Goshdarn non understanding non audiophile mom and dad and brother.
Dec 24, 2002 at 1:17 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 34


1000+ M-m-er:Larthenon Marthenon.
Apr 28, 2002
I am trying to convince them that there is a difference between well recorded mp3 files and a regular compact disc but they just will not listen. So now they are telling me they are getting me a disc drive that is encoded for mp3s and that now there is no reason to be buying CD's. I told them that is not the way it is going to go and they just shake their heads and tell me too smarten up.

They tell me I do not know what I am talking about because I am not a proffesional mixer working in some slick studio.
Dec 24, 2002 at 1:22 AM Post #2 of 34
How well recorded are they talking about? Personally, i have trouble telling a difference between a 192 kps LAME mp3, and a CD.

If they're talking about 128 kps, then they're insane. Also, do they understand the concept that the music industry requies money to run? That artists have to eat as well? And yes, i realize how ridiclious that sounds.

And are they "professional mixers working in some slick studio"?
Dec 24, 2002 at 1:24 AM Post #4 of 34
Well you can send them on over my way. I don't work in a studio but I was trained as an audio engineer and have quite a bit of experience in the music/audio industry. I can most assuredly tell them that there is a quality difference between mp3's and CD's.
Dec 24, 2002 at 1:27 AM Post #5 of 34
I am using 126 but sometimes they sound like about 96 in quality

I usually use a Denon 370 with regular CD's.

No my folks don't know anything about recording studios. And my brother just finished high school by a hair. Actually he got a GED.

Yes I guess they do agree with the pirating idea
Dec 24, 2002 at 1:28 AM Post #6 of 34
In youth, some people mistakenly believe that age will bring agreement with their parents. Maturity comes not when the disagreement has ceased but when the desire to argue with them has.

Only a fool fights an argument in which the opposing side has no genuine interest or emotional stake.

Have you not enough people to argue with here at Head-Fi? Save battles with parents for more important things.
Dec 24, 2002 at 1:49 AM Post #9 of 34
Kelly, sometimes you amaze me.
A lot of times I can almost see you typing notes with your tongue firmly planted in your cheek, and I fail to see why some do not appreciate your humour. Keep up the good work, buddy.

Matt, talk to your parents about SACD and DVD-A

I guess your parents are trying to tell you that they believe that this is a phase you are going through. Do they perceive your music to just be "noise"? Mix it up a little with Jean Kruppa, Dean Martin, the DelFonics, etc. Britney Spears may not make it, while Yo Yo Ma, Sibelius, and Gershwin may.

Or perhaps they are trying to teach you to be frugal with your money. Speak to them. And like Kelly says, do not argue.
Dec 24, 2002 at 1:58 AM Post #10 of 34

Originally posted by wallijonn
I guess your parents are trying to tell you that they believe that this is a phase you are going through. Do they perceive your music to just be "noise"? Mix it up a little with Jean Kruppa, Dean Martin, the DelFonics, etc. Britney Spears may not make it, while Yo Yo Ma, Sibelius, and Gershwin may.

My parents music consits of country and more country.
Dec 24, 2002 at 2:54 AM Post #12 of 34

Originally posted by Snufkin
What, only one of the two types of music?

Elwood: Er.. what kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh we got both kinds. We got Country, and Western.
Dec 24, 2002 at 3:38 AM Post #13 of 34

Originally posted by Matthew-Spaltro
My parents music consits of country and more country.

you have bad genes, kill yourself before procreating!

it's sad that adults can't even deal with paying for music. i can understand them not being concerned at all with the quality, i'm sure they can't tell the difference, or just never sat down to try to. this much is understandable.

try turning the tables on them.. can they tell the difference between vhs and dvd? tell them that they shouldn't buy dvds, because they can easily rent vhs tapes from the store and copy them! it's the same movie! what's the difference?
Dec 24, 2002 at 3:42 AM Post #14 of 34
Grinch, that wouldn't work

If they say that there's a difference, it means nothing to them, there is a difference between VHS and DVD, but how does that make Mp3 and wav sound different in their heads?

And i'm all for killing yourself, or sitting on a microwave
Dec 24, 2002 at 6:09 AM Post #15 of 34

Matthew-Spaltro said...

a disc drive that is encoded for mp3s


ROFL, I think we can add non-computer-literate to the list as well!

akar said...

Elwood: Er.. what kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh we got both kinds. We got Country, and Western.

I love that movie.

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