HD650s or the K701s?
Aug 6, 2007 at 6:21 PM Post #31 of 33

Originally Posted by kamenal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If I may, the HD650 - Bosendorfer, a K701 - Yamaha. Take your pick.

Not a bad analogy! I would suggest, though, that a properly amplified and burned in pair of 701s is like the combination of both the best of Steinway (model D) and Bosendorfer Imperial (Model 290) Concert Grands. 'Love that brilliance, 'love that extra bottom octave! A Properly set up K701 has all the brilliance and sonority of both!
Aug 7, 2007 at 10:54 AM Post #32 of 33
Well, I've been A-B-C'ing my K-501, K-701 and HD-650 tonight, and I'm going for the K-701 as my home 'phone. To my ears it beats the HD-650 handily, and it's not even burnt in yet.

Actually, I'm surprised how good a showing my K-501 made! Not quite as full and warm as the K-701, and missing a bit of detail, but holds up well.
Aug 7, 2007 at 11:17 AM Post #33 of 33
Short of trying the HD650 balanced, I've given the Senns a fighting chance, I think. IMHO, I preferred the stock K701 to the (RAL) re-cabled HD650. While the RAL/HD650 sounded super (w/the Bada PH-12), they (the Senns) just weren't for me. Too detached and non-involving. I prefer a more "in-your-face" presentation, and I think the K701 strike just the right balance between maintaining a respectable distance and being up-front. I like the pace of the K701 better, too. Bass, while perhaps less prominent w/the K701, is much more deep and articulate with the AKG, IMHO.

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