HE90 Headphones sold for $2676 <= reasonable price?
May 25, 2003 at 9:01 PM Post #2 of 22
I don't know if that price is reasonable but atleast they'll be appreciated, as it looks like fellow head-fier, boozebottons snagged 'em...
May 25, 2003 at 9:05 PM Post #3 of 22
The bid history is a little weird. Perhaps the second to last bidder was a friend of the seller's because he virtually doubled the bid.
May 25, 2003 at 9:13 PM Post #4 of 22
I think it's the deal of the century. When you consider there are only a handful in existence, and it will be a long time before these are on the market again, and there won't likely be anything headphone-wize that can compete with them released any time in the foreseeable future. If I had the finances at the moment, I myself would have bid and would have felt very satisfied if i got them for that price. It shouldn't be hard to find someone to build a sweet amp for them. Bozebuttons, you are a lucky man, congrats!

May 25, 2003 at 9:26 PM Post #6 of 22

Originally posted by Uncledan
As I remember, there was a post on Audiogon sold the HE90 Headphones for $750. Although, the seller said the headphone in 8/10 condition and without case.

I think you're talking baby o.

whether he90 is worth the money or not, I don't know yet (will try to find out in the near future). it's certainly a rare and unique phone but saying that `there won't likely be anything headphone-wize that can compete with them released any time in the foreseeable future` based on the uniqueness and the price alone is a little unwary.
May 25, 2003 at 9:30 PM Post #7 of 22

Originally posted by zzz
I think you're talking baby o.

whether he90 is worth the money or not, I don't know yet (will try to find out in the near future). it's certainly a rare and unique phone but saying that `there won't likely be anything headphone-wize that can compete with them released any time in the foreseeable future` based on the uniqueness and the price alone is a little unwary.

Oh you are right, that is my mistake....
May 25, 2003 at 9:32 PM Post #8 of 22
A fellow Headfier bumped the price. I was up and down about buying them but caved in.
The sound quality of the he60s pushed me to buy them. Amp considerations are in the works now. For the time being I will make an adapter to use with my stax007t amp.
Maybe by the next NY meet I will have a better amp to drive them for everyone to hear at the next meet.
And thanks Mark,I am lucking to get them.
May 25, 2003 at 9:53 PM Post #9 of 22

whether he90 is worth the money or not, I don't know yet (will try to find out in the near future). it's certainly a rare and unique phone but saying that `there won't likely be anything headphone-wize that can compete with them released any time in the foreseeable future` based on the uniqueness and the price alone is a little unwary.

Well, I heard the Orpheus at the WOH tour where I believe you heard it, too!
Don't know about you, but it impressed the hell out of me! Based on the brief audition, it sounded better than any amp I plugged my R10s into.
I have no doubt that with a custom amp, it will sound amazing.

May 25, 2003 at 10:49 PM Post #11 of 22

Originally posted by bozebuttons
A fellow Headfier bumped the price. I was up and down about buying them but caved in.
The sound quality of the he60s pushed me to buy them. Amp considerations are in the works now. For the time being I will make an adapter to use with my stax007t amp.
Maybe by the next NY meet I will have a better amp to drive them for everyone to hear at the next meet.
And thanks Mark,I am lucking to get them.

They retail for about $6500 new, so, yes really great deal!
Glad to see that you got them, since that means that someday I will get to hear them too, at a meet
May 25, 2003 at 11:34 PM Post #13 of 22
I was the fellow head-fi-er who bumped the bid at the end but had no idea that it was Tom who was the other bidder, or how much his bid was, or I would have let them go! Nor do I have any idea who the seller is. I learned about the auction from the thread started by the seller here at head-fi last week and figured there would be other head-fi'ers in the run, but what can you do?

The price stayed at $1,325 for several days and until about 1 minute remaining, when it went to $1,350. My connection does not allow me to bid safely any closer than 7 seconds remaining, and I was not about to undo everything to fish back and see who the other bidder was. In fact, I expected others on the board here to jump in as well, and was surprised that nobody else did. So I just waited with my finger on the trigger until 7 seconds remained and submitted what I felt in my gut was my best bid (based on what I'm about to spend on a new pair of R-10's). I figured that I'd have a 50:50 chance at best. I was tempted to bid about $3,100 but decided against it.

I sent a PM to Tom soon after the auction ended to explain my position and I certainly hope there are no hard feelings. We have had prior communication about the possibility of my buying his HE60's and had a very good rapport at that time. I hope this doesn't affect that in any way. Had I bid $3,100 then perhaps Tom's bid would have cost me a big chunck of money - just another way of thinking about it.

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