HD800 and LCD-2 rev2, or LCD-3 alone
Jan 22, 2013 at 10:11 PM Post #46 of 58
I vote for the LCD-3s + the HD800s 

Apr 7, 2013 at 9:37 AM Post #47 of 58
Damn this thread and you guys.
I'm desperately trying to convince myself that I don't want to buy the HD800s because I painstakingly chose LCD3s over them. Most bittersweet decision ever when you're dumb like I am and enjoy both sound signatures. I really think it's just a mood/genre thing unfortunately. ***, if only I had ever heard just one of them.
That HD800 soundstage, instrument separation, air and detail is something. But so is that LCD3 magical, liquid mid-range and powerful yet controlled bass extension. And it's not that either are bad at what they aren't better than the other for.
Must. resist. :frowning2:
Apr 7, 2013 at 9:43 AM Post #48 of 58
Damn this thread and you guys.
I'm desperately trying to convince myself that I don't want to buy the HD800s because I painstakingly chose LCD3s over them. Most bittersweet decision ever when you're dumb like I am and enjoy both sound signatures. I really think it's just a mood/genre thing unfortunately. ***, if only I had ever heard just one of them.
That HD800 soundstage, instrument separation, air and detail is something. But so is that LCD3 magical, liquid mid-range and powerful yet controlled bass extension. And it's not that either are bad at what they aren't better than the other for.
Must. resist. :frowning2:

Buy HD800... I did and have zero need for LCD-2 or LCD-3.
Unbeatable comfort, instrument separation, soundstage width and depth, very neutral frequency response... My perfect headphone :) And yes, HD800 are definitely suitable even for modern music (see my signature).
Apr 7, 2013 at 10:47 AM Post #49 of 58
No experience with LCD3, but I had some encounters with LCD2. I remember the first time I heard LCD2 (forgot which revision) at a meet, and I immediately told the person who brought the demo set "holy, this is magical!" However in the end, I went with the HD800 because LCD2 was uncomfortable for me in long sessions. I can leave the HD800 on my head for an entire day, simply due to its completely open build. No irritating ears = happy me.
Apr 24, 2013 at 9:20 PM Post #50 of 58
I have the LCD-3 and LCD-2 r2. I've also had the HD-800s in my stable - I'm a super-gear-hound - can't help myself!!
I'd suggest going with a used set of HD-800s - I got some off the FS forum for $1050 in mint condition; just have to be patient.
Take the other $1k and invest in a solid amp - I've seen some Bryston BHA-1s that could be had at $1050 easily, just have to barter.
Woo Audio has the WA2 that is supposed to sound fantastic with the HD-800s, not sure about the LCDs - the Woo WA6SE is another decent amp in the $1k range.
One last recommendation would be the Audio GD Phoenix with any of the headphones you are eying - I picked one up before for $900 and saw one on the forum for the same price last month.
HD-800 with a good amp will not sound thin at all IMO, and will make you much happier than the LCD-3s with the O2 - To me the LCD-3s are nowhere near $1k price separation from the LCD-2s in terms of sound.
Good luck
 - this habbit can be hobby forming...
Jun 11, 2013 at 11:36 PM Post #54 of 58
Same quandary I have been in. I had the LCD2r2 and it generally sounded just beautiful -EXCEPT- for the lack of detail and almost non existent sound stage plus not very well defined instrument placement. But on the other hand it would be really difficult to best them (IMHO) for metal/hard rock and many other genres as well. I decided to trade them in and order a set of LCD3s. I wish I had waited until the new Silver Widow cable arrived to try that first but I had a couple guys tell me that even with the cable the LCD2r2s would not sound as good as the 3s. So very soon should find out for myself if it will be necessary to get a pair of HD800s, which I would really like to get anyway just to satisfy my curiosity as to how good they are. This hobby/obsession with premium sound and the equipment to faithfully reproduce it can get to be very expensive in a hurry... 
Jun 11, 2013 at 11:43 PM Post #56 of 58
Damn this thread and you guys.
I'm desperately trying to convince myself that I don't want to buy the HD800s because I painstakingly chose LCD3s over them. Most bittersweet decision ever when you're dumb like I am and enjoy both sound signatures. I really think it's just a mood/genre thing unfortunately. ***, if only I had ever heard just one of them.
That HD800 soundstage, instrument separation, air and detail is something. But so is that LCD3 magical, liquid mid-range and powerful yet controlled bass extension. And it's not that either are bad at what they aren't better than the other for.
Must. resist. :frowning2:

So do you have a preference between the two or just one is used with certain genres and the other likewise etc.? Really interested in which one of these is overall better for everything... Although in the end I know it is not just so clear cut.
Jun 11, 2013 at 11:58 PM Post #57 of 58
One needs both the LCD-3 and HD800.
No headphone is perfect. Complimentary cans needed.
Jun 13, 2013 at 8:19 AM Post #58 of 58
What is the amp/dac you have there? Works well with both headphones?

DAC - Bryston BDA-2 
Amp - Bryston BHA-1
IMO, totally works well with both. With the LCD3, it brings it a greater sense of detail, instrumental separation and soundstage. It also made the bass better defined. It brought the LCD3's closer to a more neutral sound if anything.
With the HD800, IMO it maintains the HD800 sound signature - you get all the HD800 strengths coming through with IMO just the right amount of bass slam and extension. Some people will call it slightly bright and I can see why but IMO, it isn't.
Having said this, I believe "synergy" is completely preferential. For me, I'm slightly bipolar in that I enjoy the relative warmth and musicality of the LCD3 and the soundstage, instrumental separation and analytical nature of the HD800. For my intent, this rig does a great job.
So do you have a preference between the two or just one is used with certain genres and the other likewise etc.? Really interested in which one of these is overall better for everything... Although in the end I know it is not just so clear cut.

I spent hours agonising over which headphone to pick. I initially had a HD650 and Violectric V800/V100 stack which I loved.
My initial painstaking decision to go with the LCD3 over the HD800 was driven by versatility/practicality. I listen to fairly modern and mainstream pop/rock in 16bit/44.1kHz FLAC and not some crazy Chesky 24/192 stuff - I guess I'm not an audiophile in the terms of the purist's definition of one. I love great sounding gear but it has to sound great to me for what I actually like to listen to. Because of the quality of my recordings and my genres, the LCD3 had to be my main pick.
Having said that, it's not as though the HD800 doesn't do these genres/recordings well either. It does things differently and still sounds bloody great to me - otherwise I would have never gone back to buy the HD800's lol. 
I truly think it is preferential based on your mood and your genre. If you asked me now to allocate a share 100 units of preference between the two, I'd go 55/45 in favour of the LCD3 - dictated purely by the fact that whilst I'm slightly bipolar with my sound preference, I lean slightly, slightly more towards the more musical/darker/warm side of neutral - but only if you put me in a gun-to-head scenario lol.
If you were to ask me about comfort and value for money though, I'd say the HD800's easily <- assuming you have a rig of the quality it needs .

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