Getting my only pair of headphones...
Aug 29, 2010 at 12:34 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


Sep 28, 2005
Hey everybody!
I am looking into getting a new pair of mid range headphones 150-300 dollar range and just cannot decide. I dont know jack about crap when it comes to headphones but i used to own a pair of senn 595s that i absolutely LOVED. I dont normally listen to pretty much every kind of music asside from rap or anything with a lot of base. I currently would be running them unamped but over the course of a few paychecks will get an amp. I loved the 595s but want to take this opportunity to try something new and had been looking at the k701/k702. A few people had recommended me a pair of grados but i dont know of a place to try any on and they really dont look comfortable.
Any suggestions or info to give?
Also i was looking is there a general knowledge thread about headphones, amps and the like?
Sep 29, 2010 at 6:54 PM Post #2 of 7
From what I've heard, the K701/702 sound terrible without an amp. There's a few amps that you can build for under $50 (I'm building the Millet "Starving Student" hybrid amp, which is going to set me back a whole $30
). With a good amp, the K701/702 will blow the HD595s away.
Sep 30, 2010 at 7:02 AM Post #3 of 7
[size=medium]K701/2 don’t sound that bad without an amp, as many owners know and will privately admit to but will not say out loud for fear of being stoned by the head-fi-myth-police. Most headphones sound fine without an amp actually, although you would not believe that reading these forums.[/size]
[size=medium]They sound better with one and that has got more and more exaggerated until we get people saying there is “no point” getting X,Y or Z headphones unless you have a $1k DAC and an amp worth the same.[/size]
[size=medium]K701/2's soundstage is a bit muddier without an amp, it's treble will shine less, it's mids less clear and will be lacking a bit of bass. The bass is the most obvious thing so if you don’t have a player with a decent equaliser you might be better off going elsewhere. But if I push the lowest EQ band up a few nothches on my S9 I really enjoy my K702 stright from the hp-out. They sound better with a portable amp and better still from a desktop - but these improvements ARE MASSIVELY over exagerrated here. [/size]
[size=medium]It comes I guess from doing a comparrison straight from an amp to a DAP when of course they will sound bad. If you go to a four star restaurant and then have a mars bar for dessert the mars bar will probably taste like cheap crap. Any other day it would taste great.[/size]
[size=medium]But they are very different to Sennheisers which you expressed a love for. Try scouring the classifieds for second hand HD600s or HD650s if you like more bass within your budget. Again, they will improve greatly with an amp. Again you do not NEED an amp to enjoy them, you could get them now and see your next purchase priority as an amp in the knowledge you will enjoy them even more when you get one.[/size]
Sep 30, 2010 at 7:05 AM Post #4 of 7
You could also take a look at the ATH-AD900s. Beautifully driven without an amp. The are very detailed and the mid/high presentation is amazing. The only thing lacking is a bit of bass, but you said you don't listen to music with a lot of bass anyway.
Sep 30, 2010 at 2:31 PM Post #5 of 7
I have gardo 60, hfi 780, ad700, hd 650 and k702 and I use them all with ipod and they all sound pretty good. Not as great as using with amp running cd player but it's ok. Out of 5 headphones I own, k702 sounds best with my ipod video ( I know it's old ).
Sep 30, 2010 at 6:53 PM Post #6 of 7
Have you gone on  There's a list of dealers and it's quite extensive.  In that price range for Grados, my current rec would be to try the 225i with G-Cushions (large bowls around your ears) for $245 and see/hear what you think.  They're much more comfortable, get the drivers farther away from your ears for a nice soundstage.  2 cents.

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