From MS1 to Grado RS2?

Jul 17, 2009 at 1:06 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


500+ Head-Fier
Jul 15, 2009
I've done a search, and read numerous threads on impressions of the RS2, and there's just far too much diversity of opinion to get any useful impressions, so I thought I'd ask my own question. Which may only give me more of the same

I've had an MS1 for many months now, and enjoy them a lot. I've added a DACmagic and a clone amp - which is a bit thin in the mids, but has oodles of power, which isn't really necessary for these phones I know, but it sounds nice with my DT250.

I'm going to the US in a month or so, and enjoying the Gradoesque sound (I know, the MS1 aren't quite the same), wanting some good open phones which are easy to drive, I'm thinking seriously about an RS2. No, an RS1 is out of my $$. I'm maxing out at US$500, and taking advantage of the $$ that the US enjoys with Grado's.

I've lined up some places whre I can demo and who will have stock, but I'm wondering if I can get any imprssions of what to expect, coming from the MS1?

Bear in mind, I'm really familiar with the MS2 and MSpro. I've auditioned the MS2 to death, loved them instantly but couldn't live with them long term; too aggressive. I know, that definitely rules out the 325 as well.

The MSpro was nice, but smoothly, blandly so. I spent less time getting to know it, and that's because the $$ are too exotic for me, and it really didn't grab me enough to get to know it better. But if it were half the price...

So any help on what to expect from the RS2, given my reference points here? Thanks.
Jul 17, 2009 at 1:35 PM Post #2 of 16

Originally Posted by Drubbing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm maxing out at US$500, and taking advantage of the $$ that the US enjoys with Grado's.

You know, you could probably get an RS-1 for that price on the FS forum.
Jul 17, 2009 at 1:47 PM Post #3 of 16

Originally Posted by aristos_achaion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You know, you could probably get an RS-1 for that price on the FS forum.

Thanks, but I don't buy phones without demoing, I'm not the, buy n sell on if I don't like em, type.
Jul 18, 2009 at 7:37 PM Post #4 of 16
If you can hear the new RS-2i and like it, go ahead and buy it from the States. I have heard from a fellow finnish head-fier that RS-2i is suppose to be better sounding than the old model (with RS-1 it is the opposite, older is better).
Jul 18, 2009 at 11:44 PM Post #5 of 16
RS-2 .... a fantastic hp . A few years ago I upgraded from the SR-80 to the RS-2 .... been enjoying them ever since .

A very intimate hp that offers tonnes of detail , pratt , and airiness and the bass really shines . A "warm" Grado with lots of punch . Given substantial break in , they are without a doubt top tier IMO .

Those who say " dont settle for anything less than RS-1 " , have not IMO spent nearly enough time with an RS-2 . Try them ...draw your own conclusions . They are my "go to" hp when Im not in that GS1k type of mood .

Good luck .
Jul 19, 2009 at 1:40 AM Post #7 of 16
What do you think of the MSPro's? Do you feel they are worth the money? Did you like the presentation? The RS-2's are closer in line with the MS-Pros in some ways than the RS-1's.
Jul 20, 2009 at 6:44 PM Post #8 of 16
I did have all the three last autumn...

RS-2 had the most "fun" sound and did have a very special place in my heart despite some shortbacks in the sound. Those went for my father's 50th birthday present.

RS-1 was with old style Garamond font and the most annoying thing was their muffled mids. I find them worst of the three. I sold these to a friend.

MS-Pro was a pure bliss from Little Dot MKIV SE and sounded much clearer in every way than RS-1 or RS-2. I probably regret a little for selling them because they sounded very very good with a right gear.

MS-Pro's lost their magic when I sold the Little Dot and bought Audio-gd C2C which back then wasn't burned-in properly and the Zhaolu was totally stock.

Now I have ordered HF-2's and I'm waiting them with high expectations because I like the PS-1 very much.

Jul 20, 2009 at 7:11 PM Post #9 of 16
I upgraded from MS-1's to the RS-2... The RS-2 is overall more agressive in sound compared to the MS-1. I really do think the RS-2 is a good phone, but it wasnt what i was after or i wouldve kept them
I actually enjoyed my K601 over them in alot of ways at the time.
Jul 20, 2009 at 7:33 PM Post #10 of 16

Originally Posted by Seba /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I find them worst of the three. I sold these to a friend.

What a good friend you are:P
Jul 20, 2009 at 10:32 PM Post #11 of 16

Originally Posted by Henmyr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What a good friend you are:P

He just said friend, not necessarily good friend
Jul 20, 2009 at 11:14 PM Post #12 of 16
I don't understand the "don't buy without demo-ing" philosophy as it applies here - do you plan on demo-ing the RS2 or have you already, or are you planning on just buying it?

The reason I ask is that Audiogon has had a "Used-RS1-for-under-$500" party over the last week or so, so if you're open to picking one up there's a good chance you can nab one inside your budget.
Jul 21, 2009 at 3:05 AM Post #13 of 16
THanks everyone. Can't get the multiquote working so:

Aman - Yes, I'll be demo-ing when I go to the states (finding a dealer in LA with an RS2 in stock is not easy though). I just wanted to get some impressions in relation to the MS1 beforehand.

Zanth - I liked the MSPro, very clear, very smooth, classy sounding, but not worth it (for me) @ $1000AUD. So if the RS2 is close to the Pro, then it's a good deal IMO.

I'll try the 225 as well for comparison, if I can get to hear both. Dealers are cutting back on stock held these days. In LA, none of them I contacted have any RS2 in stock, and aren't getting in an RS2i to replace their RS2 demo's.
Jul 21, 2009 at 3:07 AM Post #14 of 16
I have owned the MS-1s and the RS-2. I would say for starters the RS-2 has a deeper more refined bass, better mid-range especially with acoustic guitar that is easily distinguishable if you directly compared them side by side. The MS-1 seems to be more "laid back", I used them to mix and create music on Reason 4 with a friend of mine (who I actually sold them to). The RS-2 is more fun to listen to, especially with Rock and Reggae, more up front and involving then with the subdued effect of the MS-1. I have yet a way to describe this...but the MS-1 almost feel as if I can "hear" where the music comes from, whereas the RS-2 is faster and the sound almost appears from nowhere. My observations though. I would recommend them if you are going to listen to a lot of rock, that is where I think they sound the best in all the musical genres. Then again, I've never heard the RS-1 or any other high end Grado to say if spending the extra money is worth it.
Jul 21, 2009 at 7:44 PM Post #15 of 16

Originally Posted by Henmyr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What a good friend you are:P

My friend has been always enthusiastic about the RS-1 and he had some SR-60 before. I sold the RS-1 with flats to him, because he likes them that way.

Oh, and a sidenote: I do like the RS-1 but only the first one with brown headband, gold L & R and wooden box. My uncle has had them since '95 and they sound very good with bowls too.

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