Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
Dec 1, 2015 at 2:43 AM Post #1,037 of 12,089
  TH-X00 vs.
  1. Beyerdynamic DT-770/880/990: Less treble for sure. Beyond that, I haven't heard any of those for a couple years.
  2. Fidelio, Grado: No idea because I've heard but never owned them.
The clarity and soundstage are quite good for a closed can. 
The frequency response is kinda like if you pushed down treble above 5kHz and bass below ~300-400Hz by 4-6dB.
There's still color and character to the headphone and you can tell they're made by Foster Electronics for sure, they're just less colored than the predecessors.
Bass is impactful and extended, but not as impactful as the TH600/TH900 with the default sound signature. Treble has air, but not glare. The low mid suckout is not nearly as pronounced, and mids in general are more forward since the bass and treble are less prominent.
The pads are not the same as TH600/TH900 pads, and unfortuantely I don't have any of those on hand to try out. For most people, they'll be big enough. My ears are tall and they don't fit inside.
HM5 pads will fit nicely, as with Lawton and Alpha pads. Audeze pads are slightly big but do fit as well.
Compared to the JVC HP-DX1000, I'm not yet prepared to say I prefer the Fostex TH-X00. I'll have to burn them in and and listen quite a bit more to be sure.
I do prefer them to the TH600.
You might wonder why, given that I'm a basshead.
The reason is that I like the entire frequency response stock, and the reduced treble is huge for me because I'm sensitive to treble.
Since I am indeed a basshead, I use EQ and/or hardware bass boost when I want extra bass with all of my headphones. The TH-X00 has the same bass potential as its brethren despite having reduced stock bass.
Because of that and the beauty of the cups, this is my favorite Foster-made headphone I've ever heard.

I would hope it would be better then the DX 1000. Will see how it does my DX 1000 is modded and balanced  as well :)
Dec 1, 2015 at 3:51 AM Post #1,038 of 12,089
The more I look at the mahogany, the more I am attracted to by it...I don't know why, but it is damn beautiful, vs the th900 which was never that appealing to me.

Quoted: wiki
Mahogany has a straight, fine, and even grain, and is relatively free of voids and pockets. Its reddish-brown color darkens over time, and displays a reddish sheen when polished. It has excellent workability, and is very durable. Historically, the tree's girth allowed for wide boards from traditional mahogany species. These properties make it a favorable wood for crafting cabinets and furniture.

Much of the first-quality furniture made in the American colonies from the mid 18th century was made of mahogany, when the wood first became available to American craftsmen. Mahogany is still widely used for fine furniture; however, the rarity of Cuban mahogany and over harvesting of Honduras and Brazilian mahogany has diminished their use.

Mahogany also resists wood rot, making it attractive in boat construction. It is a tonewood,[37] often used for musical instruments, particularly the backs, sides and necks of acoustic guitars and drum shells because of its ability to produce a very deep, warm tone compared to other commonly used woods such as maple or birch.[38][39] Guitars featuring mahogany in their construction include Martin D-18, select Taylor Guitars, Gibson Les Paul.

Let's just hope it hasn't come straight from one of those forests with lots of 'rain'! Maybe Will can confirm this....?
Dec 1, 2015 at 5:48 AM Post #1,042 of 12,089
Sorry for stalking you Luckbad but I got happy when you mention it was good for gaming. I am trying to get through this thread. I am a bit odd because I ask for more neutrality for gaming then for music. DX 1000 I find hard to game with due to the reverb and colour don´t sound right unless you are on a submarine. But for classical it´s just aaaaaw!
Do you or anyone have the CD3K as well? Now that is a dream gaming headphone for me I shiver for the day it breaks. 
Dec 1, 2015 at 6:05 AM Post #1,044 of 12,089
Sorry for stalking you Luckbad but I got happy when you mention it was good for gaming. I am trying to get through this thread. I am a bit odd because I ask for more neutrality for gaming then for music. DX 1000 I find hard to game with due to the reverb and colour don´t sound right unless you are on a submarine. But for classical it´s just aaaaaw!

Do you or anyone have the CD3K as well? Now that is a dream gaming headphone for me I shiver for the day it breaks. 

I have something close, an sa3000/5000 hehe
Dec 1, 2015 at 6:06 AM Post #1,045 of 12,089
Dec 1, 2015 at 6:25 AM Post #1,046 of 12,089
It seems not only me that love the different sounds sig than th900, as thx00 is more bass controlled, mid a bit forward, and trebles is less hot according to reviewers. There are 200+ requesting another drop already lol....with better mahogany look. I think fostex may have had another winner beside th900. I don't know how many th900 was sold, but thx00 is going to be a record breaking headphones to ever sold this!
Dec 1, 2015 at 7:35 AM Post #1,047 of 12,089
Dec 1, 2015 at 8:02 AM Post #1,049 of 12,089
Sorry for stalking you Luckbad but I got happy when you mention it was good for gaming. I am trying to get through this thread. I am a bit odd because I ask for more neutrality for gaming then for music. DX 1000 I find hard to game with due to the reverb and colour don´t sound right unless you are on a submarine. But for classical it´s just aaaaaw!

Do you or anyone have the CD3K as well? Now that is a dream gaming headphone for me I shiver for the day it breaks. 

I actually thought dx1000 was superb for gaming. Bass was excellent and soundstage as well. I found it very immersive. Many enjoy it for movies also.

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