block out outside noise so you can listen to them at a lower level of volume. What started out as a quest for an IEM in the 25-50 dollar range soon became expanded into the sub 100 dollar range, where I bought my first IEMs, a 70 dollar pair of Monster Turbines.

It was when opened up my Turbines, resting in their velvet case with their metal finish that I knew I had purchased something important. I picked out the tips that worked for me, and inserted the IEMs into my ear canal, it was like they weren’t even there.

What was there was an explosion of sound that I had never experienced before: For the first time, I was feeling my music. No longer was my play list just raucous, or added background noise on my commute to school; I was feeling the powerful effect of a snare drum, the punch of a multi-layered bass, and the plucking of strings on an acoustic guitar. I instantly started to appreciate music and branched out into different genres that I never would have thought of listening to, simply because music was now… musical.

This was only supposed to be an upgrade to protect my hearing, but within the month it turned into a full fledged hobby: I purchased my next pair of IEMs some time later, a 400 dollar pair of Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10’s for 100 dollars due to an online sale, and quickly started to upgrade my archives to higher bitrate (the higher the bitrate, the less compression the track has endured when ripped to mp3 format), and FLAC files (CD quality lossless audio). Next week I am going to an audiologist to get my custom ear canal imprints done, so that I can reshell my Triple Fi’s into custom earpieces to increase the sound quality.

You may be thinking “well, this is ridiculous, why would you spend 200 dollars on audio equipment?!”

To me, there is no compromise for sound quality; Little things make it worth it, like hearing a barely audible swear word at the beginning of your favorite song, or being able to locate where the drummer is located in the studio. And then there is the bigger picture, drastically increased sound quality and health benefits. Finally being able to hear music for what it is: An expression of emotion.

Far too often the people that say this to me are individuals that are defined by their music. Wearing a Rocawear cap or your favorite artist’s t-shirt is one thing, but getting to feel every aspect of their message, just as it was heard in the studio is another sense of appreciation on a level of its own.

I suppose all I can tell you is, give it a shot: Skip that pair of new jeans for one week and buy a nice pair of headphones: There is so much to hear, and life is too short to listen to bad headphones.
Jan 27, 2010 at 6:52 PM Post #2 of 16
The speech isn't bad at all! One suggestion though: Do NOT start a speech or essay with the words, "the dictionary defines X as Y," EVER!!!!

that opening is so cliche, it destroys your credibility for the entire rest of the presentation.
Jan 27, 2010 at 7:27 PM Post #3 of 16
Yeah, encourage the students to listen carefully for swear words in their songs now...lol.
Next theyll be looking to hear flatulance!
Jan 28, 2010 at 12:54 AM Post #4 of 16
"Life is too short to listen to bad headphones."

I love it.
Jan 28, 2010 at 2:45 AM Post #5 of 16

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The speech isn't bad at all! One suggestion though: Do NOT start a speech or essay with the words, "the dictionary defines X as Y," EVER!!!!

that opening is so cliche, it destroys your credibility for the entire rest of the presentation.

That's a good point, I'm going to change that.

Originally Posted by Drag0n /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, encourage the students to listen carefully for swear words in their songs now...lol.
Next theyll be looking to hear flatulance!

Hah, the closest I've heard is coughing


Originally Posted by TopPop /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"Life is too short to listen to bad headphones."

I love it.

Hopefully Monster won't sue me!
Jan 28, 2010 at 2:49 AM Post #6 of 16

Originally Posted by TopPop /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"Life is too short to listen to bad headphones."

I love it.

That should be Head-Fi's new moto!
Jan 28, 2010 at 3:06 AM Post #8 of 16

There is so much to hear, and life is too short to listen to bad headphones.

I like the full version of the quote even better.

After you remove that definition at the beginning as suggested, you've got yourself a pretty good speech there. Maybe we found a keynote speaker for teh CanJam. lol
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:10 AM Post #9 of 16

Originally Posted by unl3a5h3d /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That should be Head-Fi's new moto!

You've got my vote!

But if you really want to make an impression, walk around with Grados on your head for a day
. If I ever get my hands on a pair, that's definitely on my to do list. The reactions for my RE0s make my day
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:38 PM Post #10 of 16
Good speech, I enjoyed the read. I'd be curious to know the reaction you get. You can usually get people a little more interested if you use a prop. Maybe showing them your TF10's would help them remember what you had to say.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:50 PM Post #11 of 16

Originally Posted by unl3a5h3d /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That should be Head-Fi's new moto!


Originally Posted by koven /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Cool, I'm all for promoting this hobby in a non-elitist way.

It's a nice phrase, but no way will Head-Fi ever attempt to steal it! Monster has proven that they love to sue! But using it in a speech I think is fair game.

Well done, by the way. It really showed the "why" aspect of your hobby quite well, and that's what people don't seem to get. You know, the fact that better equipment can help you to dig further into the music, even to the point of getting lost in it, and then wanting to explore new genres. It opens your mind and heart to new things and allows you to experience some old things in an entirely different way.
Jan 29, 2010 at 3:17 AM Post #12 of 16

Originally Posted by koven /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Cool, I'm all for promoting this hobby in a non-elitist way.

As am I!

Originally Posted by etiolate /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I like the full version of the quote even better.

After you remove that definition at the beginning as suggested, you've got yourself a pretty good speech there. Maybe we found a keynote speaker for teh CanJam. lol

I just took the first paragraph out completely.
Hah, maybe someday, I definitely want to go.

Originally Posted by semisight /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You've got my vote!

But if you really want to make an impression, walk around with Grados on your head for a day
. If I ever get my hands on a pair, that's definitely on my to do list. The reactions for my RE0s make my day

Lol Grado RS1 is on my wish-list for a home-rig. When I was on the train with my TF10's I noticed a woman look into her window a few times to glance back at what was protruding from my ears.

Originally Posted by wantmyf1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good speech, I enjoyed the read. I'd be curious to know the reaction you get. You can usually get people a little more interested if you use a prop. Maybe showing them your TF10's would help them remember what you had to say.

For sure, I'm going to bring in a pair of headphones. I hope the response is positive; My assumption is that most people will think "Hmm, that's a good thought, can't argue there", then go on to buy beer instead of a good pair of headphones


Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's a nice phrase, but no way will Head-Fi ever attempt to steal it! Monster has proven that they love to sue! But using it in a speech I think is fair game.

Well done, by the way. It really showed the "why" aspect of your hobby quite well, and that's what people don't seem to get. You know, the fact that better equipment can help you to dig further into the music, even to the point of getting lost in it, and then wanting to explore new genres. It opens your mind and heart to new things and allows you to experience some old things in an entirely different way.

Thanks, it truly is an amazing hobby overall not only for finding a new appriciation for your current music, but branching out genres as well. My dad is a jazz/blues fan and I never understood the genre, but after a good pair of headphones really involves you into the music, I guess you could say that I "get it".
Feb 10, 2010 at 8:51 PM Post #13 of 16

Originally Posted by semisight /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You've got my vote!

But if you really want to make an impression, walk around with Grados on your head for a day
. If I ever get my hands on a pair, that's definitely on my to do list. The reactions for my RE0s make my day

i get no reactions and do this everyday. (grados)
Feb 10, 2010 at 10:59 PM Post #14 of 16
Lol I thought this was going to be an essay not a speech. Nonetheless, great job! I'd love to do that for the class, but they would all sit there talking to each other and not pay attention :p I always write too much though haha. 500 word essay turns into a 1600 word one

BTW, Quote:

There is so much to hear, and life is too short to listen to bad headphones.

is actually an old quote, in case people do not know this.
Feb 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM Post #15 of 16

Originally Posted by Alc Jr /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hopefully Monster won't sue me!

You mentioned them in your speech without their explicit permission. Just don't be surprised when you get a call from their lawyers

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