Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

Sep 26, 2014 at 8:23 AM Post #7,966 of 18,802
I am not really that crazy about the red urushi finish, in fact if I had a choice to get TH900 without the red cup cheaper I would have.
I prefer the natural wood look than the red gloss finish, but that's just me
(Coming from someone loves doing woodworking).

I am with you on that. In fact that red finish is the only thing stopping me from getting this headphone.
Sep 26, 2014 at 10:55 AM Post #7,967 of 18,802
I am with you on that. In fact that red finish is the only thing stopping me from getting this headphone.

Lol I find that statement ironic given your forum name.  You should consider changing your forum name to "PleasantLooks".

Sep 26, 2014 at 11:06 AM Post #7,968 of 18,802
I am with you on that. In fact that red finish is the only thing stopping me from getting this headphone.

lol the red finish is gorgeous. that is the half of the reason for the $730 price jump over the TH600. The TH900's beautiful looks and red finish is the only reason I would even consider spending $1000+ on a pair of headphones that are tuned towards a v-shaped sound sig. Though I think they are overpriced for their sound, so waiting til they drop under $1000... hahah. if that never happens, I guess i'll just never own them.
Sep 26, 2014 at 1:08 PM Post #7,969 of 18,802
  lol the red finish is gorgeous. that is the half of the reason for the $730 price jump over the TH600. The TH900's beautiful looks and red finish is the only reason I would even consider spending $1000+ on a pair of headphones that are tuned towards a v-shaped sound sig. Though I think they are overpriced for their sound, so waiting til they drop under $1000... hahah. if that never happens, I guess i'll just never own them.

I believe the tesla rating is also different, TH900 has much stronger magnets.
Sep 26, 2014 at 1:26 PM Post #7,970 of 18,802
I believe the tesla rating is also different, TH900 has much stronger magnets.

yup that is true... that is why I said the finish was half the reason! :) heh
Sep 26, 2014 at 6:13 PM Post #7,973 of 18,802
Ok, I just received my Ultrasone Edition 5, and of course, out of the same source (HUGO) I compared it to my TH-900, and surprise... I prefer the ED5  
I find the ED5 MUCH more detailed and after hearing it, I find the TH900 way to bass heavy.  (for example the Church Organ from the "Bach Toccata anf Fugue" (from the "simply amazing binaural Sound Show" from Chesky)  is almost un-listenable with my TH-900 because way to many bass, while it is pleasant with the ED5 because much more balanced.
With the ED5 I hear things that I never noticed in my recording before ! 
And as a side effect, I end up listening to the ED5 at a lower volume than I listen to the TH-900  (This is a good point for my hearing health ! ).  Indeed, with the ED5 I listen to details rather than trying to be immerged into a flow of music like I do with the TH-900.
So, I start to wonder if having had my TH900 re-cabled with  OCC cryogenised COOPER cable may finally not  been a good idea ? Don't cooper cable increase the Bass ?
--> Wouldn't a Silver cable have instead increased the details and reduced the bass ?  

I am confused.... I use to love my TH-900 but now...I find it too bassy, hyding details....  is there something wrong with my TH-900 ? the Cooper cable ? 
Sep 26, 2014 at 7:31 PM Post #7,974 of 18,802
Cables don't make that much difference especially with the th900 (from what I've experienced), it's more of a subtle change.
Sep 26, 2014 at 8:09 PM Post #7,975 of 18,802
  Ok, I just received my Ultrasone Edition 5, and of course, out of the same source (HUGO) I compared it to my TH-900, and surprise... I prefer the ED5  
I find the ED5 MUCH more detailed and after hearing it, I find the TH900 way to bass heavy.  (for example the Church Organ from the "Bach Toccata anf Fugue" (from the "simply amazing binaural Sound Show" from Chesky)  is almost un-listenable with my TH-900 because way to many bass, while it is pleasant with the ED5 because much more balanced.
With the ED5 I hear things that I never noticed in my recording before ! 
And as a side effect, I end up listening to the ED5 at a lower volume than I listen to the TH-900  (This is a good point for my hearing health ! ).  Indeed, with the ED5 I listen to details rather than trying to be immerged into a flow of music like I do with the TH-900.
So, I start to wonder if having had my TH900 re-cabled with  OCC cryogenised COOPER cable may finally not  been a good idea ? Don't cooper cable increase the Bass ?
--> Wouldn't a Silver cable have instead increased the details and reduced the bass ?  

I am confused.... I use to love my TH-900 but now...I find it too bassy, hyding details....  is there something wrong with my TH-900 ? the Cooper cable ? 

I think the ED5 is just proving to be a world class headphone. Nothing's wrong with the TH900. It's still one of, if not the best, basshead summit-fi can in existence. That could probably not be your cup of tea anymore after hearing what balanced sound from a good closed back sounds like. Even the extreme bass people in the thread give the TH900 top ratings. It's just that the ED5 is probably the all around more balanced headphone in a completely closed, very isolating design. If the price was just a bit more accessible/reasonable, the ED5 might have finally become the new standard in best, all-purpose, all-class, closed headphones in production. Ultrasone could have really won back their shaky relationship with the head fi community. But alas, that's not what is happening unless Ultrasone is coming out soon with a modified version of the ED5 for ~2k or less with the same driver, same sound, just cheaper materials and less accessories. 
Sep 26, 2014 at 11:19 PM Post #7,976 of 18,802
  I think the ED5 is just proving to be a world class headphone. Nothing's wrong with the TH900. It's still one of, if not the best, basshead summit-fi can in existence. That could probably not be your cup of tea anymore after hearing what balanced sound from a good closed back sounds like. Even the extreme bass people in the thread give the TH900 top ratings. It's just that the ED5 is probably the all around more balanced headphone in a completely closed, very isolating design. If the price was just a bit more accessible/reasonable, the ED5 might have finally become the new standard in best, all-purpose, all-class, closed headphones in production. Ultrasone could have really won back their shaky relationship with the head fi community. But alas, that's not what is happening unless Ultrasone is coming out soon with a modified version of the ED5 for ~2k or less with the same driver, same sound, just cheaper materials and less accessories. 

I guess I'm a bit more skeptical of Ultrasone...the Ed.8 was nice but the recent releases of closed headphones like the P7, HP50 and H6 all sound better (and cost less than $400). The Ed10 was a horrible mistake. 
Sep 26, 2014 at 11:27 PM Post #7,977 of 18,802
@ bmichels - the th900's bass isn't hiding anything. it doesn't bleed into the mids which are slightly recessed anyways. it's a very resolving can with a clean sound that comes out of a black background. maybe the ed5 is just presenting the details in a different way and it's a new toy. but if you end up liking it more then you've found a can that's more right for you which is a good thing right? it's nothing to stress over and it doesn't devalue what the th900 does well. plus the sony mdr-z7 is coming. ;)
Sep 26, 2014 at 11:32 PM Post #7,978 of 18,802
  I think the ED5 is just proving to be a world class headphone. Nothing's wrong with the TH900. It's still one of, if not the best, basshead summit-fi can in existence. That could probably not be your cup of tea anymore after hearing what balanced sound from a good closed back sounds like. Even the extreme bass people in the thread give the TH900 top ratings. It's just that the ED5 is probably the all around more balanced headphone in a completely closed, very isolating design. If the price was just a bit more accessible/reasonable, the ED5 might have finally become the new standard in best, all-purpose, all-class, closed headphones in production. Ultrasone could have really won back their shaky relationship with the head fi community. But alas, that's not what is happening unless Ultrasone is coming out soon with a modified version of the ED5 for ~2k or less with the same driver, same sound, just cheaper materials and less accessories. 

The ED5 sounds like an upgraded ED8. How all purpose that makes it is still questionable.

Saying the ED5 is more balanced than the TH900 (which is not a balanced headphone) is still pushing it. The TH900 sounds more U curved while the ED5 is treble heavy.

Sep 27, 2014 at 3:09 AM Post #7,979 of 18,802
The ED5 sounds like an upgraded ED8. How all purpose that makes it is still questionable.

Saying the ED5 is more balanced than the TH900 (which is not a balanced headphone) is still pushing it. The TH900 sounds more U curved while the ED5 is treble heavy.


Have you heard the ED5 yourself? I'm not sure, but all the impressions in the ED5 thread claim that the ED5 isn't treble heavy at all or harsh. They claimed it is very resolving and Ultrasone fixed the harsh high problem. Of course, I'm only going by reports myself as well because I haven't heard it. Back to the TH900 now! 

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