Grado Signature HP100 SE

Nov 9, 2024 at 1:20 PM Post #61 of 696
Nov 9, 2024 at 1:46 PM Post #62 of 696
Assuming Grado doesnt test the drivers then you might experience break-in for a second according to the few tests I could find on the subject such as:
Or this:
IME the burn-in perceived with headphones is the break-in of pads or brain.
I wouldn’t believe anything that rtings says…
Yes, pads do change depending on material and usage, and should therefore be replaced regularly.

Perception/brain is in my experience the most malleable factor… so one might well get used to many different sound signatures, given enough time.

My local shop will carry the HP100, so I hope to sonn be ablenkte have a listen myself. Brightest Grado ever doesn’t sound too promising, but in the end I have to try for myself.
Nov 9, 2024 at 2:32 PM Post #63 of 696
Nov 9, 2024 at 3:46 PM Post #64 of 696
When Drew (at Moon Audio) said "it's like the HD800 and GS1000 had a baby", maybe he wasn't just talking about their spacious, expansive, soundstage, maybe he was also talking about both their brightness in the 6-7khz.
Nov 9, 2024 at 5:04 PM Post #65 of 696
I only had a brief listen but the immediate thing I noticed was how they sounded meaty and yet also spacious — it was an easy listen to my ears but with some sparkle … not dark but definitely not “super bright.”

They sounded to me like I imagined the PS2000e might sound — but the only Grado’s I own are from the Prestige line plus the Hemp and the original PS500.

They were definitely not as bright to my ears as the gold SR325i I have.

I also own the SR325X (also the special gold edition), SR225e, and SR125X.
Nov 9, 2024 at 5:31 PM Post #67 of 696
This guy said the HP100 was the brightest headphone at CanJam.
He seems to have a very low tolerance for bright headphones from what I gather about his other impressions. I’m more worried about him saying it’s the most mid recessed headphone.
Sounds like a “V” frequency response—a lot of bass and treble compared to mids. Very disappointing indeed.

I get that the G Cush takes the 2khz peak of F/L Cush and shifts it to 6-7khz and that it will distance the mids but it seems they didn’t compensate enough in the tuning of the driver.

With more impressions coming my anxious excitement turned more and more to anxiety and fear and now just to plain disappointment.
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Nov 9, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #68 of 696
He seems to have a very low tolerance for bright headphones from what I gather about his other impressions. I’m more worried about him saying it’s the most mid recessed headphone.
As someone who just pulled the trigger on these last night it’s a little disappointing to hear that. I can deal with bright but most recessed even compared to hifiman… does not sound good.
Nov 9, 2024 at 5:50 PM Post #69 of 696
As someone who just pulled the trigger on these last night it’s a little disappointing to hear that. I can deal with bright but most recessed even compared to hifiman… does not sound good.

You should contact Grado to cancel your order. I'd wait for more feedback from people we trust, since the initial impressions haven’t been great.
Nov 9, 2024 at 6:01 PM Post #70 of 696
Being someone who never heard a difference, outside of listening error and maybe a changed mood, from break-in. I doubt a super bright HP will settle down all that much.. Yes transducers are mechanical and will change, but I unfortunately can’t hear anything worth worrying about..
Nov 9, 2024 at 7:55 PM Post #71 of 696
Hey everyone, I will only respond to things I've read that are not subjective, we are all allowed to have our opinions and at the end of the day the only opinion that should matter to any of us is our own.

We've been working hard to begin shipping and the plan is that headphones will start leaving the building this week. I believe I saw a question about weight compared to the PS headphones, they are over 20% lighter than the Professional Series were. There is no wood they are all aluminum. Yes Schiit received their headphone on Wednesday and it was packed up and went to Dallas.

I saw an earlier comment that the headphones should ship with F style cushions since that's what the originals shipped with, the headphones are shipping with the G cushions as the standard cushion but we do include an pair of F style cushions as well.

I'll check in and try to answer what I can when I can...
Nov 9, 2024 at 8:08 PM Post #72 of 696
Hey everyone, I will only respond to things I've read that are not subjective, we are all allowed to have our opinions and at the end of the day the only opinion that should matter to any of us is our own.

We've been working hard to begin shipping and the plan is that headphones will start leaving the building this week. I believe I saw a question about weight compared to the PS headphones, they are over 20% lighter than the Professional Series were. There is no wood they are all aluminum. Yes Schiit received their headphone on Wednesday and it was packed up and went to Dallas.

I saw an earlier comment that the headphones should ship with F style cushions since that's what the originals shipped with, the headphones are shipping with the G cushions as the standard cushion but we do include an pair of F style cushions as well.

I'll check in and try to answer what I can when I can...
Thanks! Great news to hear that these are shipping out soon. @Uncle Wilson from Jaben Singapore has my early pre-order. It has been 15 years or so since I have bought a new pair of Grados. I look forward to mine. I believe the order would have asked for a longer cable. :)
Nov 9, 2024 at 8:12 PM Post #73 of 696
Thanks! Great news to hear that these are shipping out soon. @Uncle Wilson from Jaben Singapore has my early pre-order. It has been 15 years or so since I have bought a new pair of Grados. I look forward to mine. I believe the order would have asked for a longer cable. :)
Not sure where the order was placed, we don't have additional cables available yet hopefully in the next few weeks. There are plenty of great cable options out there to choose from.
Nov 9, 2024 at 8:30 PM Post #74 of 696
Hey everyone, I will only respond to things I've read that are not subjective, we are all allowed to have our opinions and at the end of the day the only opinion that should matter to any of us is our own.

We've been working hard to begin shipping and the plan is that headphones will start leaving the building this week. I believe I saw a question about weight compared to the PS headphones, they are over 20% lighter than the Professional Series were. There is no wood they are all aluminum. Yes Schiit received their headphone on Wednesday and it was packed up and went to Dallas.

I saw an earlier comment that the headphones should ship with F style cushions since that's what the originals shipped with, the headphones are shipping with the G cushions as the standard cushion but we do include an pair of F style cushions as well.

I'll check in and try to answer what I can when I can...
Pleas be assured my comment on my inability to hear improvements with driver break- in has nothing to do with Grado.. I own 4 Grado’s and enjoy them all. 👍
Nov 9, 2024 at 8:32 PM Post #75 of 696

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