May 16, 2017 at 12:55 PM Post #2,911 of 3,351
No time like the present. Its a purchase I've never regretted. I sold my original 1-iis because I was on a spree, but regretted it shortly and wound up buying a pair of Amperiors to replace them.

I would recommend the 1-ii over the Amperior, though; I have the Amps and they are great, I get a lot of mileage out of the inline mic and the sound is awesome, but the old school 1-ii had a clearer, more neutral midrange and slightly tighter bass.

I do get a bit confused on the models of the HD25. The names and numbers are weird.

That being said, this HD25 and FiiO amp set for $149 seems tempting:
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May 16, 2017 at 1:30 PM Post #2,912 of 3,351
I do get a bit confused on the models of the HD25. The names and numbers are weird.

That being said, this HD25 and FiiO amp set for $149 seems tempting:

That looks like an amazing deal; I'd say it seemed too good to be true if the HD26 hadn't become their flagship broadcast headphone.

It's got the split headband, which means it probably has the same fully modular design as the HD25-1-ii (the good one), but I can't say for certain. It looks black; the HD25-1-ii is actually a dark navy, and doesn't usually have the Sennheiser logo on the ear cups. The description also mentions they are "high sensitivity," which makes me wonder if they are the real ones; 70 ohms isn't exactly super efficient for a portable or DJ headphone.

It says it has the "original HD25 sound," which is reassuring, but I'm just not sure tbh.

Edit: I imagine there is likely a thread here on HF somewhere clarifying the different models.
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Jun 27, 2017 at 11:20 PM Post #2,913 of 3,351
70 ohms is efficient, and even more so with HD25's armature-IEM-level 120dB SPL (its sensitivity according to specs).
Jul 10, 2017 at 1:07 PM Post #2,914 of 3,351
No time like the present. Its a purchase I've never regretted. I sold my original 1-iis because I was on a spree, but regretted it shortly and wound up buying a pair of Amperiors to replace them.

I would recommend the 1-ii over the Amperior, though; I have the Amps and they are great, I get a lot of mileage out of the inline mic and the sound is awesome, but the old school 1-ii had a clearer, more neutral midrange and slightly tighter bass.


Had the amperior at the same time as the hd25 and the amperior to my ears was much muddier and bloated sounding. Rock didnt sound NEAr as good. It was like everything was a bit more muffled, like it was burried....

I also had and sold my hd25s at one time....big mistake, regreted it right away and i could not wait for a good deal to get them back.

They are not the most confortable headphones and other headphones like the over ear momentums may have superior and more all rounder drivers today.... Bur there is something to the hd25.... That forwardeness, that punchiness (specially for metal and beat centric genres), that powerfull and palpable sound (eléctric guitars are só powerfull) the fit, the isolation and sound immersion, the lightness and super rugged build (they look new forever).... Its just a very addicting package....

I havê the 80ohm dt770, both over ear momentums, hd600, m50x, and of course the hd25-1 ii.... If a gun was pointed to my head and i had to choose only one i would probably pick the hd25. Not because its the best sounding but because i know it would serve me well anywhere and for everything.
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Jul 10, 2017 at 7:11 PM Post #2,915 of 3,351

The HD25 is the king of portable headphone!

RecentIy I was on a trip to Rio De Janeiro, 14 hours fly, I enjoyed every bit of them because of the HD25! Sound Isolation was fantastic, Rock music sounds blissful on them.
I also had the Amperior, not a big fun really. The low impedance driver is too much of a compromise and sound blurred. Honestly the hd25 is loud on portable.
Also have the Beyerdynamic t51p, the hd25 is still the better headphone.
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Jul 11, 2017 at 12:15 AM Post #2,916 of 3,351

The HD25 is the king of portable headphone!

RecentIy I was on a trip to Rio De Janeiro, 14 hours fly, I enjoyed every bit of them because of the HD25! Sound Isolation was fantastic, Rock music sounds blissful on them.
I also had the Amperior, not a big fun really. The low impedance driver is too much of a compromise and sound blurred. Honestly the hd25 is loud on portable.
Also have the Beyerdynamic t51p, the hd25 is still the better headphone.

I love them só much that a couple of days ago i made one of those stupid buys....

I bought my hd25s a year ago in "like new" condition on french amazon and they are in mint condition. They still have one year of warranty and all but last weekend i saw a flash deal for a brand new pair on spanish amazon for 100 euros (these days is impossible to get onde for less than 160 with taxes and shopping fees includes)....

I know it is stupid but i thought "what the heck, its a great deal....".... Só now i have 2 brand new hd25s.... One purely for backup.... :D

The good thing is i paíd 170 euros for 2 hd25s.... Usually you pay that for just one pair..... :)

I also made this buy because i wanted to compare against my current pair.... They seem a bit warmer than the first pair i owned 2 years ago so i am also checking if there are any major variations in production or if i just havê a wrong idea of the sound of the first pair i had.
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Oct 14, 2017 at 7:36 PM Post #2,917 of 3,351

100 units and not even for sale...

Couldnt they choose a proper dj/artist to do these things? With all due respesct for robin Schulz fans but i can definitly see in 20 Years people saying.... " hey....remember that great dj that had a custom made hd25....? Tiesto? morillo? Cox? naaaaaaah..... Robin Schulz!!!! What a legend...." :sunglasses:
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Nov 17, 2017 at 7:42 AM Post #2,919 of 3,351
I will be upgrading my uber modded HD-25-13 cups with the amperior cups. Will update the change of sound soon.
You probably already wrote somewhere in this post what you upgraded but I think this new design does not have any search function..
So could you please tell it again?
I'm very interested!

And: have you ever compared your modded one to an amperior?
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:33 AM Post #2,920 of 3,351
You probably already wrote somewhere in this post what you upgraded but I think this new design does not have any search function..
So could you please tell it again?
I'm very interested!

And: have you ever compared your modded one to an amperior?

Not quite sure what you mean but the much lower 16omh driver of the amperior causes the highs to be sound harsher than it's 70ohm and 600ohm counterpart as to be expected.
Human vocals also sound more recessed, however, due to the aluminium cups, bass extends the furthest.
Strangely the Amperior's 16ohm gets louder than the hd25-13 600ohm out of my LG g6 with the hifi dac.

I haven't been able to swap out the cups due to difficulty removing the drivers from the aluminium cups. Will need to order the tool from Customcans.
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:36 PM Post #2,921 of 3,351
Dec 22, 2017 at 11:11 AM Post #2,922 of 3,351
Hum.... This thread hás been quiet.... Probably everyone is raging on the hd660s s threads..... :D

Anyway.... Cant let one of my favs threads die! :D

Any lucky person got the hd25s for 99 euros on spanish amazon? They were priced like this the whole week.... What a bargain. I would got one myself but i already have 2 pairs.... :D

Never seen them priced só low.... Now they are back to 179....
Jan 26, 2018 at 3:19 PM Post #2,923 of 3,351
I got the Oyaide cable for the hd25. I am on 50 hours of burn-in time and I have to say this cable it's amazing quality. It's crystal clear without adding any harshness. The background is cleaner, the soundstage is improved.
I tried this cable on my hd600 too and WOW. Now I need to open my wallet again to get another cable.

I also have another custom OFC copper cable for the hd25 and it sounds nice too, a bit more bassy than Oyaide not as clear and open. The good thing is that based on the mood you can switch cables and fine-tuning the headphone.

Now I am waiting to get the Momentum On-Ear case that fits also the hd25 and it's so cool. I'll post some picture later :)

The hd25 is an awesome thing!

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