May 6, 2016 at 3:46 PM Post #31,862 of 69,695
The GH-1 are definately the most unlimited ''limited edition'' headphones that I've ever seen.

May 6, 2016 at 4:45 PM Post #31,864 of 69,695
Hahah...that's funny. It is curious that they don't release how many were made. At this point I don't care. They sound great.

I care, but knowing Grado, I'm not surprised that they never published the GH-1's production number.
Grado should've never said that the GH-1 were a ''limited edition''.
They make great sounding headphones, but still, they're Lucky to have such forgiving fans,
I say fans because regular customers wouldn't put up with half of their shi%ty way of doing buisness. 

May 6, 2016 at 5:14 PM Post #31,865 of 69,695
I care, but knowing Grado, I'm not surprised that they never published the GH-1's production number.
Grado should've never said that the GH-1 were a ''limited edition''.
They make great sounding headphones, but still, they're Lucky to have such forgiving fans,
I say fans because regular customers wouldn't put up with half of their shi%ty way of doing buisness. 

I'm new to the high-end headphone world. Dealing with 4OurEars was great; amazing customer service (i ordered my gh1 from b&h). What's your experience been?
I read somewhere that they were expecting to produce ~1000 sets of headphones from that tree (for the GH-1 only?).
Maybe someone ese can shed some light on this, but I did a little bit of research into mahogany vs maple, and i think its possible that maple is better suited for music needs as Stradivarius use it in their violins, so maybe the resonant qualities are better than that of mahogany?
That being said, the mahogany had that beautiful rich smell, which seems weaker on the GH1 :)
May 6, 2016 at 5:22 PM Post #31,866 of 69,695
I'm new to the high-end headphone world. Dealing with 4OurEars was great; amazing customer service (i ordered my gh1 from b&h). What's your experience been?

I read somewhere that they were expecting to produce ~1000 sets of headphones from that tree (for the GH-1 only?).

Maybe someone ese can shed some light on this, but I did a little bit of research into mahogany vs maple, and i think its possible that maple is better suited for music needs as Stradivarius use it in their violins, so maybe the resonant qualities are better than that of mahogany?

That being said, the mahogany had that beautiful rich smell, which seems weaker on the GH1 :)
For me (in awe of Grado), I would not begin to second guess their designs. I have a feeling that wood for headphones has different requirements than wood for string instruments. I suspect there is more experience and experimentation than there is numbers and computations in their designs.

"First, we assume a spherical chicken."
May 6, 2016 at 5:47 PM Post #31,867 of 69,695
I'm new to the high-end headphone world. Dealing with 4OurEars was great; amazing customer service (i ordered my gh1 from b&h). What's your experience been?
I read somewhere that they were expecting to produce ~1000 sets of headphones from that tree (for the GH-1 only?).
Maybe someone ese can shed some light on this, but I did a little bit of research into mahogany vs maple, and i think its possible that maple is better suited for music needs as Stradivarius use it in their violins, so maybe the resonant qualities are better than that of mahogany?
That being said, the mahogany had that beautiful rich smell, which seems weaker on the GH1 :)

If you mean, the experience I've had with my Grado dealer, it's always been first class. I've been a client of theirs for 23 years.
If you're referring to my GH-1, I bought them from LPGrear, I also bought my n.o.s. RS1 from them, and I have no complaint about their service.
Regarding the expected 1000 pair of GH-1, I can't believe that after all this time, they're still shipping away at that tree. They have to know the final number by now.

May 6, 2016 at 6:01 PM Post #31,868 of 69,695
@stacker45: "...regular customers wouldn't put up with half of their shi%ty way of doing buisness."
Could you elaborate? or is it because you don't have a total number of GH-1s?
And what are your impressions of the GH1?
May 6, 2016 at 6:12 PM Post #31,869 of 69,695
  @stacker45: "...regular customers wouldn't put up with half of their shi%ty way of doing buisness."
Could you elaborate? or is it because you don't have a total number of GH-1s?
And what are your impressions of the GH1?

Try ordering replacement parts directly from them.  When they finally reply to your email they'll send you an invoice for the parts.  This part of the process can take a week sometimes.  Then you pay and may have to wait a month for them to ship the parts.  If you email them asking for a status update they'll tell you how they're a small business and the people in the office will get to it eventually.  Took me over a month to get some parts.  Not to mention they were rather rude in their email response.
May 6, 2016 at 6:20 PM Post #31,870 of 69,695
Just a quick question in relation to the current topic... If instead of replacement parts, what if one just ship a broken headphone to them, will it be quicker? I'm thinking the next time (don't know when), my friend comes home to the US, I'd like to ask him to bring my old sr60 and send it to Grado to fix. I doubt he will stay for vacation for a whole month though.
May 6, 2016 at 6:26 PM Post #31,871 of 69,695
If I bought a pair of Symphones Magnums with no other Grado listening experience to date, but love it enough to be a fan, am I allowed to hang out in the club and call myself a Grado fan or will I be shunned away like that one kid in school who's trying his hardest to fit in but is just missing the mark?
May 6, 2016 at 8:58 PM Post #31,872 of 69,695
  Try ordering replacement parts directly from them.  When they finally reply to your email they'll send you an invoice for the parts.  This part of the process can take a week sometimes.  Then you pay and may have to wait a month for them to ship the parts.  If you email them asking for a status update they'll tell you how they're a small business and the people in the office will get to it eventually.  Took me over a month to get some parts.  Not to mention they were rather rude in their email response.

Never had a single issue with Grado immediately responding to every single e-mail I've sent them.
And if I ever had an issue with any of my Grados I simply sent then in an they fixed them for free if they were still under warranty and if not, they are very reasonable with their service cost and turn around time IMO/IME. As a matter of fact, they even went over one of my Grados which was out of warranty for free. 

  If I bought a pair of Symphones Magnums with no other Grado listening experience to date, but love it enough to be a fan, am I allowed to hang out in the club and call myself a Grado fan or will I be shunned away like that one kid in school who's trying his hardest to fit in but is just missing the mark?

Hmm, we'll have to have a meeting about this and get back to you. 

May 6, 2016 at 9:16 PM Post #31,873 of 69,695
I havent listened to any of my Grados in +/- a month now because I've been listening to the 009/KGST and newly acquired Bride-ll for the Perfectwave DAC-ll through JRiver MC…very happy with the purchase to say the least! But, today I received my new stainless steel rod blocks/gimbals/tips thanks to @JoeDoe (thanks again) which of course I immediately installed on the GH-1 which then of course led me to listen to the GH-1/GS-1 combo…what a beautiful sounding HP and the whole chain comes together very nicely for both my Grados/009. Nice to hear the GH-1 after being away them it for a while.
May 6, 2016 at 9:54 PM Post #31,874 of 69,695
My interactions with Grado by email and phone have all been SUPERB!
  1. "I LOVE my PS500s and can't bear to take them off.  Will they work in the shower?"  ("No.")
  2. "Where is the best way to store my Grados?"  ("On your head!")
  3. "Can I get some of the extinct Grado wood boxes?"  ("We are out now but check in two months."  And in two months, "Yes.. one for on-ear and another for over-ear Grados."
  4. "I love the brown headband that you now use on the recent Reference Series (wood) - can I get one for my RS2e, which I bought new but before the change, and one for my HF-1 because it just plain will look sharp?"  ("Yes" (after a brief wait because they too were out of stock)).
  5. "What amp do you recommend for Grados?" ("Either our RA1 or the Schiit LYR2".")
  6. Will you fix the gimbal of my SR125 that broke?"  ("Yes" and sent me a gimbal no charge!)
  7. "My Bushmills wood cup cracked... can you fix it if I send it in?"  ("Yes" and did so in a week!)
  8. "Yike!  My OTHER wood cup came back cracked.  Can you fix it?"  ("Yes, no charge"  and fixed it AND sent it back within 90 minutes of taking delivery - tracking info showed this!)
Their email responses are brief and to the point... no corporate boilerplate doublespeak happy talk.

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